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No great idea in its beginning can ever be within the law. How can it be within the law? The law is stationary. The law is fixed. The law is a chariot wheel which binds us all regardless of conditions or place or time.
~ Emma Goldman
Home :: Building a democracy movement for the U.S.A.
Building a democracy movement for the U.S.A.

Liberty Tree is uniquely committed to building a new democracy movement for the U.S.A.. We provide vital support to grassroots campaigns for democratic reform in many areas of American life, and bring those campaigns together to form a united movement for democracy.  Please explore our work, subscribe to our news list and make a contribution. Thank you.
Liberty Tree is currently transitioning to a new website with up-to-date content. Our current priority campaign is the Wisconsin Wave -- uniting Wisconsinites against corporatizaton and austerity, and for democracy and shared prosperity. See http://www.WisconsinWave.orgJoin us at the 2011 Democracy Convention
Liberty Tree is also proud to announce our first national Democracy Convention, August 24-28, 2011, in Madison, Wisconsin.  If you want to strengthen democracy where it matters most -- in our communities, our schools, our workplaces and local economies, our military, our government, our media, our constitution -- you will find something inspiring in Madison this August. Register now:




    VFP CONVENTION: Safeguard the Guard

(August 25, 2010 - August 29, 2010)

"Safeguard the Guard, Safeguard Democracy" workshop at Veterans for Peace national convention.

    MIDDLETON: Fight Corporate Corruption Rally

(August 10, 2010)

Join the Liberty Tree Foundation's Ben Manski, Lisa Graves, and other featured speakers, and The Other 98% to fight corporate corruption in politics and expose candidates who won't join the fight! Bring your passion to the Rally. All are welcome!

Latest News:

Take Action:

    Global Wave of Action for Education!

source: International Student Movement

Publications & Talks:

    VIDEO: March to Overrule the Court

(February 16, 2010)

This video footage is from the March to Overrule the Court, a protest march that occurred on February 16, 2010, from the State Capitol Building to the federal courthouse in downtown Madison, Wisconsin.

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We shall strike. We shall organize boycotts. We shall demonstrate and have political campaigns. We shall pursue the revolution we have proposed. We are sons and daughters of the farm workers' revolution, a revolution of the poor seeking bread and justice.
~ Cesar Chavez