With Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen...

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IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: Romney and Paul confused about public lands; Wacked-out Winter 2012: Record cold in Europe, record warm in the U.S.; Most anti-environment Republican Party ever; PLUS: Never mind Clint Eastwood's halftime --- it was the greenest Super Bowl yet ... All that and more in today's Green News Report!

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IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): BP profits up, as oil spill victims still suffer; 7-yr oil leak in Gulf; MI River pushback on Corps levee ratings; San Onofre nuke plant shut down; Big Coal attacks climate scientist (again); Canada to poison wolves; Sacrificing the desert to save the earth; ... PLUS: "Peak Everything": special report ... and much, MUCH more! ...


'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (Stuff we didn't have time for in today's audio report)...

  • BP Profits Up, As Oil Spill Victims Still Suffer (Think Progress Green)
  • Waterkeeper Groups Sue Over Gulf Oil Leak Gushing For Seven Years And Counting (DeSmogBlog):
    According to a lawsuit filed this week by the Waterkeeper Alliance and their Gulf Coast affiliates, there is a smaller oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast that has been flowing nonstop for almost seven and a half years. While nowhere near as large as the oil leak from the Deepwater Horizon disaster – the lawsuit estimates the current leak to be releasing a few hundred gallons of oil per day – the fact that it has been flowing for more than seven years allows plenty of time for hundred of thousands, if not low millions, of gallons of oil to be released into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Officials Along Miss. River Push Back on Corps Levee Ratings: (NY Times):
    When the Army Corps of Engineers declared last year that the levees here were 'unacceptable,' it kicked up a storm of protest from officials and residents of the broad Mississippi River flood plain known as the American Bottom.
  • Feds: 'Unusual' wear on new tubes at CA nuke plant (AP):
    Unusual wear has been found on hundreds of tubes that carry radioactive water at Southern California's San Onofre Unit 2 nuclear plant, raising questions about the integrity of equipment the company installed in a multimillion-dollar makeover in 2009.

    The disclosure came two days after a tube leak at the plant's other unit prompted operators to shut down the reactor as a precaution. A tiny amount of radiation could have escaped, but officials say workers and the public were not endangered.

  • Salazar Cuts Back Plan to Develop Oil Shale on Public Lands: (Denver Post):
    Federal authorities are planning to scale back a Bush-era push to open 2 million acres of public lands in the Rocky Mountain region for commercial oil-shale development --- with support from Colorado agricultural, municipal and recreation industry leaders.
  • Big Coal Attacks Penn State Climate Scientist (Again) (Kate Sheppard, Mother Jones):
    We've documented the long-term effort to malign Pennsylvania State University climate scientist Michael Mann here rather extensively. Now a coal-backed group is running a smear campaign targeting an upcoming speaking event Mann is holding on campus.
  • Tar Sands: Federal recovery plan for caribou suggests thousands of wolves stand to die (Calgary GlobalTV) [emphasis added]:
    Much of the habitat in question overlaps with the oilsands region — although experts and the federal report alike don't hold the oilpatch solely responsible for the destruction of the caribou habitat. Rather, they say it's a culmination of decades, even centuries, of industrial development in the region that has upset the delicate balance caribou need to thrive.
    • Canadian Government Poisoning Wolves to Slow Rapid Declines in Caribou Population Near Tar Sands (Climate Progress) [emphasis added]:

      Canada’s caribou population are in steep decline. That’s due in part to the destruction of habitat through logging, expanding tar sands production, and other industrial development in the province of Alberta.

      But rather than focus on habitat conservation efforts to protect threatened caribou populations in the province, Canadian officials are poisoning and shooting wolves that prey on caribou.

  • Sacrificing the Desert to Save the Earth: (LA Times):
    Construction cranes rise like storks 40 stories above the Mojave Desert. In their midst, the 'power tower' emerges, wrapped in scaffolding and looking like a multistage rocket.
  • "Global Warming Has Stopped"? How to Fool People Using "Cherry-Picked" Climate Data (Peter Gleick) [emphasis added]:
    The current favorite argument of those who argue that climate changes isn’t happening, or a problem, or worth dealing with, is that global warming has stopped.
    The problem with this argument is that it is false: global warming has not stopped and those who repeat this claim over and over are either lying, ignorant, or exhibiting a blatant disregard for the truth [also known as lying - Ed.].
  • California orders hike in number of super clean cars (LA Times):
    The package of Air Resources Board regulations would require auto manufacturers to offer more zero- or very low-emission cars such as battery electric, hydrogen fuel cell and plug-in hybrid vehicles in California starting with model year 2018.

    By 2025, one in seven new autos sold in California, or roughly 1.4 million, must be ultra-clean, moving what is now a driving novelty into the mainstream.

  • Drought May Cause Shutdown of Texas Rice Production (Climate Progress):
    Although recent rains have put a dent in the Texas drought, a day of reckoning looms for the state’s long-grain rice growers, who pump millions into the economy in Southeast Texas each year and account for about 5 percent of America’s rice production. Come March 1, if there is less than 850,000 acre-feet of water in reservoirs along the Lower Colorado River, water managers will be forced to take the unprecedented step of withholding water from agricultural users, which will mean severe cuts to Texas rice production this year.
  • Special Report: PEAK EVERYTHING (Bloomberg News) [emphasis added]:
    By 2030, The Global Middle Class Is Expected To Grow By Two-Thirds.

    That's 3 Billion More Shoppers. They'll All Want Access To Goods, Including Water, Wheat, Coffee and Oil. Is There Enough for Everybody?

    Can Business Satisfy Demand and Avoid Hitting 'Peak Everything?'

  • China Bans Airlines From Joining EU Emissions Scheme (Reuters):
    The Chinese government said on Monday it will ban the country's airlines from participating in a European Union scheme to charge for carbon emissions from flights into and out of Europe and ban airlines from charging customers extra because of the EU plan.
  • Russians Drill Into Ancient Lake Vostok Below Antarctic Glacier: (Washington Post):
    Russian scientists have drilled into the vast, dark and never- before-touched Lake Vostok 2.2 miles below the surface of Antarctica, the state-run Russian news agency RIA Novosti said Monday.
  • New Diesel Exhaust Study Stalled By Industry & Congressional Objections (iWatch News):
    Tea Party Activists Fight Green Projects, Seeing UN Plot: (NY Times):
    Across the country, activists with ties to the Tea Party are railing against all sorts of local and state efforts to control sprawl and conserve energy. They brand government action for things like expanding public transportation routes and preserving open space as part of a United Nations-led conspiracy to deny property rights and herd citizens toward cities.
  • GOP's Sen. Burr Stands To Gain From Natural Gas Investments, Legislation: (Huffington Post):
    Sen. Richard Burr's vocal opposition to the STOCK Act raised some eyebrows in Washington this week, and with good reason.
    Burr, a North Carolina Republican who was one of just three senators to vote against the ban on congressional insider trading Thursday, owns investments in the natural gas industry that would benefit from legislation he co-sponsored offering tax credits for natural gas-fueled vehicles.
  • UN Declares Somali Famine Over, But Warns of Risks: (AP_:
    The United Nations said Friday that Somalia's famine is over, but the world body's Food and Agricultural Organization warned that continued assistance is needed to stop the region from slipping back.
  • Colorado Goes Its Own Way to Regulate Forest Roads: (NY Times):
    A road into the piney woods can be fraught with consequences. That was the premise, more than a decade ago, behind a Clinton administration rule that restricted road building on millions of acres of national forests in the West. The so-called roadless rule, fought over in court from the start, was validated last year by a federal appeals panel, setting off a wave of euphoria among supporters and consternation among critics.
  • STUDY: The Press And The Pipeline: Heavily Pro-Keystone XL Pipeline Coverage in the Media: (Media Matters)
  • A Media Matters analysis shows that as a whole, news coverage of the Keystone XL pipeline between August 1 and December 31 favored pipeline proponents. Although the project would create few long-term employment opportunities, the pipeline was primarily portrayed as a jobs issue. Pro-pipeline voices were quoted more frequently than those opposed, and dubious industry estimates of job creation were uncritically repeated 5 times more often than they were questioned.
  • Essential Climate Science Findings: