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Question of 2012

by: puzzled

Mon Jan 02, 2012 at 10:03:27 AM PST

Despite my best intentions to start posting more content here, and in particular more QotD's, I am human, and have let my real life take precedence over my blogging life.    

Mea Culpa

Now, I don't make resolutions--I think they are just a recipe for failure, so I won't promise to improve my spotty posting record in 2012.  

However...join me on the other side of the metaphorical fold, which DA loves to reference, and which I know makes Maryscott nuts, for more of the rambling, disjointed thoughts which seem to be my stock in trade these days.

puzzled :: Question of 2012
Apparently 2012 is going to be a big deal.  Some sort of election-thingy, I think?

It would be nice to revitalize My Left Wing in 2012 since it is, my offerings notwithstanding, at its core a political blog.

Yes, there are other political blogs out there, some quite large and orange-y, but this place is where I got my start blogging, and it's always been a refuge from the pie fights over there (not to say we haven't had our own...interesting... moments over the years).

So the question...damn, I'm out of practice here...

What would you like to see more of here in 2012?  

Would you be willing to write something occasionally, either personal or political?  

A QotD?

Did you make any resolutions?  Still sticking with them?

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Question of 2012 | 16 comments
Oops (8.00 / 1)
I meant that to be a 10!!!

In a democracy, citizens get the government they deserve.  Scary, ain't it.  

[ Parent ]
Politlcal vs Existential? (10.33 / 3)
The older I get the less I care about the nitty gritty of politics.  33 years ago I was heavily involved in DFL politics in Minnesota as a "campaign manager" for a state legislator and as an officer for precinct and county and congressional district parties.  I also was the lead staffer for a public policy research organization that put together action plans and presented them to the Minnesota legislature as well as the Congress and state and federal bureaucracies.  It was a gas, but it was not much different then it is now due to the  short sightedness of politicians who can only think to the next election and are too afraid to lead.

Now I'm more interested in how we can find truth in a compost heap of ideology and fake end-timer religion.  How can one engage someone in a dialogic search for truth if that someone doesn't even accept you as a fellow citizen due to a manichaean Us vs. Them world view?  How can we engage people to accept that they have a shared humanity with every other person on this planet, and that therefore (if one has a conscience) has obligations as well as rights, if their definition of humanity is so reductionistic that it only includes themselves and those who look and think just like they do?

Actually, this stuff is the real stuff of politics rather than just who gets what.  

In a democracy, citizens get the government they deserve.  Scary, ain't it.  

I <3 puzzled (7.00 / 2)
and I'm sorry for showing up and dropping out again.

Of course I'd be willing to write here, if you'll still have me and if I can think of something to say.

What would I like to see more of? I'd like to see more good conversation. I'd like to see us get at our shades of gray respectfully.

No resolutions this year. Not saying I couldn't use a couple, but I don't need another thing I drop to feel badly about :)


Rachel! (9.00 / 2)
Happy New Year to you and the family.

Hey--I'm just a placeholder here--you are the true QotD queen.  Love to see you write here when you have time.

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

[ Parent ]
Ah, c'mon, Rachel and puzzled (5.00 / 1)
You both are important; you should know that by now. I enjoy seeing you both write here. Please, don't stop.

Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: --8.38

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: --7.64

[ Parent ]
thanks, sandhill (7.50 / 2)
I'm going to keep on doing what I'm doing, but would love Rachel, you, anyone, to write when the mood strikes them.  

I just don't feel the burning passion for politics right now. I'm still kind of hiding from the world, introspective, and don't think I need to turn the blog into my own personal therapy couch, especially in an election year.

Loved the piece you wrote--it was great getting to know you a little better.  Any time the mood strikes, feel free to share whatever is on your mind.  

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

[ Parent ]
Possible contributions, personal or political. (0.00 / 0)
Hopefully despite my full school schedule, I will be able to contribute frequently.

I hope that won't discourage anyone else. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I guess my contributions usually don't attract much response. Maybe I'm missing something. Just a thought.

Maybe it's stating the obvious? I don't know. Whatever.

I'll plug away at it anyway. If I get too bothersome, just let me know. This old fart does take awhile to understand.

Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: --8.38

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: --7.64

it's not you (7.00 / 2)
it's really, really slow here lately.  I'm hoping 2012 will bring back some of the old regulars, maybe attract some fresh faces, and we can get some interesting discussions going once again.

Write.  Please.

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

[ Parent ]
writer's block (7.00 / 1)
Since joining this community, I have admired contributors who post essays regularly. I have started at least a dozen essays in the last three months; at least one of those essays, I've started, stopped, restarted a dozen times.

I'm too picky. I  hold myself back. I lose control of my narrative and delete, rewrite, delete, and  rewrite. Eventually my ideas become a tangle in the twisted skein of my words.

For now, I'll stick to comments as often as possible.  

I know exactly how you feel (0.00 / 0)
When I don't write, I can't write.  But once I get started, it gets easier.  Keep at it--you really do write beautifully, and I'd love to read anything you want to share.

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

[ Parent ]
As was proven by 2008 (8.00 / 4)
I'm a junkie for the nuts and bolts (and often the flat washers) of electoral politics.

Sadly, I'm not really as connected this year, as I assume the President Obama will get the Republican Lite Democratic nomination.

And these boobs running for the GOP are hysterical, so they tend to make me ignore the numbers just to watch the dog and pony show.

Of course, I hope it is a dog and pony show.  If it was a donkey show, then Santorum would win hands down (eeewwwww).

DA is The Most Interesting Man in the World. - Karmafish

OH, and I'm sure I'll write a few things (10.00 / 3)
after the damn wedding!!!

11 more days to go.

That $5,000 bucks and a plane ticket to Vegas still seems like a good idea.

But my top hat, cane and white gloves should surprise the bride!!!

DA is The Most Interesting Man in the World. - Karmafish

[ Parent ]
DA (5.50 / 2)
It sounds wonderful.  Be sure to share the details with us afterwards.

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

[ Parent ]
and pictures! (8.00 / 2)
That top hat, cane, and white gloves should get everyone's intention.

Do you plan to wear anything else?

[ Parent ]
Question of 2012 | 16 comments

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