Scholars and Rogues is a diverse band of thinkers, social analysts, activists, grousers, jesters, and troublemakers. We’re different in many ways, but we share a general belief in progress, a conviction that smarter is better, and a passionate distaste for convention.

S&R isn’t a current news blog, exactly. There are some fantastic sites out there where you can get quick, first-on-the-scene takes, and if you explore the blogroll you’ll see what we mean. We’re more like the editorial desk. We see our mission as comment, analysis, informed opinion, deep insight. We try to figure out what things mean, and in passing that perspective on to our readers we hope to foster a greater tendency toward critical thinking in society.

On this blog you can expect to find a wide range of subjects covered. Some of the more likely ones include:

  • Politics and the economy (duh)
  • Social issues
  • Media and journalism
  • Education
  • The environment
  • Technology
  • Business and corporate social responsibility
  • Art, literature and music
  • Popular culture (TV, radio, electronic culture, etc.)
  • Subcultures

So please, read and respond and pass us on to your friends. We appreciate links, and hope you’ll let us know about other places where smart people are contributing to the greater good. We welcome story ideas, as well.

One thing, though. We work hard to be as smart as possible and encourage you to do so, as well. Abide by the comment policy below and we’ll all get along well enough.

So let’s keep it intelligent, folks.

Comment Policy

Scholars & Rogues is dedicated to the highest standards of free speech and intellectual debate.We welcome differing opinions and views – as strong believers in the value of an open marketplace, we understand the importance of good faith disagreement and discussion to the cultivation of new insights.

However, we will not tolerate trolling or abusive behavior. We moderate our comments and commenters exhibiting bad faith behavior will have their offending comments deleted and they may be banned, possibly without warning. When evaluating the merit of a questionable comment, we will also consider whether said comment seeks to make any meaningful engagement the substance of the original post and/or subsequent comments in the thread. We will not, however, delete comments just because we disagree with you.

Obvious comment/trackback spam or trackbacks to sales sites or sites with viruses will earn immediate deletion and banning.

Anonymous comments are permissible. However, in the event that an anonymous commenter engages in objectionable behavior the choice to withhold identity will be construed as an aggravating factor. We will not anonymize anyone after the fact.

Scholars & Rogues makes no claims to the intellectual property embodied by or contained within any comment. However, commenters, by posting on Scholars & Rogues, grant publication rights to the site and agree to allow the comment, in its original form, remain on Scholars & Rogues indefinitely.

Our moderation software is set to auto-approve comments by those who have previously had a comment accepted. Therefore, we ask that you please enter your e-mail address.Finally, if you believe you were unduly deleted or banned, please contact us via the contact page and we’ll address your concerns as best we can.

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