There are a million blogs in the naked city.
Here’s where to find 6293 of them.

Please join us in a project to bring together New York City's blogs:

The New York City Blogger Map.

The idea is simple:
A map of the city that shows where the bloggers are, organized by subway stop. Find out who's blogging in your neighborhood!

There are no rings to join, no code to put on your page. Just fill out this form to add your blog to the map.

You can click on the map to start exploring. The overview map will show you how many blogs are in each borough, and the borough maps will show you how many blogs are at each station. Click on the station to get the list of blogs. You can also browse by subway line, using the buttons on the right. And you can search for a specific blog by name using the search feature.

Site Happenings
Greetings NYC Bloggers!

Yes, I know, it's been a while since you've heard from us. Or, indeed, since we've updated That's why we need your help!

We have some cool ideas for the site, but just not enough time. Here's what we have planned for this year:

  • A new system that will enable you to login and update your blog's name, URL, station, and description.
  • An updated map to reflect the latest MTA map.
  • A fully up-to-date blog list.

And some other features that we'd like to do if we get enough help:

  • RSS feeds of the latest posts from each blog
  • GeoURL integration for each stop
  • Integration of tags, so you can see what people are blogging about in your neighborhood and across the city.
  • Local search (Yahoo / Google / A9)
  • "My commute" blog that combines the latest post from every stop along your route.
  • More reviews for blogs.

So, like we said, we need your help to pull this off. Here's what we need:

  • Volunteers to go through our backlog of blog requests.
  • Programmers who know ASP, VBScript and MS Access to help create the password backend.
  • Designer to update the map.
  • Reviewers
  • Anyone who can help us figure out how to receive RSS feeds
  • Someone to help us find a new host

If you can help out with any of the above, please send an email to Thanks!

— Liz, Matt, and Mike 3/15/05

Five Most Recently Added Blogs

14 Street - Canarsie Local They call me concha: ¡viva la concha!
8/22/2006 4:50:06 PM

6 Avenue Local The Discreet Confessions of Douglas T. Allbright: Daily selections from the transcribed audiotapes of missing person Douglas T. Allbright.
8/22/2006 4:47:19 PM

Central Park West Local / 6 Avenue Express Amanda's MsAdventures: Join Amanda, a recent college graduate with wide eyes and a smart mouth, as she moves to New York City and navigates the confusion of subways, public school bureaucracy, and urban life.
8/22/2006 4:45:53 PM

6 Avenue Local Adventures of the Pie Queen: Food-related musings and recipes from a pie-bakin' Brooklyn girl.
8/22/2006 4:45:44 PM

Eighth Avenue Local Clinton Hill Blog: Observations in Clinton Hill
8/22/2006 4:42:02 PM

The New York City Blogger Map is brought to you by mike, liz, and matt.

Help keep New York blogging! Donate to the NYC Blogger Map or link back to help spread the word. For a text only index of the blogs listed, click here. For more information on blogs and blogging, click here.

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4 line 5 line 6 line 7 line
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