Robert James: Glimmer of Hope regarding Obama? (3)
Barbara Stakes: Obama's Struggle Against the Powerful and the Ignorant (1)
Paul Sedkowski: What is Your Favorite Candidate's Political Vision? (4)
Stephen Lendman: Israeli Political Prisoner Khader Adnan Near Death
Mark Overt Skilbred: *Subsidizing Healthfood (2)
Abdus-Sattar Ghazali: US drones also targeting mourners and rescuers in Pakistan (1)
Robert Parry: Rigging American "Democracy"
Paul Craig Roberts: The January Jobs Are Statistical Artifacts
David Snieckus: *Attorney Gernerals: Do NOT settle with Banks! (11)
Jay Janson: *Three GOP Presidentials Commit Crime Against Peace Under Nuremberg Principles
Alfred McGuire: Obama Drone Strkes in Pakistan Have Targeted Funeral-Goers and Rescuers
Gregory Paul: How Newt and the Theocon Embrace of His Adultery Expose the Decline of the Religious Right
TJ Walker: Has Mitt Romney Shown Religious Intolerance? (1)
GLloyd Rowsey: Four Parting Shots by Kehinde Wylie
William Finnerty: "under God", and not under "tin-gods in the judiciary"
Steven G. Erickson: Boston to NYC, the condition of trains, subway, buses
Mhenriday: US preparing something against Iran - expert
Sheila Coombes: Ex-pat Iranian Dissidents Show Their True Colours
Cumhur Ozkaya: Little vampires: "Don't be afraid of the dark" (1)
Steven G. Erickson: ABC News and FBI considers Informed Citizens to be Terrorists?
Komen official quits breast cancer charity over Planned Parenthood dispute
Fay Paxton: Shameless Lies and Willful Ignorance - Government Handouts
Senior Gingrich Campaign Official Scrubbed Infidelity, Tiffany Credit Line From Wikipedia Page
DocX Indicted by Grand Jury on Robo-Signing/Foreclosure Fraud Charges in Missouri
Environmental Message - Rocky Anderson 2012
Netanyahu: PA President must choose between peace with Israel and peace with Hamas
Ron Paul Would Only Support Woman's Right To Choose In Cases Of 'Honest Rape'
US levies new sanctions on Iran's Central Bank
U.S. to elevate Special Operations forces' role in Afghanistan
Why Hasn't Anyone at Komen Resigned Yet? Handel DOES resign!
Rob Kall: Thomas Frank on Mimesis, Capitalist Fundamentalism and Stealing Liberal Ideas
Rob Kall: Sexy Liberal, Dirty LIberal? Stephanie Miller!
Rob Kall: Mark Perry: Israeli False Flags and How They Harm America
Rob Kall: Jeff Clements: Corporations are not People
Rob Kall: Interview with Rocky Anderson; Justice Party Presidential Candidate
Rob Kall: Gar Alperovitz; America Beyond Capitalism
Rob Kall: Engaging Emergence; moving toward Order From Chaos
Rob Kall: Constitutional Attorney Bruce Fein; NDAA An Unprecedented Intrusion...being used to destroy what we are as a republic and as a nation.
Rob Kall: Ted Deutch and the anti- corporate personhood O.C.C.U.P.IE.D. Amendment
Rob Kall: Socialist Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander
How to Score a Foreclosure Fraud Settlement Deal
Pentagon Whistleblower: Truth, lies and Afghanistan
E.J. Dionne, Jr -- The Citizens United catastrophe
Saul Alinsky, Who? |
Paul Krugman: Things Are Not O.K.
Stephen Colbert is winning the war against the Supreme Court and Citizens United
Maureen Dowd: The Great Man's Wife
Top Of The Pyramid Billionaires, Secretly Buying The 2012 Election
Susan G. Komen's priceless gift
BuzzFlash: Grope and Change (Satire)
Common Dreams: California's Anti-Gay Marriage Prop 8 Ruled Unconstitutional
Daily Kos: Sorry, GOP: Poll of Catholics finds majority supports birth-control coverage
Michael Moore: Madoff spreads blame to banks in jail interview (3)
TruthOut: A CMD Special Report: Who Are the Headliners at Koch-Funded AFP Conventions?
D.H. Lawrence: The essential American soul is......
Rick Stengel: Protest is, in some ways, the source code for democracy...
Will Rogers: I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.... (3)
Desmond Mpilo Tutu: The end of apartheid ... would not have succeeded ... divestment movement...
Goran Dukic: Fable from the film, Wristcutters: A Love Story...
C.L.R. James: The first sign of a thoroughly ill-adjusted...
C.L.R. James: In politics all abstract terms conceal treachery....
Herman Cain: The voice of the people is more powerful than the...
Steve Biko: The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor...
Leon Trotsky: A revolution is impossible until a revolution is... (1)
Darren Wolfe: Craig Biddle: Ayn Rand's Theory Of Rights (4)
Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall: American Spring: Exploring Untold History
R-CALF USA: * * MEDIA ADVISORY * * News Conference
Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall: Occupy Wall Street 9/17/11 (1)
Carol Brouillet: 9/11 Reclaiming the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future (1)
Carol Brouillet: 9/11 Reclaiming the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future
R-CALF USA: R-CALF USA's Annual Convention
M. Wizard: Mother Meera Darshan
M. Wizard: Mystic Wizard's Identity Finally Revealed on "Public Voice Salon"??? (2)
Linda Zhong: Morden life of men and women
Global Extinction: Gradual Doom as Bad as Abrupt
Hubble Telescope captures Milky Way galaxy's twin
Groundhog's Day and a "mild winter" (1)
Space Pictures This Week: Hubble Galaxy, Poet Nebula, More
Steve Windisch: LENR Is Here, But Is It Real, and Has Its Time Come?
Mouse to Elephant? Just Wait 24 Million Generations, by the Editors of ScienceDaily
Radio telescope to search for first stars and galaxies
"Alien" Particles Found Invading Our Solar System -- A First
Joan Brunwasser: YouTube and MTV Try to Shut Down New Cheney Indictment Film
Robert James: "On the other hand....." on "Obama's Struggle Against the Powerful and the Ignorant"
John Iacovelli: "this article is a breath of fresh air" on "An American Spring is in the Air"
liberalsrock: "call me a pessimist" on "Glimmer of Hope regarding Obama?"
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: ""Libertarian"" on "Ron Paul Would Only Support Woman's Right To Choose In Cases"
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: "on Now with Alex Wagner" on "Glossing Over Distinctions in Catholic Birth Control Debate"
Janet Loughrey: "Occupy Portland" on "The Cancer in Occupy"
Paul Sedkowski: "Is passive better than active?" on "What is Your Favorite Candidate's Political Vision?"
Mark Sashine: "I would like to remind to all religious people" on "The Catholic Bishops' Religious Freedom/ Contraception Scam"
Theresa Paulfranz: "this article is a breath of fresh air" on "An American Spring is in the Air"
Diana Moss: "Pro Choice and the Right to Life...." on "The Catholic Bishops' Religious Freedom/ Contraception Scam"
John Joerg: The January Jobs Are Statistical Artifacts:
John Joerg: US Iran Policy in 'Lockstep' with Israel?: President Obama Risks Becoming a Major-League War Criminal: O is a war crim
John Joerg: Why Did Karl Rove and His GOP Thugs Target Don Siegelman in Alabama?:
John Joerg: Iran: A Manufactured Threat:
John Joerg: Bill McKibben: Why the Energy-Industrial Elite Has It In for the Planet:
John Joerg: Army Colonel Challenges Pentagon's Afghanistan Reports:
John Joerg: Many Catholic Universities, Hospitals Already Cover Contraception In Their Health Insurance Plans:
John Joerg: Attorney Gernerals: Do NOT settle with Banks!:
John Joerg: "We the People' Loses Appeal With People Around the World - US Constitution Out Of Favor:
John Joerg: The Catholic Bishops' Religious Freedom/ Contraception Scam:
In Memoriam: Ben Gazzara, by Richard Brody at The New Yorker
Marta Steele: The Way It Was: McPherson Square (Photo Essay)
Juda Engelmayer: The End of Days in Palestine (2)
Lasers shine light on galactic magnetic fields
New "Super Earth" Found at Right Distance for Life
Science decodes 'internal voices'
Bob Patterson: The Silence of a Nation of Sheep
Cathy Lynn Pagano: Leo Full Moon, February 7, 2012: Neptune goes into Pisces
Charles Rayner Kelly: The Choice: Fear Or Love (2)
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Who or what is the biggest impediment to jobs in America in 2012? (20)
Gustav Wynn: Is Perception of OWS Accurate? Test Your Knowledge...
M. Wizard: Does the 1% Define Itself in Terms of Money More Than the 99% Does? (2)
Lance Ciepiela: What if the Constitution no longer applied? What would you do?
M. Wizard: Has Technology Made this a Better World? (6)
Steven G. Erickson: Legislation to Stiff Banks, Forgive Yourself the Loans?
Paul Cohen: Reign in SCOTUS
Rob Kall: Has President Obama Played a Role in the Coordination of OWS Evictions Across the USA?
Rob Kall: Should We Publish Content Exploring The Meta Issues, Vulnerabilities And Flaws Of The Occupy Wall Street Movement
Lori Spencer: Proposed 28Th Amendment (7)