
The Nation

Proposition 8 Is Unconstitutional. What's Next for the Anti-Gay Law?

Proposition 8 Is Unconstitutional. What's Next for the Anti-Gay Law?

Anti-gay marriage proponents should think twice before asking the US Supreme Court to take this case.

Posted February 7, 2012

On Power and Russia's Protests

On Power and Russia's Protests

The prosperous, urban middle-class—those who benefit from the government’s policies—have revolted against it. If even they don’t support the existing order, what future does it have?

Posted February 7, 2012

Online Feminism's Big Win Against Komen for the Cure

Online Feminism's Big Win Against Komen for the Cure

With Karen Handel's resignation, online feminism's victory against the giant cancer charity is complete.

Posted February 7, 2012

News and Analysis

How drones, special operations forces and the US Navy plan to end national sovereignty as we know it.

If Komen thinks it can replace its base with anti-choice activists, it will dwindle and die.

If all goes as planned, Washington will become the seventh state to allow same-sex couples to wed.


More than a quarter of African-Americans live in poverty. During Black History Month, we should speak truthfully about the economic legacy that drives this inequality.

A crisis of gender-based violence is festering--and foreign aid efforts are still failing to protect women from harm.

The GOP's New Southern Strategy

Republicans are using the redistricting process to undermine minority voting power and ensure their party's dominance.

An Apple store in China

Steve Jobs told Obama that Apple manufacturing jobs are never coming back to the US. Really?

A prison in Liberia

The US policy of criminalizing undocumented immigrants has led innocent deportees to be jailed and maligned in their home countries.

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