Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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There may be untold millions of onetime Obama supporters whose feelings of hope have significantly diminished since, say, November 2008—and with good reason. But on Tuesday night, one of the president’s celebrity supporters, Scarlett Johansson, showed she’s still willing to stump for Obama at a gath...Truthdig shared a link.
A $750 million, 104 acre complex that employs 16,000 people might have been George W. Bush’s concept of an embassy, but the people who run the country that happens to surround America’s fortress in Baghdad aren’t thrilled and the State Department has decided to scale back. (more) - 2012/02/08Truthdig shared a link.
Washington became the seventh state to enter into the distinguished company of those that recognize the right of gays and lesbians to marry when the House passed Gov. Chris Gregoire’s same-sex marriage bill with a 55-43 vote Wednesday. Gregoire is expected to sign the bill into law within the next f...Truthdig shared a link.
Bashar al-Assad’s government rained more than 200 bombs on the opposition-controlled city of Homs on Wednesday, killing an unconfirmed 27 people and demolishing homes. The Russian and Chinese governments maintained their policy of nonintervention while leaders of Western and Arab nations scrambled t...Truthdig shared a link.
Animated movies make a bundle on commercial tie-ins, but “The Lorax” presented something of a challenge for Universal. After all, you can’t have plastic replicas of Dr. Seuss’ champion of the environment piling up in a landfill somewhere. The studio found a way to cash in by greenwashing its licensi...Truthdig shared a link.
New York City’s hotels have agreed to arm housekeepers with personal panic buttons for use in emergencies, including the event of unwelcome advances from guests. The decision likely results from an increased concern for worker safety stirred up by the alleged sexual assault of a housekeeper by forme...Truthdig shared a link.
Once in a while, Bill O’Reilly strays from the expected Fox News formula and surprises us with his politics, as he did in this clip from Monday’s “O’Reilly Factor,” in which he compares the bid by the conservative women’s group One Million Moms to boycott JC Penney for picking Ellen DeGeneres as the...