My Silver State

Commodities Are The Future

Gold and Silver Still on the Rise

Even though most people see that the economy is in a state of crisis, the prices of gold and silver still continue to rise.  Everyday once can see the price indices show that the values are showing no signs of depreciating.  You can even turn on the television and the commercial after commercial asking for you to send in your gold and silver to sell.  Pawn shops, and other similar places are also paying top dollar for products containing these two items.  So, for the near future it is apparent that gold and silver values will continue to rise, and the outlook shows that they will continue to do so for quite some time.  Anyone with a lot of gold or silver is sure to be able to make a lot of quick cash should they choose to sell some of their collection during this seller’s market.

The Gold Connection

With the economy in shambles, the price of gold has continued to rise. Buying gold and silver is not only a good investment, but many people are banking on using it for their trades in the future. The baby boomers are feeling the pressure of an unpredictable financial future due to lost investments and the continued national financial crisis. Americans are particularly concerned more than ever about the value of the dollar. Making investments that they can actually put their hands on is becoming more appealing by the day.

Since the onset of the most recent recession many people have dug deep into the jewelry boxes to sell their most prized possessions. Recruiting hosts for home parties, many buyers set up camp in the dining rooms of small homes offering cash for gold and silver pieces. In the midst of financial oppression, men and women have lined up to trade in their broken or unwanted jewelry at the chance of walking out with a thicker wallet.  Some parted with family heirlooms in order to pay bills and put food on the table.

Now, as the price of gold continues to rise, some investors are beginning to buy it up again, believing that the paper dollar will soon have seen it’s day. Many have lost their faith in the stock market and feel that the continued decline in the economy is proof enough that it’s time once again to hide your money under the mattress. Following in the steps of their ancestors, these investors are filling their safe deposit boxes with assets that will sustain them if the need to trade should arise. Therein, their hopes are set on the price of gold maintaining a substantial value to keep their pockets rich in assets. Gold has proven to be a trustworthy investment over the centuries past.

Buy Gold to Stimulate the Economy

As the economy continues to struggle to recover from the recent recession one item that has become a hot ticket is gold. Gold has held it’s value through out the years and now its value is the highest that it has ever been. Many people are selling their gold to suppliers to be melted down into new pieces. Others are buying gold up to ensure their financial future over the choices of investing in unstable stocks. While the stock market may slide up and down and destroy the retirement security that many people have built through out their lives, gold remains a worthy and stable commodity.

Since gold is a worthy investment many people are buying gold to use as an asset to their self-worth in terms of financial status and stability. Some believe that there will be a time where trading will once again become necessary. For that reason, many of these people are collecting gold in great amounts to ensure that they will not be refused food and other basic supplies. As people continue to pull their investments from the stock market with the fluctuation of the markets, gold seems to bring investors a sense of security that will not quickly loose it’s value or vanish overnight.

Some places to look for inexpensive gold pieces include garage sales, pawn shops, estate sales, thrift stores and antique shops. Since many people cannot distinguish between pure gold and a gold imitation, you can easily locate items that others have counted as trash, as treasure. Buying gold is an investment that will hold its value and give you the financial security you need. Be wise and do not place all of your investments in the same basket. Having stocks and bonds are a typical part of today’s financial portfolios, and having a stash of gold in the bank to back it up makes perfect sense.

Selling Gold and Silver

For those who are looking to make a little extra cash in this economy, the price of gold and silver makes cleaning out your jewelry box worthwhile. Jewelers are buying up broken and unused gold and silver pieces at record costs. One way to locate a buyer for your jewelry is to call local jewelry stores and ask if they are currently purchasing gold and silver jewelry. Be sure to check around for various rates on the prices for gold and silver to avoid being swindled. Just because a buyer may promote to pay top dollar or to make the highest pay out does not mean that they actually do.

Another way to sell your unwanted gold and silver is to host a home party. Many jewelers will come to your home to buy pieces from you and your friends. You can sell your own jewelry and make a percentage of the purchases from your friends’ sales as well. Doing this will be to your benefit, as you earn money for your bank account and in turn, can stimulate the economy while on your shopping spree after the fact. Your friends will enjoy collecting their part of the treasure when they bring their odd earrings, broken necklaces and unwanted high school rings. Some may even want to trade in their silver spoons and old charms at the chance to collect some money to put toward a new ring they have been eyeing.

Be sure you always trade for cash and do not hand over your gold or silver without receiving an immediate payment. Be weary of any offers to mail in your valuables and receive a check later. You will not be guaranteed insurance in the event your items are lost, stolen or is payment is never received. Selling your gold and silver can give you some money in your pocket to go shopping and stimulate the economy.

Silver is the Secret Gold

While so many are running around buying up gold these days, there are a few wild treasure hunters out looking for silver. The whispers say that all gold must be accounted for where the government is concerned. Silver on the other hand, does not. It holds its value and will make a great trade. Just as trading was popular in centuries past, some expect that we may begin trading again in the near future. The older generations remember the times of the Great Depression when the economy hit rock bottom and suffered for many years as it recovered. The struggles of our current economy seem all too reminiscent of a time where trading became a necessity and the value of the dollar was non-existent.

Purchasing silver pieces that can be stored in safe deposit boxes and hope chests has become a popular trend for many. While silver jewelry is fun to wear, some seek the items for their treasure chest and not their personal use. Silver is easy to find and can even be inexpensive to purchase. You can look for silver pieces at garage and estate sales, auctions, pawn shops and thrift stores. Since so may people confuse silver plated items with silver, it is easy to find these silver treasures for a small amount of pocket change and add to your shining collection.

The economy still continues to suffer while many sit back and develop a back up plan in case it is needed for trading. Silver is a popular commodity and is filling china cabinets and chests waiting as a back up plan in case of another depression. It is also being passed down from generation to generation. Silver can stand the test of time and the current purchases of silver are stimulating the economy.

Stimulating the Economy

With the economy still struggling from the most recent recession it is no surprise that retailers are relying heavily on back to school sales and looking forward to the holiday season. The hopes are to level out the sales for the year in order to show a profit margin. Many stores are exhibiting tremendous sales in order to draw in customers and keeping the cash register busy. Consumers are tending to be more resourceful these days buying shopping clearance racks, thrift stores and using what they already own keeping splurge purchases to a minimum. Retailers are having to find new and creative ways to lure customers into the store including offers of free items with purchase, store credits for return visits and coupons vouchers for credit toward purchases.

Consumers are shopping with a keen eye for a deal. Coupons are being used more than ever and have the Sunday paper news rack empty before daylight. Reality television shows are teaching people how to beat the system and walk out with the arms and wallets full. While retail stores still benefit from the traffic this new craze is putting a damper on their income. Consumers turn out to be less likely to buy new products or non-sale items. Retailers are also finding that impulse items are not turning over in the way they used to which provided a significant part of their income. For this reason many consumers are using new tags and labels to catch your eye at the checkout. While the items may not even be on sale, the tag is presented in a new way and your mind is more likely to give the item a second glance.

Another tactic retailers are using is offering less checkout lanes. You are more apt to make impulse purchases the longer you stand in line. Knowing this, retailers want you to stand in line a little longer and place key items in your path in hopes that you will pick up and extra item or two along the way to the checkout. These purchases not only benefit the store, but the overall economy as well.