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Elaine Cullen: Destructive Tax Policies One Reason for the Debt Crisis (1)
Derryl Hermanutz: Free Enterprise vs Corporatism (5)
Dean Baker: A Competitive Dollar: The Missing Link in President Obama's Manufacturing Agenda
Robert Reich: The Biggest Risk to the Economy in 2012, and What's the Economy For Anyway?
Jared Bernstein: Inequality, the Middle Class, and Growth (1)
Dwayne Hunn: *State of Our Job Seeking Union: Shrinking our military and employing a new, more needed army.
Chris Hedges: Corporations Have No Use for Borders
Steven Lesh: Wealth and Debt (3)
Bill Quigley: Social Justice Quiz 2012: Thirteen Questions (4)
Marcy Winograd: From Blue to Green: Power to the Cities! (2)
Steven G. Erickson: Does A Foreign Bank, UBS, run Government, Courts, and Police?
Steven Lesh: Wealth and Debt (1)
William Finnerty: Bankers Bailout Referendum, Derivatives, & UN Aarhus Convention Agreement Wrongdoing
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Teach-Ins are needed on USA campuses and in schools more than Ever in 2012
Cumhur Ozkaya: The newest interview with Paul Auster
Steven G. Erickson: International Corporate/Banker War on Iran first, Americans 2nd?
William Finnerty: Some crazy facts about bankers, politicians, and lawyers ...
Steve Klingaman: Let's Not Kid Ourselves About Manufacturing Jobs
Steven G. Erickson: Inappropriate, Over the Top, Protest of Internet Censorship/NDAA Supporter
Steven G. Erickson: Will Solar Flares take out power grids and communications causing Corporate First Strike?
SEC Only Now Investigating CDOs Created At Deutsche Bank
Murdoch's WSJ Publishes Op-Ed From 16 Climate Deniers, Refused Letter From 255 Top Scientists
Lobbyist Grover Norquist: Republicans Will Impeach Obama If He Doesn't Extend Bush Tax Cuts
U.N. Report Warns That Rapidly Increasing World Population Could Send 3 Billion Into Poverty Within 28 YearsInto Poverty
How Government Budget Cuts Significantly Reduced U.S. GDP Last Year
8 industries China leads where the US used to
UK police arrest four more Murdoch staffers in police bribery investigation linked to phone hacking scandal
China And Japan Currency Swap: Nail In US Dollar's Coffin
Economics Stunner: "Oil and Coal-Fired Power Plants Have Air Pollution Damages Larger Than Their Value Added."
Nothing has been submitted for the category of Podcasts
San Francisco Dispensaries' Annual Sales Estimate: $41 Million | Legalization Nation
Dan Froomkin: Auction 2012: How The Bank Lobby Owns Washington
Keystone XL Jobs Bewilder Media
US Media Iraq Reporting: See No Evil
Paul Krugman: Is Our Economy Healing?
Moyers: How Big Money Bought Our Democracy, Corrupted Both Parties, and Set Us Up for Another Financial Crisis
EconoMonitor : Great Leap Forward - MORTGAGE FRAUD REVISITED: Why Did the Fed Pump and Dump US Real Estate Markets? (1)
Bernie Sanders: We must stop this corporate takeover of American democracy
Local governments consolidating into one merged power hub
BuzzFlash: Grope and Change (Satire)
Common Dreams: Hawkish Group Report Pushes for Military Action Against Iran
Daily Kos: Why doesn't the Komen Foundation sever ties with Bank of America?
Michael Moore: Madoff spreads blame to banks in jail interview (3)
TruthOut: A CMD Special Report: Who Are the Headliners at Koch-Funded AFP Conventions?
Douglas MacArthur: Douglas MacArthur on War Economics and Politics... (1)
Seneca: Why does no man confess his vices?[[ because he is...
Rumi: I was dead and now I am alive. I was in tears and ...
Niccolo Machiavelli: A prince ought never to make common cause with one...
Joseph Joubert: Some minds are led into error through truths; some...
Joseph Joubert: Debts shorten life. ...
Robert Bly: ItÂ’s all right if you grow your wings on the way d...
Noam Chomsky: Unlimited economic growth has the marvelous qualit...
Noam Chomsky: ...there are no two points of view more antithetic...
Martin Luther King: Just Economy...
R-CALF USA: * * MEDIA ADVISORY * * News Conference
Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall: May Day Global General Strike (4)
Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall: Reverend Billy/The Church of Earthalujah
Kathlyn Stone: America says NO Bush Bailout! Thurs, Sept. 25
Garda Ghista: "Building a New World" Conference
Rady Ananda: April 15th TAX REVOLT: Reject the Bankster Bailout
Burl Hall: Merry Christmas: The Tale Told Throughout the World and What it Means to Us Today
David Mayen: Software Developers and Insomnia: Pushing Beta Brainwaves to Extremes.
Burl Hall: Eat, Drink and Be Merry (1)
Revealed -- The Capitalist Network That Runs The World, By Andy Coghlan And Debora Mackenzie
Utne's 25 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World... Who Are Yours?
The Electric Leaf's True Believers Won't Leave Well Enough Alone
Florida Researchers Find Video Games May Not Enhance Cognitive Abilities by Tiffany Kaiser
Eileen Fleming: If I Can't Laugh it's NOT my REVOLUTION and the Colbert SuperPAC Nation
Joan Brunwasser: Magazine Publisher Moonlights as Urban Beekeeper
Joan Brunwasser: Diane Wilson, Accidental Activist and Eco-Outlaw
David Kendall: "Thanks very much..." on "Loca-vesting"
Anuel Jackson: "yes you are right Ginger!" on "A Public Canadian Investigation of 9/11- Launch Jan 2012"
Paul Repstock: "Who cares?" on "Under the Hammer"
Lance Ciepiela: ""What would a war with Iran look like?"" on "Preparing to Attack Iran with Nuclear Weapons - "No Option c"
Ronald J Riley: "Which makes him not credible in my opinion." on "Multiple Israel False Flag Ops and How Supporters of Palesti"
Michael Rose: "Mike Check for Bogroll Banknotes" on "An Ominous Foreboding, Israel vs Iran"
Michael Rose: "Every so-called "developed" country" on "Illegal Immigration Part !"
Stump Parrish: "The GOP and the Religious Right" on "The Republican Myth of Obama's "Entitlement Society""
BFalcon: "Thank you" on "World Peace Is Hanging By A Thread"
William Ewart: "Firearms Freedoms Up and Violent Crime Is Down" on "What the Gunners Want, II"
Nothing has been submitted for the category of Tweets
Suzana Megles: I Could Cry (2)
Robert Wolff: economy <=> ecology (2)
Frosty Wooldridge: America becoming the sacrifice zone for world population overload (2)
Burl Hall: Finding Our Balance Point
FBI Says Activists Who Investigate Factory Farms Can Be Prosecuted as Terrorists by Will Potter
Mikhail Lyubansky: The Cost of Vengeance: The Psychology of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Part 2
Burl Hall: Lots to Gardens: Bridging the People of Lewiston Maine Through Food Production and Sharing (3)
Burl Hall: The Genius of Leonardo Da Vinci: What Does He Have to Teach Us in Modern Day
Martin Weiss: SETI Team Intercepts Alien Message A Hoax, say Aliens (2)
Jerry Nelson: The Occupy Movement Finds a Direction: Vacant Homes (2)
Steven G. Erickson: Legislation to Stiff Banks, Forgive Yourself the Loans?
M. Wizard: How Would You Save the World? (18)
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Is it only the Republicans who are sabotaging the economy to win? (13)
Christopher Rice: With the current economy and possible meltdown of our government, I have a question:
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Has this been the worst congress money can buy? (3)
Don Smith: Are corporations evil?
Kevin Anthony Stoda: A rhetorical question about the independent spirit and history of Arizona, etc.? (62)
Chaz Valenza: What Caused America's High Rates of Under and Unemployment?
Tony Irwin: With the GOP taking over the House, will the US now go to war with Iran? (2)
Lance Ciepiela: The 112th Congress - Return of the Republican Majority? (13)