Anthony Reyes

Anthony Reyes

@toinerey New York
associate producer msnbc @ @ O'Donnell. I come up with dances in my head when not thinking about politics. Opinions=my own, RT≠endorsement
Text follow toinerey to 40404 in the United States
Maeve Reston
Romney compensates for small crowd- thanks them for getting up early. "what time is it?" 9am - "Gosh" - "a work day"
Anthony Reyes
RT @: As I reported in October Romney on his effective tax rate: It’s probably been closer to the 15%
Anthony Reyes
!Featuring @ @ @ RT @: RNC web video flips original meaning of Obama quote -
Rosie O'Donnell
Today we reveal the new smaller more colorful set - with a nod of thanks to @ for showing me how to make a cable tv talk show - xxx
Anthony Reyes
Gingrich did best tonight. Romney was rattled by having to actually answer questions. Lied profusely about Obama.
Anthony Reyes
Hey Romney, the only envy I felt while watching was seeing that sand castle on the beach. I want to go to there. So cold
Anthony Reyes
@ has reoriented political discourse with just one article. again.
Anthony Reyes
@ right abt Romney cash giveaway. A lot of electorate thinks disproportionate amt of minorities rely on other people's $$
Dylan Ratigan
There's a profit to be made from the war on drugs & keeping prisoners incarcerated. Massive lobbying to keep it that way.
Anthony Reyes
Andrew Sullivan: How President Obama's Long Game Will Outsmart His Critics
Anthony Reyes
There has been progress but we have a long way to go.
Anthony Reyes
Gingrich - Paul - Perry - Romney - Santorum
Anthony Reyes
always makes me shriek in laughter. NeNe is redonkulous! Who gon check me boo?! @ @ @
Anthony Reyes
RT @: Best outcome: Newt wins nom; Romney finally gets pissed at GOP for dissing him, accepts Obama nom to run HHS
Anthony Reyes
Mormons unite!
Anthony Reyes
Goodbye is one of the only words I can say in Mandarin. 再見 @
Anthony Reyes
Homeland obviously won because of @ guest appearance! ;)
Anthony Reyes
Happy 7th birthday to my littlest best friend! My cousin Angelica!
Anthony Reyes
weekend indeed.
Anthony Reyes
Delicious Maureen Dowd column. Yumz