Now, when there are some very real and very serious anti-American actions being asked for, Dimon is strangely silent. Could it be because the current anti-American requests coincide with his claims against financial reform? Of course it is.
In a destitute country facing famine, natural disasters, and a beleaguered government, Muhammad Yunus saw an opportunity to help people one by one, and built an organization of others helping poor people help themselves
The West's competition of ideas with China is not between democracy and authoritarianism, but between two fundamentally different outlooks on political systems. The former sees democracy as an end in itself; the latter sees any political system as barely means.
There is little doubt that the global financial crisis posed "unusual and exigent" circumstances that had to be met with a huge response by the Fed (and Treasury). It is not clear, however, that the response actually mounted was legal. It was certainly not transparent.
Once upon a time in America, Greek was routinely included in the curriculum of a liberal arts education. Today, we don't necessarily need to speak the language, but we do need to better understand what's happening.
Last week, the Internet was abuzz about Amazon -- the world's greatest virtual store -- contemplating opening a real brick-and-mortar store.
Often people try to help but miss the mark. If you really want quality input, don't shrug your shoulders and walk away frustrated. Take the lead in getting the help you need.
The promise was displayed prominently at the top of the "economy" section of Obama's campaign website. However, the language regarding the windfall profits tax vanished in an unceremonious and abrupt manner.
As taxpayers and voters, you and I decide whether or not our elected officials remain employed. Should other government employees on the public roll have a similar period of performance review?
Do the things that make you happy at work. Keep score -- how much of today did you spend doing the things you like doing?
Apple's size makes it exceptional, but it is only one of countless transnational companies which are able to choose efficiency and lower prices over employee rights and environmental protections.
If you want to know how the moneyed class, who prospered during the Bush and Clinton years, found a way to kill or water down nearly everything it objected to in the Obama years, look no further than the grip of the 1% of the 1% on our political system.
The referral process happens in every level of society. It's how private clubs and organizations select their members. Some of my friends will accuse me of "name dropping." I don't care and I'm not going to change a lifetime habit that has worked pretty well for me.
How could an organization devoted to inspiring the next generation of women entrepreneurs get caught up in allegedly reinforcing stereotypes?
Lin's story underlines the importance of knowing the quality of an organization's talent and finding ways to empower individuals to become breakout stars who can demonstrate their very best.
We tend to think of consumers as rational beings with stable preferences. But recent research shows that it just isn't so. While shopping, we don't think as much as we think we think.
If you want a simple shorthand for the dysfunction in Washington, D.C., I can do it in two words: Don Berwick.
Capitalism isn't going away. Indeed, it is the most powerful mechanism on the planet for moving people, money and resources and for creating wealth. But the culture of capitalism is changing in dramatic and disruptive ways.
The $26 billion settlement between state attorneys general, the federal government and five of the nation's largest banks offers a cautionary tale and some real opportunities for communities grappling with the foreclosure crisis.
Tom Fox, 2012.16.02