Female Elephants Need Not Apply

No female elephants in today's GOPIn the Republican primary for governor, six male candidates have now chosen six male running mates. It is a male-only field.

And it gets worse: Of the twenty or so Republicans who have announced a run for statewide office, only one is a woman.

At a minimum, you’d think at least one of the idiots running for governor would sense some political value in choosing a woman.  Yet none did.  Perhaps this is why the GOP has been relegated to a fringe sect in Montana. Perhaps this is why an ignoramus like Dennis Rehberg is now the Republicans’ lone statewide office holder, literally the last man standing.

Fortunately, Democrats give no quarter to such sexism.

For starters, Pam Bucy, an accomplished lawyer and deputy attorney general, is poised to become our next Attorney General.  She would become Montana’s first female Attorney General and one of only six in America, and only the second woman in Montana’s 122 year history to occupy a top elected office in Montana (the others are Jeanette Rankin and Judy Martz).

And don’t forget Monica Lindeen, Denise Juneau and Linda McCulloch, who are sitting in the three other executive positions right now, as well as Carol Williams who was Senate President in 2009 and now Senate Majority leader. She is the only woman ever to hold the top legislative post in either house.

And the Democratic nominee for Congress will also be a female, either Kim Gillan, Franke Wilmer or Diane Smith.  In the past, our nominees for Congress have included Tracy Velasquez, Lindeen, and Nancy Keenan for Congress, and Dorothy Bradley ran for Governor.  On the Public Service Commission, we have Gail Gutsche and may also soon have Lynda Moss.

The only females of the species playing a role in the GOP gubernatorial primary are the numerous ex-wives and mistresses of a few of the candidates.  I guess that’s better than nothing.

Rehberg Meme

Rehberg meme

Top Ten Larry Kralj Nicknames for Republicans

Readers to this blog have no doubt come across the colorful language of commenter Larry Kralj.  Kralj always seems to come up with funny nicknames for the GOP-ers. Like people’s names in American Sign Language (ASL), the names usually include …

. . . → Read More: Top Ten Larry Kralj Nicknames for Republicans

World’s Laziest Congressman

Millionaire Congressman Dennis Rehberg skipped out on out-of-work Montanans this week. The workers visited Rehberg’s office to ask him not to slash benefits for the unemployed.  They planned to tell Rehberg that he needed to be doing all he could …

. . . → Read More: World’s Laziest Congressman

New World Order Conspiracy Theorist Files for Bozeman Senate Seat

Republican Mike Comstock Official Facebook Photo

It was revealed today to the Cowgirl blog tip line that Republicans have filed a “one-world government” conspiracy theorist for state senate in the Bozeman/Belgrade area.

But there is a twist:  Mike Comstock  (pictured) is actually running in the Democratic senate …

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Nutjobs Only Need Apply

The Montana Republican Party Executive Director, Bowen Greenwood, this week is calling out a fellow Republican legislative candidate for not being a nutjob and accusing him of being a dastardly RINO.

Greenwood made the unusual move of taking sides …

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The Dirty Trick Republicans Played on the Catholic Bishops

The Catholic bishops shocked the nation this week when they came out loud and strong against birth control. Since studies show even 98% of Catholic women use birth control at some point in their lives, it makes you wonder why …

. . . → Read More: The Dirty Trick Republicans Played on the Catholic Bishops

On Skeletons and Closets

When he was announced as Corey Stapleton’s runningmate yesterday, Bob Keenan took a whack at the entire Republican gubernatorial field, saying that all the other candidates “have skeletons in their closets” and thus Corey Stapleton “is the most electable.”

Whether …

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Manic = Crazy

Corey Stapleton announced today that Bob Keenan would be his runningmate in the GOP gubernatorial primary.  The duo had a bit of a bumpy start.

In the Lee Newspapers report of the announcement, Keenan described himself as “manic.“  …

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Another GOP Candidate Caught Scrubbing Infidelity from Wikipedia Page

CNN this week chided the Newt Gingrich campaign for attempting to scrub references to Gingrich’s infidelity and ethics problems from his Wikipedia site.

Gingrich is the latest Republican to be caught trying to keep voters in the dark about his …

. . . → Read More: Another GOP Candidate Caught Scrubbing Infidelity from Wikipedia Page

What You Won’t Read in the Lee Newspapers Profile About Sandy Welch

Sandy Welch Facebook Profile HeadshotLee Newspapers ran a profile today of the GOP candidate running for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.  Sandy Welch is campaigning against the current Democratic office holder, Denise Juneau.  For some reason, the article didn’t include any of the more …

. . . → Read More: What You Won’t Read in the Lee Newspapers Profile About Sandy Welch

Denise Juneau’s Announcement Video

There are a couple of candidate introductory videos making the rounds on email this week.  Intelligent Discontent has one from Rob Stutz’s congressional primary campaign.  Here’s one from Denise Juneau, who is seeking a second term as Montana’s Superintendent …

. . . → Read More: Denise Juneau’s Announcement Video

What’s Really Going on with Susan G. Komen

Many of you have no doubt been following with dismay the news that the Susan. G. Komen foundation would be cutting off funds to Planned Parenthood because of an investigation by Congressional Republicans.

The Komen foundation faced major backlash. In …

. . . → Read More: What’s Really Going on with Susan G. Komen


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