The Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. To learn more about our liberal religious tradition, email info@uua.org or visit UUA.org.

Boston, Massachusetts · http://www.uua.org


The Rev. Dr. William F. Schulz will lead Sunday Morning Worship at 2013 in Louisville, KY!:

MT : Congratulations to Deanna Vandiver on her ordination @ 1st Unitarian Universalist Church of New Orleans...

What did yr donations to the make possible in the past year? Find out in our Annual Report on Giving: Thanks!

Our Monday is "We Pray Today To Be Renewed by the Love That Never Faileth" by Earl K Holt:

MT : Writing as a Spiritual Practice: The Pen and the Bell: Mindful Writing. 20% off this weekend.

MT : For upcoming service, we need photos of ppl whose lives u want 2 celebrate! Email transcourage@gmail.com.

UUA President Peter Morales applauds voters and reaffirms our commitment to stand on the side of love in this statement

Election Day is here and the UUA wants you to vote! Watch the Voting on the Side of Love video winner for inspiration

This Monday, a on Broken Hearts, by Thomas Rhodes: "..give thanks for the broken places in our hearts"

To aid congs and members affected by hurricane , consider donating to the CERG UU Disaster Relief Fund:

MT : Friday Thru Sunday Only Save 20% at on Fluent in Faith: A Embrace of Religious Language:

Nov. Congregational Bulletin is now available! Get the latest edition of Catalyst, and GA info for 2013 and much more

Retweeting sermon content can be a Twitter version of 'Bring a Friend Sunday':

Our hearts go out to all affected by hurricane Sandy. Grateful field staff report no major damage to congs:

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