By Drew Bennett

Husband, Dad, Blogger, Photographer, Transformers Fan and Wired Kayaker

  • Today Eva and I went into Cambridge for a PlayStation Vita preview event. The PlayStation Vita comes out all over the place on Wednesday. This is a pretty amazing little device and it was fun to get to play with it. I tried out a bunch of games and learned about some fun features.

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  • I woke up today to find out that Allison and Eva had gone to Target and while they were there they found two new Skylanders. They found the witch doctor Double Trouble and the dragon Cynder. So we are now up to 24 Skylanders characters with eight left to find to complete our set. At this point there are 32 characters to collect and this fall when the next game comes out there will be about 20 or more new characters. read more!

  • All of our desks had to be cleared off at work last night so work could be done to the underside of the desk. There was some bubbling of a sticker that goes across the front of the desk and it was decided that all the stickers needed to come off, the space needed to be sanded and then painted. So when I showed up last night I had to box up some of my stuff ad put the rest in my drawers. Next weekend I’ll be putting everything back out on my desk which includes a bunch of Sqwinkies.

    I spent all day sleeping but last night I worked while watching Transformers Prime on my iPad. I got through 8 episodes and will finish the series tonight. Really helped to get through the after midnight hours in between calls.

  • I’ve been watching my TRANSFORMERS PRIME: SEASON ONE on Blu-ray partially for a review of the Blu-ray set and partially to get ready for Season Two that starts today. I want to be totally up on my episodes so that I’m ready when the show begins anew. Watching it again I remember some episodes that I really enjoyed like “Con Job” because Wheeljack is my favorite character ever and making him a tough guy was inspired. The Season One Blu-ray and DVD sets will be released on March 6, 2012. If you are a Transformers fan than this must be a part of your collection.

    Here’s a clip from Con Job (below). I sure hope that Wheeljack comes back in season 2.

    Transformers Prime: Season One – Episode Clip: “Con Job”

  • I received an App Blaster from SpinMaster. This is THE iPhone case that you need in an alien invasion. Well, maybe not real aliens but the funny ones from AlienAttack the free iPhone App that you can download and use with the App Blaster. With this game you can protect your home, office, park, bathroom… you name it. The game is great because it turns your surroundings into a battlefield.

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  • Grandfather says

    "What did Eva think about it? " (read more)
  • Drew says

    "Deborah, There are a couple of Skylanders that she is not fond of but for the most part she likes them. " (read more)
  • Deborah says

    "Some of those look pretty scary! Does Eva ever get scared looking at them? " (read more)
  • Drew says

    "John, The games online from PBS Kids are really good ones for development. Are your kids doing the PBS Kids Island? ..." (read more)