Dangerous Anti-Birth Control Efforts PendingSend a message to your Congress members today, urging them to vote down any effort to restrict contraceptive coverage in health care.
Attacks on Birth Control Coverage Rage On in Congress, Representatives Stand Up for Women by Walking Out of Stacked Hearing
This morning, a House committee held a hearing on birth control coverage that featured a panel stacked exclusively with men opposed to the Affordable Care Act rule requiring that contraception be covered in employee health care plans.
Crazy Train Headed Off the Rails Over Birth Control
NOW President Terry O'Neill writes on Huffington Post: "Despite President Obama's accommodating move last week, conservative leaders are hurtling along in their attempt to restrict birth control. They've gained a righteous head of steam so quickly they don't seem to care that they're about to careen off the tracks."
Announcing NOW Foundation's 2012 Love Your Body Poster Contest Winners!
Check out the winners of the 2012 Love Your Body poster contest. Eighth grader Francesa Spruiell is this year's grand prize winner. You can send all four designs as e-cards and learn about entering the 2013 contest yourself.
Restaurant Industry Must End Pay Discrimination, Sexual Harassment of Tipped Worker
A report released Feb. 13 at a congressional briefing by the Restaurant Workers Opportunities Centers and 11 major women's organizations, including NOW Foundation, provides in shocking detail the poor working conditions and poverty level wages paid to tipped restaurant workers, two thirds of whom are women.
NOW Applauds Prop 8 Decision, Calls for Equal Marriage Nationwide
Today the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed that Proposition 8, the California ballot initiative that eliminated same-sex couples' right to marry, violates the U.S. constitution.
VAWA 2012 Passes Out of Committee, NOW Continues 20-Year Commitment to Landmark Bill
NOW was an early proponent of the first Violence Against Women Act, holding a rally on Capitol Hill in 1995 that brought together tens of thousands of activists to demand full funding for the bill. The act must be reauthorized every five years, so 20 years later feminists are still rallying for VAWA.
Komen Backtracks, But Questions Remain
After an overwhelming nationwide reaction to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation's decision to cut grant funds from Planned Parenthood, the board of directors announced today a new revision to its funding policy.
NOW Congratulates Suzanne Bonamici on Special Election Victory
NOW/PAC-endorsed candidate Suzanne Bonamici (D) soundly defeated Tea Party favorite Rob Cornilles (R) in the Jan. 31 special election in Oregon's 1st Congressional District. Bonamici, a strong supporter of NOW's issues, will be the first woman in recent years to be part of Oregon's congressional delegation.
Violence Against Women Act Needs Your Immediate ActionVAWA 2011 was passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Feb. 2. Next comes the full Senate vote. Right now, 38 senators are co-sponsors, but we need 60 to assure final passage. Call your senators ASAP to make sure they are on board before the floor vote. Take action NOW!
Roe v. Wade Turns 39, Abortion Rights Still Under Attack
As we celebrate the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that recognized a woman's constitutional right to legal abortion, we can't forget how many times women's lives have been put at risk in the past year.
Catholic Bishops Fail to Take Birth Control from More Women
In an important decision that ensures access to affordable birth control for millions of women, the Obama administration announced today that it would not expand an unconstitutional refusal clause that will already deny contraceptive coverage to some women under the Affordable Care Act.
NOW to Obama: Women Who Elected You Need You To Support Birth Control
NOW calls on President Obama and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to retract the department's decision to overrule the FDA's recommendation on Plan B One-Step, and to keep all religious exemption clauses out of the Affordable Care Act regulations on insurance coverage of birth control.
2012 National Conference
Join us in Baltimore this summer to "Energize! Organize! Stop the War on Women." Online registration is now open.
Regional Conferences
Attend the NOW conference in your region this spring and help elect national leadership!
Media Hall of Shame: ABC's "Work It" Works Overtime Promoting Sex Stereotypes - check out our latest outrage!
Love Your Body Campaign
Congratulations to the winners of the 2012 poster contest -- check them out!
U.S. ratification of the CEDAW treaty is long overdue. Get the details and take action.
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