(Most recent articles at bottom of list.)
2/5/08: Problems (and Confusion) at L.A. County Polls Today
Independent Voters Have Trouble Voting, and Having Their Vote Counted, in the Open Democratic Primary
A Legal Battle Could Be on the Horizon Over 'California's Butterfly Ballot' if Results are Close...2/6/08: More Details on 'Double Bubble Trouble' in Los Angeles County
Hundreds of Thousands of Non-Partisan Voter Ballots May Not be Counted in California's Open Democratic Primary Election
City Attorney Calls for Review by CA SoS, County Registrar of Voters...2/6/08: Other Than That, Mrs. Lincoln, How Was the Play? - LA Times Reports 'Few Election Glitches, Except for Independents'
ALSO: Video Indicates Los Angeles Registration Problems for Republicans as well...2/7/08: Filling in the Ovals on LA County's Super Tuesday 'Double Bubble' Debacle
Confusion Reigns, Legal Challenges Loom as Hundreds of Thousands Votes May Not be Counted Due to Maddeningly Confusing Ballot Design, Procedures
UPDATED: Registar's Office Say They Plan to Examine Non-Partisan Ballots, Will 'Seek Legal Authority to Count Those Votes'...2/12/08: L.A. County Registrar Says It's 'Impossible' to Count Nearly 100,000 Ballots from Super Tuesday Primary
The L.A. County Registrar is Lying...And Blaming Voters and Pollworkers to boot...
UPDATED With Link to Petition Demanding ALL Votes Be Counted! Please Sign It!2/14/08: How to Count L.A. County's 'Double Bubble' Fiasco Ballots Accurately and Immediately
As the Clock Ticks Towards Final Certification, and the County's Registrar Makes Excuses, Hundreds of Thousands of Voters Stand to be Disenfranchised for No Reason at All...
Every Vote Counted REDUCES the Current Error Rate! The Registrar Must Act NOW!
2/16/08: L.A. County 'Double Bubble' Disenfranchisement Happened Before, Registrar Conny McCormack Did Nothing About It
44% of Non-Partisan Cross-Over Ballots Went Uncounted in March '04, 42% Uncounted in June '06, Before Same Ballot Design Used Again for the February 2008 Super Tuesday Primary
As LA Times Gets Religion on Election Integrity Issues, But Doesn't Bother Apologizing For Their Failures to do so up to Now...2/18/08: Former L.A. County Registrar Blames Everyone But Herself for 'Double Bubble' Failure Which Went 'Unheeded' for Six Years
'No One Could Have Predicted This,' Conny McCormack Tells LA Times in Her Best Condoleese, About Her Ballot Design That Disenfranchsed 40% of Voters in At Least Two Previous Elections...2/18/08: Bowen to the Rescue: CA's SoS Calls on L.A. County Registrar to Count Thousands of Still-Uncounted Super Tuesday Ballots
Asks for 'Precinct-by-Precinct Reconciliation' of Poll Rosters to Begin Accurately Accounting for Tens of Thousands of Non-Partisan Voters Who Cast Machine-Unreadable Ballots
2/26/08: L.A. County Registrar Prepares to NOT Count Thousands of 'Double Bubble' Ballots from Super Tuesday's Democratic Primary
New Planned Method for Counting Uncounted Non-Partisan Crossover Ballots, as Proposed by Dean Logan in Response to Sec. of State's Request, Will Needlessly Disenfranchise Thousands of Legal Voters
SoS Bowen Must Intervene Again to Assure All Votes That Can be Counted ARE Counted...2/20/08: L.A. County 'Double Bubble' Trouble Gets Worse, as Thousands of 'Remade' Provisional Ballots Set to Go Uncounted as Well, According to Local Activist
Despite Party Designation on Provisional Ballot Envelopes, an Estimated 10 to 15,000 Democratic Votes Cast by Validated, Non-Partisan Registered Voters from 'Super Tuesday' Primary May be Uncountable by Registrar's New 'Supplemental Counting' Scheme...3/04/08: L.A. County Registrar Chooses to Disenfranchise 12,000 Voters in Final 'Double Bubble' Ballot Tally
But the Good News: Provisional Ballots, Newly Discovered as Uncounted, as Reported by The BRAD BLOG on Friday, Were Ultimately Counted...by Hand!
Joint Legislative Hearing on 'Double Bubble' and Other Super Tuesday Problems to be Held on Friday in Los Angeles...
3/8/08: 'Double Bubble' Hearing: Logan Runs and Conny Gets Called on the Carpet
Acting Registrar Lies to the Board of Supes, Former Registrar Lies to the Joint State Legislative Panel
Independent Criminal Investigation Called For...3/10/08: VIDEO: Brad Friedman and Other Election Integrity Advocates Speak At Historic California Hearing On Voting Problems
The BRAD BLOG Publisher Also Nearly Gets Thrown Out Of Hearing by The Sergeant-at-Arms