World News

Setting the Stage for a Jeb Bush Presidential Draft

Republicans face a drawn-out nomination fight that could shred the party’s chances even against a...

Newt Gingrich proposes child labor for US: 13 Year-Olds Working 16 Hours A Day For 70 Cents An Hour in China

Newt Gingrich has recently been lauded by some and under attack by others for his...

Just Short of Treason in Georgia and Kansas

By Michael Collins It’s official. The crazies have arrived for the 2012 presidential race, florid...

Occupy Wall Street: The View from Davos

  A British acquaintance has sent me a link to one of the background documents...

War and Peace

Why Occupy? A government/economics teacher explains why we MUST

with NEW PuppetGov video here. “Constitutional governments and aristocracies are commonly overthrown owing to some...

4-minute video: US war-murders end with US War Criminals arrests

video here. Dr. Dahlia Wasfi’s 4-minute speech powerfully communicates what US wars are: criminal Wars...

How an economics teacher frames Occupy’s economic argument, victory

with video here. (adapted from Open proposal for US Revolution: end unlawful wars, parasitic/criminal economics;...

Humanity’s Great Awakening: our “emperor has no clothes” breakthrough

with great 8-minute video here. Human beings with intellectual integrity and moral courage see, speak,...


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Oops, We’re Doomed!

By Michael Collins We don’t have a substantial cushion between today’s climate...

Michigan citizens fight totalitarianism in new proposed zoning laws

 picture of the Saugatuck Dunes forest Citizens of Michigan and those following...

Whirlwind in Sonoma and Marin

A few months ago, I was lying in bed enjoying the morning...


Accreditation withdrawn for Kaplan College’s $42,000 radiography program

On Dec 20, 2011 a letter was sent to Kaplan College in North Hollywood California...

Critical Thinking attacked in Iowa HS

  A high school in Iowa is at the center of a communism versus capitalism dispute after a teacher handed...

When Is Social Justice Just?

Fiction offers avenues to Truth, often hard Truths, that remain closed or less often traveled otherwise. While many people associate...

Testimonial of a for-profit college student: For-profit colleges answer to a dream come true or a nightmare?

The following is from a former student at Kaplan University.  Dear Mr. Weil  If you are able to can you...

”Setting the record straight”: Washington Post subsidiary disseminates misleading information

  Washington Post subsidiary Kaplan Higher Education recently surrendered its license to operate a dental assisting educational program in Charlotte,...

Daring to Look Behind the Curtain: The Drop-Out Crisis Redux

“‘Only four out of ten U.S. children finish high school, only one out of five who finish high school goes...

At for-profit colleges the poor pay more

Kaplan University  charges the following populations different amounts for a 180 quarter unit Bachelor of Science degree: $30,000 for active...

Children should not be forced to recite the Pledge

Every day, millions of American children are forced to start their school day by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. They...

Students facing class shortages at the public community colleges while the for-profit drive-by colleges move in for the kill

Elizabeth Bucher, 19, who is attending a California community college in Sonoma County (Santa Rosa Junior College), did all she...

#sixwordessay Helps Teachers Reclaim Education Debate

In the last year, the national education debate has been occupied by economists, billionaires, hedge-fund managers, corporate columnists and party-politicians...

Universal Public Education Is Dead (Expanded)

The National Education Association (NEA) received criticism for publishing an Op-Ed with Teach for America (TFA). Ken Bernstein found the...

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