The Republicans sure have the right symbol with the elephant. Republican debates are nothing but elephants in the room. The biggest of which must be: to someone out there who's hurting, they spend the whole two hours yammering away about earmarks and illegal immigrants and contraception and every other peripheral, wish-I-had-the-time-to-worry-about-it issue they can think of. Then there is the elephant of how they all -- with the sometime exception of Ron Paul -- nod along to insane statements just because they don't want to ever look like they're to the left of anybody, on anything, especially the evilness of Barack Obama. So Wednesday night Newt said the president of the United States had a history of practicing infanticide... yep, yep, yessir, that's what he does alright. Clubs infants like baby seals in his spare time. Ike played golf, Kennedy liked boating...
What is fresh about this year's movies is the range of choices the actresses had. I was struck by the fact that this year's crop of women have moved into areas previously inhabited by male actors -- and, wow, were they good.
Here we go again. With the economy showing faint signs of life and their positions on the social issues alienating most moderates, the leading Republican candidates, with the exception of Ron Paul, have returned to the elixir of warmongering to once again sway the gullible masses.
Of the four contenders, Rick Santorum had the best night. It has taken him twenty debates, but Santorum finally ended up with the primo onstage real estate, right next to Mitt Romney at the heart of the action.
If I've said it once, I've said it 18 times, Meryl Streep is brilliant as Margaret Thatcher. I said it would earn her an Oscar nomination and it did. I can't believe how unbelievably believable she was.
We have a debate between the right -- Republicans like Mitt Romney who would cut corporate taxes and ask them to pay less -- and a business-friendly, centrist president who won't call on corporations to pay more. "Fair share?" -- not so much.
I didn't change my last name when I married my husband Paul. Learn from these mistakes and never utter these words to women still proudly sporting their maiden names.
Presidents need latitude to make decisions affecting matters of national security (another name for matters of life and death) and, until now, all presidents have been afforded it, as provided for in the United States Constitution. But, in the case of Iran, the rules are changing.
The positions that candidates take on Puerto Rico issues will influence the increasingly important group of voters of Puerto Rico origin in the U.S. However, candidates may not have realized that what they say about Puerto Rico can also have a significant impact on Hispanic voters in general.
God knew me and loved me before I was even formed. God chose to make me bisexual.
When Rick Santorum chooses to not embrace the good that science can do for all of 'God's children', he may make for a more attractive conservative candidate for his base, but a good Christian he is not.
If you want to lose weight or avoid weight gain, one step is to get a handle on your stress. Sounds good, but what do you do when you're facing a really difficult problem and it's stressing you out? Here are some simple ways to manage the stress, calm down, and turn your fat-burning machine back on.
No one says that Buchanan is not bright and personable. He is, however, a bigot so far outside the American political mainstream that he should never have been given legitimacy by MSNBC in the first place.
In spite of the ever-deepening flood of candidate advertising, politics (and journalism) today are do-it-yourself, web-based and socially-connected enterprises. Which is where you come in.
My former bullies pay extra to come backstage and meet me after shows, and I pretend not to know them in front of their friends. It is the most divine pleasure to exact the revenge of the brutalized child that resides within.
Why isn't the White House just proposing to close the loopholes without reducing overall corporate tax rates? That would generate more tax revenue that could be used for, say, public schools.
The solution to gun trafficking to Mexico is also the solution to gun trafficking within the U.S.: stronger federal gun laws.
With unemployment still over 8 percent, we currently have more ingenuity, energy, and expertise than we have jobs -- and definitely more time on our hands. That's one reason I was so drawn to Abundance, a new book by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler.
We as a society need to step back and rethink the view we have of disabled children. And the parents who are raising these children have to get serious about bringing these children up with the understanding that they can live their lives to the fullest.
The majority of election cycles between 1964 and 2010 resulted in House incumbent reelection rates of at least 90 percent. Those are Kim Jung Il and Robert Mugabe numbers that legitimately call into question the fundamental tenet of American democracy.
Rituals of every community, including that of Homo Academicus, can benefit from the infusion of new participants.
Since President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the historic Social Security Act of 1935, unemployment insurance has kept American families from falling into poverty. Seventy seven years later, this vital lifeline for unemployment insurance recipients continues to be weakened.
President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are fond of repeating the tag line: "Don't compare me to the Almighty, compare me to the alternative." And the "alternative" is very scary. But that strategy won't work.
If it takes a village to raise a child, you might say it also takes one to care for the sick. Cancer is at once personal and communal. And yet, caring for the sick can feel like writing a travelogue about a country you've never visited. You can't know where you haven't been.
There is simply no way to read the Bible I read and not come to the conclusion that it is overwhelmingly supportive of helping the poor, showing mercy to the weak, refraining from judging, and all kinds of other liberal, lefty, progressive values.
Pretty much every discussion of tax reform these days ends with an agreement that we need to broaden the base and lower the rates. Well, the White House today will release the broad outlines of a plan to do just that on the corporate side of the federal tax code.