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Current Issues

Ending the War in Afghanistan

Peace Action members across the country are organizing to end the longest war in U.S. history by seeking peaceful, nonmilitary solutions to the conflict. READ MORE

Move the Money

Join Peace Action in our campaign to cut Pentagon spending and Move the Money from wars and weapons back to our communities! READ MORE

Nuclear Disarmament

Since our founding as the Committee for a SANE Nuclear Policy in 1957, Peace Action has tirelessly worked for a world free of nuclear weapons. Find out how you can get involved in fulfilling President Obama's pledge to rid the world of the nuclear threat. READ MORE

Bringing the Troops Home from Iraq

After over 8 years, the war in Iraq is far from over. Join Peace Action in our efforts to bring the troops home once and for all. READ MORE

Preventing War in Iran

With the U.S. engaged in three wars, the potential for a military strike on Iran may seem remote. But the threat of another military action is looming. Join Peace Action in seeking a nonmilitary, diplomatic solution with Iran. READ MORE

Peace Voter

Peace Voter is our nonpartisan campaign to bring critical foreign policy issues to the election debates. READ MORE

Action Alerts
In the News Peace Action Blog

Over 50 Years Working for PEACE

  • Empty War Head in White House
  • Protest at Carter Inaguration
  • Iraq Vigil
  • Bolton Protest in front of U.S. Capitol
  • DC Iraq Demonstration


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