Male Red-Bellied Woodpecker

Male Red-Bellied Woodpecker

In this picture we see the proverbial woodpecker lips.

Why they call these red-bellied woodpeckers I’ll never know. It’s more like the “little patch of rust on its belly woodpecker.” has a great guide to the red-belly and similar species. Males like the one above have red that goes from the back of his neck all the way to his beak. The female’s red patch stops on the crest of her head.

The red headed woodpecker doesn’t live here in East Tennessee, but I’ve seen them west of here on the Cumberland Plateau. He has a red cowl that covers his whole head. The mnemonic I use is “A red-headed woodpecker has a head that’s entirely red.”

Photography Notes

On Sunday I was sitting on the living room couch writing. It was a good day for birds at the suet feeder outside the window, so I set the camera on a tripod and used the wireless remote to trip the shutter.

Taken with a Nikon D7000 camera and Nikon 70-200mm F2.8 VR. I turned off VR (stabilization), which is recommended when using a tripod. Shot with manual focus and manual exposure. I shot at F5.6. Next time I’ll stop down to F8 to get a little more depth of field.

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That’s Just Wrong! Star Wars Edition

First I saw this and thought it was wrong.

Then I saw this, and thought it was really wrong.

And then I read this, and I knew it was the wrongest of all.

George Lucas says Han never shot first:

In an attempt to address the lingering “Han shot first” controversy, Star Wars creator George Lucas may have only fanned the flames of fandom even more. You see, Lucas says Han Solo never actually fired first in his classic showdown with Greedo. Fans only wanted to think that. So basically it’s all your own fault.

In a chat with The Hollywood Reporter (via /Film), Lucas said, “The controversy over who shot first, Greedo or Han Solo, in Episode IV, what I did was try to clean up the confusion, but obviously it upset people because they wanted Solo [who seemed to be the one who shot first in the original] to be a cold-blooded killer, but he actually isn’t. It had been done in all close-ups and it was confusing about who did what to whom. I put a little wider shot in there that made it clear that Greedo is the one who shot first, but everyone wanted to think that Han shot first, because they wanted to think that he actually just gunned him down.”

PreviouslyThe Pussification of the Star Wars Jedi (from way back in 2003, my first year of blogging)

Posted in Star Wars | 1 Comment

There’s a singer named Adele. Have you heard of her?

My wife loves Adele. She thinks her CD is possibly the best 11 dollars she’s spent in her life. I must say, the gal can sing.

We watched the 60 Minutes interview last night before the Grammies. I like her. Seems very genuine – genuine voice with no computer touchups, genuine look with no surgery, genuine personality with no pretense. So congrats on her Grammy wins.

And this SNL skit is hilarious. Warning – autoplay.

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Chris Martensen: High oil prices are a cause of recessions; at these prices economy can’t heal

Chris MartensenWhy Our Currency Will Fail:

Also note in the most recent data that oil prices happen to be at roughly the same level that triggered the first recession in 2008 (the purple dotted line).

If we needed one simple chart to help us understand why trillions of dollars of stimulus and handouts are not causing the economy to soar, this is the chart that explains the most. High oil prices and recessions are highly correlated, and it’s not too much of a stretch to postulate that economic recoveries and high oil prices are inversely correlated.

Note also that the above chart is not inflation-adjusted. If it were, it would show that there have been exactly zero recoveries when oil prices are near or over $100 per barrel.

For those counting on an economic recovery here to lift all boats and assist the bailout efforts, the burden of history is upon them to explain why this time we should ignore the price of oil.

Here’s why he thinks U.S. currency will fail: Continue reading

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Did High Oil Prices Cause the 2008 Recession? What About the 2005-2006 Housing Market Collapse?

It’s a theory. One that’s better explored here.

I’m curious about how this ties in to the housing story.

The U.S. housing bubble peaked in 2005-2006. That was before the 2007-2008 oil shock, but gas prices were trending very high in 2005-2006, as seen in historical prices. The collapse of the housing market may have been the canary in the coal mine.

That would explain something else that was always puzzling. Why did housing bubbles all over the world collapse around the same time? Oil prices went higher all around the world at the same time, which might explain the simultaneous popping of housing bubbles.

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Dude, Free Guns

Lots of chances to win guns and accessories here.

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Word of the Day – Sepia Toning, Monochrome, Split Tone

Natalie and Katie

Sepia toned Photograph of Katie and Natalie

This is more like etymology of the day than word of the day. It’s an excuse to link to this: Did You Know: Sepia Toning is Named After the Common Cuttlefish:

Sepia is a dark brown-grey color, named after the rich brown pigment derived from the ink sac of the common cuttlefish Sepia. The word sepia is the Latinized form of the Greek σηπία, sēpía, cuttlefish.

From Wikipedia:

Sepia toning is a specialized treatment to give a black-and-white photographic print a warmer tone and to enhance its archival qualities. Chemicals are used to convert the metallic silver in the print to a sulfide compound, which is much more resistant to the effects of environmental pollutants such as atmospheric sulfur compounds. Silver sulfide is at least 50% more stable than silver.[5]

There are three types of sepia toner in modern use;

  1. Sodium sulfide toners – the traditional ‘rotten egg‘ toner;
  2. Thiourea (or ‘thiocarbamide’) toners – these are odorless and the tone can be varied according to the chemical mixture;
  3. Polysulfide or ‘direct’ toners – these do not require a bleaching stage.

Except for polysulfide toners, sepia toning is done in three stages. First the print is soaked in a potassium ferricyanide bleach to re-convert the metallic silver to silver halide. The print is washed to remove excess potassium ferricyanide then immersed into a bath of toner, which converts the silver halides to silver sulfide.

Incomplete bleaching creates a multi-toned image with sepia highlights and gray mid-tones and shadows. This is called split toning. The untoned silver in the print can be treated with a different toner, such as gold or selenium.[6]

Black and white is monochrome. Sepia is another form of monochrome, using brown as the shadow color, just as cyanotype uses blue for the shadow color. When the highlight color is something other than white it’s called split toning.

Previous WOTDSerial Comma or Oxford Comma

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Women Are Like WiFi, Men Are Like Bluetooth

“Women are like WiFi. They see all the available devices, but connect only to the strongest one. Whereas men are more like Bluetooth: they connect to whatever is closest.”
Martin and Monty

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Emo Philips

“When I was a kid, I used to pray every night for a new bike. Then I realised, the Lord doesn’t work that way. So I just stole one and asked Him to forgive me.”
Emo Philips

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“To Animals, All People Are Nazis”

Slave the Whales! – Hit & Run : Reason Magazine.

Does the 13th Amendment apply to critters? Can whales be plaintiffs? People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals thinks so, and has filed suitin a San Diego court to emancipate killer whales from Sea World facilities in San Diego and Orlando:

PETA argues that continuing the whales’ “employment” at SeaWorld violates the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, which prohibits slavery.

Sign: To Animals All People Are Nazis

To whales, all people are Nazis.

And to krill, all whales are Nazis.

And to plankton, all krill are Nazis.

Congratulations, PETA. You’ve discovered food chains.

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Word of the Day – Serial Comma or Oxford Comma

From Wikipedia:

The serial comma (also known as the Oxford comma or Harvard comma, and sometimes referred to as the series comma) is the comma used immediately before a coordinating conjunction (usually and or or, and sometimes nor) preceding the final item in a list of three or more items. For example, a list of three countries can be punctuated as either “Portugal, Spain, and France” (with the serial comma) or as “Portugal, Spain and France” (without the serial comma).[1][2][3]

Opinions vary among writers and editors on the usage or avoidance of the serial comma. In American English, the serial comma is standard usage in non-journalistic writing that follows the Chicago Manual of Style.[4] Journalists, however, usually follow the AP Stylebook, which advises against it. It is used less often in British English,[5][6] where it is standard usage to leave it out, with some notable exceptions such as Fowler’s Modern English Usage.[7] In many languages (e.g., French,[8] German,[9] Danish,[10] Italian,[11] Polish,[12] Spanish,[13] Greek[14] ) the serial comma is not the norm and may even go against punctuation rules. It may be recommended in many cases, however, to avoid ambiguity or to aid prosody.

Arguments for and against

Common arguments for consistent use of the serial comma:

  1. Use of the comma is consistent with conventional practice.[15]
  2. It matches the spoken cadence of sentences better.[16]
  3. It can resolve ambiguity (see examples below).[17]
  4. Its use is consistent with other means of separating items in a list (for example, when semicolons are used to separate items, a semicolon is consistently included before the last item, even when and or or is present).[18]

Common arguments against consistent use of the serial comma:

  1. Use of the comma is inconsistent with conventional practice.[19]
  2. The comma may introduce ambiguity (see examples below).
  3. It is redundant in a simple list, because the and or the or is often meant to serve (by itself) to mark the logical separation between the final two items,[20] unless, of course, the final two items are not truly separate items but are two parts of a compound single item.
  4. Where space is at a premium, the comma adds unnecessary bulk to the text.

Many sources are against both systematic use and systematic avoidance of the serial comma, making recommendations in a more nuanced way (see Usage and subsequent sections).

Hat tip to Glenn Reynolds on Facebook for the cartoon.

Previous WOTDHaint Blue

Posted in Word of the Day | 2 Comments

Nikon Releases D800/D800E

Nikon released the D700 replacement, the D800. They’ve gone nuts with megapixels, going from 12 to 36. The new camera is a hair smaller and about 4 ounces lighter, with advanced features. MSRP is $2,999.95. The D800E is the same camera with the anti-aliasing feature removed for maximum sharpness and will list for $300 more.

Nasim Mansurov has a discussion of how removal of the anti-aliasing filter can affect image sharpness

Nikon 800E High Resolution Image Samples

UPDATE: And it’s the first SuperSpeed USB camera.

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Greece Default, Credit Default Swaps, and the Recent Stock Market Gains

Charles Hugh Smith thinks they’re related.

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5 Most Wanted Guns

Robb Allen posted his 5 most wanted guns, practicality be damned. I’ll play.

1. Glock 18C – The full auto, compensated Glock. I’ve shot a Glock 18C. I liked it. Heck, I’ve already got a couple of Glock 31 round magazines I can use with it.

2. Full Auto Thompson – With the option to use the 50 round drum mags so the fun lasts longer.

3. The .45 ACP Luger AKA the Million Dollar Luger -  Lugers are cool all by themselves. There’s only one surviving sample of the .45 ACP Lugers that were submitted for testing to the US military for the .45 ACP pistol trials that resulted in the selection of John Browning’s 1911 design.

4. Stery AUG – Wait a minute. I want one of these? I didn’t even realize that. But if it doesn’t have to be practical and I’m not paying for it I have to admit I’ve always thought these were cool.

5. A-10 Warthog – I’ve heard it said that the A-10 is a Gatling Gun with an airplane built around it, so I figure it counts.

Other blogger’s 5 Most Wanted:

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Who Has Two Thumbs and Loves Their Fisher Space Pen?

My company has a contract with NASA. Eight years or so ago I visited NASA’s Goddard Spaceflight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland on company business. I thought it was pretty cool, so to mark the occasion I bought a Fisher Space Pen in the gift shop.

Short version. Since there’s little to no gravity where astronauts work, typical open-cartridge, gravity-feed pens don’t work. Fisher Space Pens are sealed and pressurized so they push out ink when the tip is pressed, even in a zero-gravity environment. They also use a special ink that works across the huge temperature range that astronauts encounter.

Back on Earth they also work at an angle or upside-down, like when you’re lying in bed and writing on a notebook above you. The pressurized cartridge also means the tip doesn’t get dry if the pen is stored on its side or upside down.

And here’s the killer thing, and the reason I decided to get my Fisher out of the drawer and make it my daily carry pen. Because of the pressurized design if you forget the pen in your pants or shirt it won’t leak in the dryer and destroy $200 worth of clothes. Guys: that all by itself sells this pen to wives. My wife was completely unimpressed by all the Fisher Space Pen’s badass features until I mentioned the dryer thing. After that? Total convert. So if you’re wife’s wondering what you want for Valentine’s Day …

The pens start at about $6 for the plastic Cap-O-Matic model. I think my original AG-7 space pen was $25 at the gift shop eight years ago. Amazon sells it for $30.

What’s nice is Fisher’s refill policy, which is what prompted me to write this. My ink cartridge finally started sputtering out a few weeks ago. There was an address on the ink cartridge with instruction to send $4 for a replacement cartridge. I did it and about 10 days later I had a new cartridge and a catalog. The new cartridge has the same instructions, though inflation has bumped up the replacement price by a buck. Still a fair deal.

PreviouslyWho Has Two Thumbs and Loves Their Insurance Company?

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I’m in a bad mood if I don’t eat before I wake up

Andy Borowitz’s Facebook:

Gisele apologizes for attack on Patriots’ receivers: “I was in a bad mood because I haven’t eaten all year.”

It’s funny because she’s a supermodel.

UPDATE: Andy’s got another one this morning:

Dear Gisele: it’s not a good idea to criticize professional athletes when your field of expertise is standing still.

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The Stacey Campfield File

Following up on last week’s post, here’s a stroll down memory lane and a couple of relevant links about Knox County’s gay-bashing, never-married state Senator. The Bistro wasn’t the first place where Campfield had been shown the back door.

State Rep. Campfield escorted from UT game on Halloween

What the Heck is Wrong With Stacey Campfield?

47 violations found by city (with bonus sockpuppeting in the comments by Campfield/anon_a_moose)

Civil summons can’t find Campfield

State. Rep. Campfield parks car on Capitol sidewalk

The governor notes our legislature spends too much time worrying about gay cooties

How Many Cops Does it Take to Handcuff Rep. Campfield?

Campfield: Hey, Guys. What's the Safe Word?

Campfield: "Hi, guys. What's the safe word?"

Campfield on Penn and Teller’s Bullshit (FF to the 3:45 mark) NSFW:

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Hell Damn Fart! Infection May Cause Tourette’s-like Condition

Mail OnlineCould an infection be behind mysterious Tourette’s-like syndrome affecting teenagers?.

Nirvana – Tourette’s (Live at Reading 1992):

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Which AR-15 Collapsible Stock is the Toughest?

Military Time GearScoutButtstock Bashfest: GearScout finds out just how far tough talk goes

MagPul stocks take the top two honors. Via Linoge.

Bonus! Cheaper Than Dirt’s Best-Selling AR-15s of 2011. I like this Colt SP6920 with MagPul MOE furniture. I never have pulled the trigger (enjoy the pun!) on an AR-15. I’ve always found another place I thought I could get more bang for my buck (more puns), like camera equipment. I’ll get around to it one of these days.

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