Media Matters Goes Light Bulb Shopping
January 23, 2012 3:08 pm ET by Jill Fitzsimmons
Few things exemplify the ongoing right-wing, media-fueled campaign against reality as well as the hysteria surrounding implementation of light bulb efficiency standards, which gather the low-hanging fruit of energy conservation by inciting manufacturers to improve their technology. Following in a long line of federal efficiency standards created by Republican presidents, the light bulb requirements were signed into law in 2007 by President George W. Bush with bipartisan support.
Reporting on what it called "a case study of the way government mandates can spur innovation," the New York Times noted back in 2009 that Philips Lighting had already developed a more efficient incandescent light bulb using halogen gas to comply with the new requirements. Philips executive Randall Moorhead has said that "the new incandescent lights were not being made because there was not an economic incentive to make them." The other major lighting companies have followed suit, and today halogen incandescent bulbs are widely available for purchase at hardware stores, department stores and online. The U.S. Energy Information Administration projects that "more efficient incandescent lights" will continue to make up a large portion of general service light bulb purchases for decades to come.
And yet the efficiency standards -- the first phase of which took effect on January 1 despite legislation blocking funding for enforcement -- have been met with outrage from conservative media who spent the last year claiming that they infringe on consumer "freedom of choice." Led by Fox News, right-wing media outlets have repeatedly told consumers that the standards would "ban" incandescent bulbs and force us all to purchase "mercury-laden, ugly and smelly compact fluorescent light bulbs," to the chagrin of electrical manufacturers. Fox has even gone so far as to encourage consumers to "hoard" the old, inefficient bulbs.
Given Fox's repeated insistence that "On January 1st, the government is ... getting rid of incandescent light bulbs," Media Matters' Jocelyn Fong visited a local CVS store to evaluate their selection: