Heart of the Home
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Best-Ever Pranks and Practical Jokes
Most of us have played a joke on someone, at some point in our lives. And most of us have also had a prank played on us by friends, family or co-workers.
What’s the best prank someone pulled on you? What was the reason for the prank? Was it April Fool’s Day, your birthday, your first day on a new job, or just a perfect prank moment?
On the flip side, what’s the best joke you played on someone else? Who was on the receiving end of the prank? Was that person a good sport, or did he or she get mad – or better yet, even?
Tell us about the best-ever pranks and practical jokes either played by or on you. Send your letters and high-quality photos (no photocopies, please; send appropriate-sized SASE with adequate postage for return of photos) to Capper’s, Heart of the Home, 1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609-1265, or email them (photos must be jpeg or tiff, at least 300 dpi) to