
  • Prosecutors May be Closing in on Walker as WI Gov Implicated In Criminal Complaint Against Aides
    Guest blogged by Ernest A. Canning A recall from his position as Wisconsin's governor could ultimately be the least of Gov. Scott Walker's worry, if a criminal complaint quietly moving forward in the Badger State court system continues on its current trajectory. At the moment, Walker seems to be at the bottom of a mountain where an avalanche is just beginning to roll. A 51-page criminal complaint [PDF] (the "Rindfleisch complaint"), which formally...
    Published: 2012-02-14 00:14:57 GMT
  • O'Keefe's Latest Fraudulent 'Voter Fraud' Video Even More Fraudulent Than We Originally Reported
    On Tuesday, we dismantled the latest absurd attempt by pretend journalist and real federal criminal James O'Keefe to demonstrate the rampant "voter fraud" that he and his Republican Party claim to be so pervasive in these United States so as to require polling place Photo ID restrictions guaranteed to prevent little, if any, voter fraud at all, while serving to deter hundreds of thousands of legal (disproportionately Democratic-leaning) voters from being
    Published: 2012-02-10 00:23:21 GMT
    • Joe Cannon, The BRAD BLOG, Joe Murphy and 9 others like this.
      • ForThe Earthy wow!
        February 9 at 4:57pm
      • The BRAD BLOG That'll teach me to give O'Keefe the benefit of ANY doubt.
        February 9 at 10:43pm · 1
      • Tessa Hoffman Schweitzer My state representative (ALEC Republican) just sent me this O'Keefe video trying to buttress his argument for voter ID!!
        Saturday at 3:20pm
  • ‎'Green News Report' - February 9, 2012
    TWITTER: @GreenNewsReport VIA SMART PHONE: Stitcher Radio! IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: Santorum down the rabbit hole; New nukes for the US; Clean energy breakthroughs: seaweed ethanol, highest efficiency solar panels ever, plastic-eating fungus; PLUS: 'Betty Crocker Solar Power Cake Powder' ... All that and more in today's Green News Report! Listen online here, or Download MP3 (6 mins)... Link: Embed: Got comments, tips, love letters, hate mail?...
    Published: 2012-02-09 22:59:40 GMT
  • Unlikely Supreme Court Will Overturn 9th Circuit Prop 8 Unconstitutionality Ruling
    Guest blogged by Ernest A. Canning On Tuesday, Feb. 7, in Perry vs. Brown [PDF], a divided three judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeal ruled that California Proposition 8's ban on same-sex marriage violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The majority opinion decided an issue that was so narrow and so tightly crafted to meet the criteria of a 1996 U.S.
    Published: 2012-02-09 17:35:32 GMT
    • The BRAD BLOG, An Infinitude of Tortoises, ForThe Earthy and 4 others like this.
      • Robin D Ryan I'd contend that's cuz they're as illegitimate as the rest of the nation's governing bodies, but...it's a tall hill and I got but two feet. Gotta holler from higher ground and that's hard to find while everybody else screams "Lower that standards bar!". Boo2u B2.
        February 9 at 9:55am
      • ForThe Earthy
        Brad, I totally agree with your take on this and I think it could have implications here in WA state later on if it goes the way you think. Our legislature just passed same-sex marriage and it will be signed into law next week. The right ...wing has already jumped on this and the Mormons are financing a petition drive to start as soon as it's signed. If they succeed in getting a ban on the ballot, and if it wins in the general election (with all that outside money it may), then it too will end up in the 9th circuit. If the case is drawn on similar lines, it will most likely go the same way as CA, don't you think?See More
        February 9 at 10:51am
      • The BRAD BLOG
        ‎@ForThe Earthy - I've long said its over for the opponents I marriage equality. At this point it's just a matter of time and a question of how many folks thy wish to punish and for how long. But this is a fight the good guys won because, i...n the end, rights will always win out. That said, that particular piece was written by The BRAD BLOG's crack legal correspondent. So kudos (and/or blame) should go to him, not me :-)See More
        February 9 at 10:47pm · 1
  • O'Keefe Releases Another New Video Fraudulently Purporting to Illustrate 'Voter Fraud' in Minnesota
    Convicted federal criminal James O'Keefe and his band of co-conspirators at his ironically named Project Veritas outfit have another new video in their "Voter Fraud Investigation" series out. So that means, naturally, they're misleading the public again. This time, O'Keefe's video portends to show some of his courageous, unnamed and unseen cohorts at various voter registration centers in Minnesota, asking whether they can have voter registration forms to take home to "Thomas
    Published: 2012-02-08 00:47:48 GMT
  • ‎'Green News Report' - February 7, 2012
    TWITTER: @GreenNewsReport VIA SMART PHONE: Stitcher Radio! IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: Romney and Paul confused about public lands; Wacked-out Winter 2012: Record cold in Europe, record warm in the U.S.; Most anti-environment Republican Party ever; PLUS: Never mind Clint Eastwood's halftime --- it was the greenest Super Bowl yet ... All that and more in today's Green News Report! Listen online here, or Download MP3 (6 mins)... Link: Embed: Got comments, tips, love letters, hate mail?...
    Published: 2012-02-07 22:58:55 GMT
  • Nevada is No Iowa: Silver State's GOP Caucuses Fail
    Iowa's "First-in-the-Nation" Caucuses managed to publicly tally some 122,000 hand-marked paper ballots at 1,774 caucus sites within an hour or two after votes were cast, in such a way that any problems or typos in the state GOP's reporting of the results could be quickly verified by many different sources as inaccurate, thanks to the thousands who were able to oversee the hand-counting on caucus night. This year Iowa had the tightest
    Published: 2012-02-06 23:40:49 GMT
    The chief election official in the very first state in the nation to implement polling place Photo ID restrictions --- under the guise of preventing "voter fraud" --- has been found guilty of three counts of felony voter fraud today. In an early morning verdict following 12 hours of deliberation, a jury in Hamilton County found Indiana's Republican Secretary of State Charlie White guilty of three counts of voter fraud related to
    Published: 2012-02-04 21:17:06 GMT
    • Veralynne Bosko Pepper, Todd Bronson, Ron Jones and 25 others like this.
      • The BRAD BLOG As well you should be, @Mary Savage. Wish that wasn't the case.
        February 7 at 1:54am
      • Mary Savage Does anyone know if anyone is 'doing' anything? Organizing? Lawyers committees? NAACP? I have heard not a thing, but I am in a limited loop here in the isolated and often odd sunshine state! :(
        February 7 at 2:25pm · 1
  • EXTRA Tight Security at Koch Bros Super-DUPER Secret Winter Seminar in Palm Springs This Year
    Hilarious. For some odd reason, the latest super-secret Koch Brothers Winter Seminar, once again near Palm Springs this year, decided to up its already tight security big time. Not that that kept ace reporter Lee Fang from finding out about it and heading out there, as detailed in his new exclusive today: The summit, organized by the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, was cloaked in secrecy....
    Published: 2012-02-03 21:26:34 GMT
    • Joe Cannon, The BRAD BLOG, Dana Cochrane and 6 others like this.
      • Lily Golgano I bet!!!!
        February 3 at 2:25pm
      • ForThe Earthy I love this!
        February 4 at 8:39am
      • ForThe Earthy And it looks like Bradblog and Lee Fang have caused Koch's to help out the unemployment situation temporarily in the area of the summit. :)
        February 4 at 8:44am
  • ‎'Hoosier' Vendor?
    There are at least a dozen things in this story out of Indiana that make my head wanna explode. I don't have time to really detail any of them in depth for the moment, so check it out in full if you're inclined and might like your head to explode too. But one graf in the piece is begging me to highlight it. The story, as I say, is about Indiana where, apparently,
    Published: 2012-02-03 20:26:09 GMT
  • ‎'Green News Report' - February 2, 2012
    IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: 6 more weeks of winter? The Winter That Wasn't across the US; Extreme weather disasters leading to higher insurance rates; Wall St. Journal climate denier smackdown; Even Saudi Arabia believes in global warming(!); PLUS: House arrest for fracking filmmaker - House of Representatives, that is ......
    Published: 2012-02-02 22:37:56 GMT
  • Brad on Hartmann TV: On VA's Investigation of 1,500 Fraudulent Signatures from Gingrich Campaign
    I joined Thom Hartmann on his Big Picture TV show last night to discuss The BRAD BLOG's exclusive report from earlier in the day confirming the Virginia State Attorney General's newly launched criminal investigation into the 1,500 allegedly fraudulent signatures turned in by the Gingrich Campaign in their failed attempt to be included on the VA GOP Primary ballot... By the way, since we broke the news yesterday morning, several outlets have
    Published: 2012-02-01 20:27:41 GMT
  • ‎'Green News Report' - January 31, 2012
    TWITTER: @GreenNewsReport VIA SMART PHONE: Stitcher Radio! IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: Republicans taking hostages over Keystone XL pipeline --- again; Banner year for Big Oil profits --- again; Chevy Volt cleared of all charges; Florida invaded by snakes (no, not the GOP primary); PLUS: The Muppets Strike Back (at Fox 'News') ......
    Published: 2012-01-31 22:01:16 GMT
  • EXCLUSIVE: Virginia Officials Confirm Criminal Election Fraud Investigation of Gingrich Campaign
    Had the same thing been carried out by a worker for the now-defunct ACORN, Republicans --- and even Newt Gingrich --- would have called it massive "voter fraud". But the 1,500 acts of fraud, by Gingrich's own admission, were carried out by a worker hired by his campaign, so it seems the media have barely noticed it. Nonetheless, The BRAD BLOG has received confirmation from two different state agencies that the 1,500
    Published: 2012-01-31 13:35:49 GMT
    • Dana Cochrane, The BRAD BLOG, Kellie Pryor and 16 others like this.
      • The BRAD BLOG Well that answers that. Yes, you're a simp, @Johnny Beacham. Thanks for removing all doubt! Sorry also that you hate the Constitution and its guaranteed rights and freedoms. I prefer them over the totalitarian state you're in support of. But hey, different strokes. I hear N. Korea is nice this time of year. You might want to try it. Sounds like your kind of place!
        February 4 at 2:01am · 1
      • John Michael Sawyer
        ‎@Johnny Beacham: the guy who weaponized pepper to turn it into a spray, denounced the use of pepper spray by the Davis campus police (as well as other instances of its use during Occupy events), citing the laws that state that it's to be u...sed on someone only when that person is about to inflict physical harm on someone else, or on themselves. The Davis police lied about the reason for pepper spraying the protesters, claiming the police felt threatened. The protesters were simply sitting on the ground, not moving, and unarmed, as is normal in many protests. The crowd supporting the protesters was behind the protesters, and there was ample unoccupied space in front of front of this group of protesters, where the police were free to stay or even leave if they chose. After the pepper spraying, the support crowd pointed out to the police that the police were under no threat, and were free to go. Upon hearing this, the police talked among themselves a minute or so, decided that was the case, and then they left. The Davis campus police accomplished nothing except to antagonize a nation. If the campus police had acted normally and within the law, they'd have simply arrested the sitting protesters, who wouldn't have resisted in any significant way.

        So no, the Davis protesters didn't "deserve" to be pepper sprayed. It was completely outside the lawful use of pepper spray--it was what's called a grossly asymmetrical use of force. Kind of like what's happening in Syria right now.
        See More
        February 8 at 7:37pm
  • Surprise! 953 'Dead Voters' in South Carolina Not So Dead After All!
    To paraphrase Mark Twain's famous remark in 1897, reports of 950 "dead people" having voted in recent South Carolina elections appear to be greatly exaggerated. Who could have guessed it? Following quickly on the heels of Rightwing hoaxster James O'Keefe's successful felonious conspiracy to commit voter fraud during the New Hampshire primary this year, by receiving ballots in the name of very recently deceased voters (resulting in a Republican call for his
    Published: 2012-01-30 21:50:55 GMT