At the beginning of Fashion Week, I pondered the eternal question of how many times you can wear a dress you love before it becomes problematic. At the end of Fashion Week, my thoughts turn to one of modern life's great paradoxes: how, in our hyper-connected lives, do we disconnect from our devices and reconnect with ourselves? READ MORE
Balloon Boy Politics: The Media's Embrace of Birth Contracalypse 2012: The new supposed "culture war" may have captured the fevered imagination of the press corps, but not the electorate -- 71 percent of which still says the economy is the most important problem facing America. READ MORE
Watch: Arianna, Lawrence O'Donnell Discuss The GOP's Self-Destructive Contraception Campaign (VIDEO)
As far as I'm concerned, the only thing Tiger Moms and Eagle Dads will do is ensure a boon for psychiatrists 20 years from now, as they try to help a whole generation of young adults reconcile childhoods in which they were pushed too hard and too far.
By vetoing the marriage equality bill passed by the state legislature, the Governor of New Jersey chose to stand for bigotry rather than equality. New Jersey deserves better. America deserves better. And Governor Christie should know better.
Suddenly, manufacturing is back -- at least on the election trail. But don't be fooled. The real issue isn't how to get manufacturing back. It's how to get good jobs and good wages back. They aren't at all the same thing.
If our current campaign finance system isn't corrupt, what is? A handful of billionaires can decide who the next president will be. If our Supreme Court doesn't find that corrupt, then they are using a very different dictionary than the rest of America.
Anthony Shadid was a man for others, for Arabs and Americans. He was our bridge to a world we impact so profoundly, but whose reality we do not know. And now he is gone.
My personal hope is that together we can create a national conversation about a real, practical solution for the prevention, treatment, and reversal of our obesity, diabetes and chronic disease epidemic. Getting off wheat may just be an important step.
Large numbers of Americans are hankering for experiential faith whereby they can connect with God, the divine, or wonder as well as with their neighbors and that lead to a more profound sense of meaning in the world.
Perhaps former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum should take a couple aspirin and get some rest. It appears the pressure of being the front-runner in the Republican presidential sweepstakes is getting to him.
I expected her to address her fears as an opportunity to bridge the gap between her own misunderstanding of dwarfism and the reality. Rather than erase any distance, O'Donnell reinforced the gap.
One of the unshakable myths of the punditariat is that the federal government is going bankrupt because of entitlements spending, especially spending on Medicare and Medicaid. This is a stampede of unreason, contradicted by the facts.
Every year, more than 2.5 million children globally die due to hunger and malnutrition. The exciting news is that this crisis is solvable. I saw that firsthand last week on a trip to Ethiopia.
Tony Shadid will live on -- through his articles, and through the young men and women who are standing up for freedom, a cause that he so passionately believed in.
It's well-known that what happens at the bachelor party stays at the bachelor party, but these other secrets grooms keep may not be as obvious.
Is this what my adult life has come to? Is Facebook really in a position to take away my car keys and TV privileges? This is like the best Firm Parenting Class for teens ever. Facebook does not get tired or annoyed and cave in, and there's no way for me to contest it. What's an anti-authority political satirist to do?
At one time, the Nations owned a home. But like so many other American families, their standard of living has declined over the past decade even though they are a two-parent working family.
The right is staging an all-out assault on women's rights while they have control of the majority of state legislatures, the House and a determined minority in the Senate. The GOP's presidential candidates are promising to join it if they get elected. We can't let them succeed.
Don't mean to overreact and risk boosting everybody's blood pressure, but this might be a halfway decent time to seek out a nice safe steel bunker to hunker down in, because it's awards season and heavy metal statuettes are being tossed around like dimes at a county fair.
Sponsors of the Lieberman resolution deny that it is an "authorization for military force," and in a legal, technical sense, they are absolutely correct: it is not a legal authorization for military force. But it is an attempt to enact a political authorization for military force.
When love comes into your life, and you feel it in your bones, nurture it and cultivate it, because it is something we all long for, and we want it at every age.
What originated as an industry term (fraccing or fracking) has been co-opted by opponents to hydraulic fracturing much to the industry's chagrin. Industry would love to turn back time and bury that word in a place no one will find it. But the genie is out of the bottle.
The line between certain types of comedy and the political/media world should be brighter than ever. This is a lesson Dana Milbank of the Washington Post apparently has yet to learn.
Tomorrow, the energies of Penn State University will be devoted to one thing. This is the real Penn State; this is who, "We Are."
As Whitney Houston's family and loved ones gather to remember and to mourn her this weekend, here are the songs that I will listen to as I remember a woman who brought so much love and solace to millions around the world with a voice that will likely outlive us all.
Gary Carter was among the best catchers in Major League Baseball history, but, for me, he'll always be the man that took the time to respond to my Bar Mitzvah invitation.
Despite the recent green-lighting of the first new nuclear reactors in decades, most of the industry's celebratory assertions about nuclear power's revival, its potential to "jumpstart" the economy, and its relative safety don't hold up to scrutiny.