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Thursday, Feb 16, 2012 4:59 AM UTC2012-02-16T04:59:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

My tryst with Spencer Tracy

In this excerpt from a controversial new book, a Hollywood bartender recalls his nights of passion with the star


This article is excerpted from Scotty Bowers' controversial new memoir, "Full Service" (written with the help of Lionel Friedberg), about working as a sexual fixer in Hollywood. The book has come under fire for its explosive allegations about numerous Hollywood stars.

By the mid-fifties, Los Angeles was changing. Its population had reached two million, making it the fourth largest city in the nation after New York, Chicago, and Detroit. Mike Romanoff had opened his fancy new Romanoff ’s restaurant on Rodeo Drive. Rob­insons had launched its flagship department store at the corner of Wilshire and Santa Monica boulevards. The gigantic new CBS Televi­sion City was under construction in Hollywood, intended primarily for the development and production of color television program­ming. After being temporarily closed down for financial reasons, the Hollywood Bowl reopened and celebrated its thirty-third season of music and entertainment under the stars.

My daughter Donna had grown into a beautiful little girl with sparkling blue eyes and long brown hair. She was a good student, attending a grammar school on the corner of Beachwood Drive and Tamarind Avenue in Hollywood, not too far from our small apart­ment. Even though I did not see much of her due to my vagabond lifestyle, I adored her.

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Wednesday, Feb 15, 2012 4:59 AM UTC2012-02-15T04:59:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

A match made on Craigslist adult services

James was the first man to pay me for sex. He wanted to bring out the good in me, even though he needed the bad


This article is the first in a series of essays by current and former sex workers about their favorite johns.

The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous describes the fellowship as “people who normally would not mix.” That’s a good way of describing James and me. I was 27 years old, a grad student, bored and curious — just like my ad said. James was in his mid-30s, a little too old and far too normal. He was not the kind of guy who’d approach me in another situation, at least that’s what I thought when I saw him. Then again, James and I would never meet in any situation other than this.

I was a Craigslist call girl. James was my first. I had gotten the idea from a friend. “There are ads,” she said, “placed by men, looking for” — she raised an eyebrow — “company.”

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Melissa Petro writes for The Huffington Post, Daily Beast, and XO Jane..   More Melissa Petro

Tuesday, Feb 14, 2012 3:15 PM UTC2012-02-14T15:15:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Occupy Valentine’s Day

From a "Parks and Rec"-inspired holiday to Quirkyalone Day, the "romantic-industrial complex" is under attack


 (Credit: CLM via Shutterstock/Salon)

A man and a woman are lying in bed under the covers, both of them beaming. She’s holding a handwritten sign that reads in part, “F–k a dozen roses.”

It’s one of several photos on the website Occupy Valentine’s Day, which applies the ethos of the anti-Wall Street movement to the consumerism of cupid’s holiday — and it’s just the latest attempt at creating an alternative celebration. “I think we need a new and different type of analysis around relationships,” says Samhita Mukhopadhyay, the site’s creator and author of “Outdated: Why Dating Is Ruining Your Love Life.” “This is not about being anti-love, but instead anti the unfair structures that force us to love a certain way.”

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Tracy Clark-Flory

Tracy Clark-Flory is a staff writer at Salon. Follow @tracyclarkflory on Twitter.  More Tracy Clark-Flory

Sunday, Feb 12, 2012 1:00 AM UTC2012-02-12T01:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Porn’s taboo transsexual stars

"T-girls" are fighting for respect in the adult biz. What does it mean for the general acceptance of trans women?

Transsexuals in porn


Brittany St. Jordan, a 28-year-old leggy redhead in a plunging gold number, was all dressed up with somewhere to go: the Adult Video News Awards, the so-called “Oscars for the porn industry.” But she ended up standing in line for three hours waiting to walk the red carpet, as other female performers were sent ahead. When she finally got her turn, event organizers directed her away from interviews with the press.

St. Jordan had an idea of why: Unlike the ladies who were sent right in, she’s a transsexual woman.

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Tracy Clark-Flory

Tracy Clark-Flory is a staff writer at Salon. Follow @tracyclarkflory on Twitter.  More Tracy Clark-Flory

Tuesday, Jan 31, 2012 8:35 PM UTC2012-01-31T20:35:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

“House” gets asexuality wrong

In a TV first, the Fox drama introduces asexual characters -- only to blame their identity on a medical condition


 (Credit: Fox)

Last week’s episode of “House” marked the first time a major TV network featured self-identified asexual characters. But the asexuality community isn’t exactly celebrating this breakthrough; in fact, many are petitioning Fox executives in outrage.

That’s because the episode ends — spoiler alert! — with the revelation that the characters aren’t asexual after all.

When the show’s cantankerous lead, Dr. Gregory House, learns that his colleague has a female patient who identifies as asexual, and is married to an “asexual” man, he bets him $100 that he can find “a medical reason why she doesn’t want to have sex.” Through his signature unethical approach, House manages to run some tests on the husband under the guise of administering a flu shot. He finds that the man has a pituitary tumor that’s killing his sex drive. Then comes the ultimate reveal: The wife — or “giant pool of algae,” as House calls her — is just pretending to be asexual to make her husband happy.

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Tracy Clark-Flory

Tracy Clark-Flory is a staff writer at Salon. Follow @tracyclarkflory on Twitter.  More Tracy Clark-Flory

Friday, Jan 27, 2012 1:00 AM UTC2012-01-27T01:00:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

I’m fixated on my wife’s past

After 25 years of marriage, a man finds himself suddenly obsessing about his partner's sexual history


 (Credit: brushingup via Shutterstock)

Help! I’ve been married for nearly 25 years, and I can’t stop obsessing over my wife’s past sexual history.

When we first started seeing each other, she was married, I was married and we were both having affairs with other people. She told me in very exquisite detail about many — if not all — of her sexual adventures (many of them extramarital with married men). She went into great detail about how affairs started, when, where, the type of sex performed (oral/anal) with each man. Her sexual experience was far greater than mine.

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Tracy Clark-Flory

Tracy Clark-Flory is a staff writer at Salon. Follow @tracyclarkflory on Twitter.  More Tracy Clark-Flory

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