Those big snakes are here to stay
Now that federal regulators have outlawed the importation of humongous, gator-eating pythons, all Floridians can breathe a grateful sigh of relief. Finally we are saved from this insidious reptilian plague!
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If you’re a Democrat, here’s what you’re thinking two days before the Florida’s Republican primary:
Now that federal regulators have outlawed the importation of humongous, gator-eating pythons, all Floridians can breathe a grateful sigh of relief. Finally we are saved from this insidious reptilian plague!
The news of the day is burning with big questions:
Florida is being overrun by pundits and pollsters in advance of the upcoming Republican presidential primary.
An absolutely true news item: Having passed a law allowing gun owners to bring their weapons inside the state Capitol building, the Florida Senate has hastily installed panic buttons on the office phone of every senator and staff member.
More proof that Miami is the worst-run city in America:
The new Miami Marlins stadium is rising to completion in Little Havana, and rising with it is the blood pressure of taxpayers who are learning how much the new ballpark will really cost.
An international resort company wants to build a huge casino on the shore of Biscayne Bay, where this newspaper now stands.
The Dolphins will seek a new state law that could increase bed taxes in both Miami-Dade and Broward, and would allow Broward officials to send its revenues across the county line to help renovate the football stadium. This is what you call a bifurcated rip-off.
Every divorced guy would love an ex-wife like Barbara Gomez. As the chief of Miami's public housing agency, she helped funnel more than $1 million in city contracts to companies employing one of her former husbands.