My company provides WordPress development and consulting services – feel free to let us know if you have a project you’d like to discuss.
This plugin that creates an integration between your WordPress blog, Twitter and Facebook. It allows you to pull your tweets and Facebook reactions into your blog as comments. You can also broadcast posts and comments out, and users can authenticate via Twitter and Facebook. Social is also a platform that other plugins can leverage.
Twitter Tools
This plugin that creates an integration between your WordPress blog and your Twitter account. It allows you to pull your tweets into your blog (as posts and digests) and create new tweets on blog posts and from within WordPress.
WordPress Mobile Edition
A mobile/phone/PDA friendly interface for your blog with progressive enhancement for advanced mobile browsers. You can see it in action by visiting this site in a mobile browser (and preview the advanced mobile theme here).
Share This
This plugin will allow your visitors to share your content via social bookmarking sites and/or e-mailing the post to a friend. This supports the Share Icon project. You can see it in action on my blog. For those who want a localizable version or do not like using widgets, the ShareThis Classic plugin is still available.
Link Harvest
This plugin will go through all of your posts and pages and compile a list of all external links. Then it will create a linkroll for you based on your actual linking activity. You can have a full page display (like I do) or a little sidebar display. This is a complicated plugin, make sure you read the README. You can see it in action on my links page.
This plugin allows you to easily present a list of posts you select outside of your blog chronology. Very useful for featuring things that might otherwise slip into the nether regions of your archives. You can see it in action on my Articles page.
Drafts Dropdown
Wish you had quicker access to your draft posts and pages? Tired of having to click Edit / Drafts to get there? Problem solved – the Drafts Dropdown plugin gives you links to all of your drafts on every screen through a handy tab.
Exclude File Type Requests
This plugin allows you to set a list of file extensions that you do not want WordPress to handle 404s for. By default, it includes a list of media types, but you may want to adjust this to suit your needs.
Zannel Tools
This plugin creates a complete integration between your WordPress blog and Zannel. Bring your Zannel Updates into your blog and pass your blog posts back to Zannel.
Shortcut Macros
This plugin allows you to set up shortcuts that expand into longer text when you save a post/page. For example, if you link to my site often, you might create a macro of ak
. You type ##ak
into a post/page and when you save it will expand to <a href="">Alex King</a>
Delink Comment Author
This plugin gives you the ability to remove the link a commenter left as their URL without removing the entire comment. A link to do this is added to your new comment e-mail notifications and to the comments list in your admin area.
Category Overload
When managing categories in your WordPress admin interface, Category Overload shows only one level of categories and only 50 per level at a time (paged). It replaces the standard category management interface for WordPress.
Comment License
This plugin shows a license with terms of your choosing in your comments form. You can edit the terms of your license in the options page. You can see it in action on my blog.
Old Post Alert
This plugin shows a “this is old” banner in the comments form when a post is more than a month old. It may help cut down on irrelevant comments on old posts. You can see it in action on my blog.
404 Notifier
This plugin logs 404 hits on your WordPress powered site and will notify you of them via e-mail or in an RSS feed.
WP Unformatted
This allows you to add custom fields to a post to disable auto-formatting and/or auto-smart-quote conversion on a per-post basis.
Tag Uncomplete
This plugin will disable the tag auto-complete feature in WordPress 2.5+.
WP Grins
This plugin allows you to put clickable smilies on your post and comments forms. Can’t remember the right syntax for one of the smilies? Just click on it and it will be inserted right into your post/comment.
This plugin will auto-suggest links to definitions on for words in your blog posts. This was created as a Crowd Favorite project for
Redirect MoveableType to WordPress Template
This is a template you can use to republish your MoveableType blog entries and redirect them all to the imported entries in WordPress.
Popularity Contest
This plugin is no longer supported, but you can fork it on Github.
please tag which wpmu compatible plugins
If any are WPMU compatible right now, it is due to chance.
Great thanks for this plugins
Alex, the plugins are outstanding! Where is the Link Harvest plugin??
Alex, Thanks for the Share it Plugin, excellent stuff mate. Much appreciated.
Can’t wait for the Link Harvest plugin – I’m coming back everyday looking for it.
Once again thanks for your plugins.
I’ve made a donation since I value your work.
I’d give more, but it’s Christmas and finances are tight.
Thanks .
Especially , i found your color of the site very aesthetic and welcoming .
And the navigation is awesome .
And pat , for letting me know about the Wp-Mobile plugin .
I am using wordpress , for site .
I’ve just released my first wordpress theme, in which I’ve included support for both Share This and Articles. I’ve even added an option in the admin of my theme to auto-setup the articles page with a predefined template.
I had a look at Link Harvest while you had the beta available, and its look interesting, I will defintely be adding this once its released.
Great work Alex.
404 Notifier works great for tracking down bad internal URLs. I cleaned up a lot code. I prefer the RSS feed – emails too often.
Great work. Thanks!
tkz nice scripts.
they all worth more than 1$ but i can`t use pay pal
As it says on the little form, if you don’t want to use PayPal you can go to my donation page and use a different payment method.
The mobile edition formats your blog nicely.
Seimens SX66/Pocket PC 2003
Don’t forget to release Link Harvest. And don’t be surprised when my next theme looks a lot like yours. It’s growing on me.
Can’t wait to use the 404 notifier.
excellent plugin – worked straight away with WordPress 2.0.6. great job!
I like Popularity Contest and 404 Notifier. Keep up the good work Alex!
very nice plugin ! tq
Thanks for the great redirect plugin!
thanx, the mobile plugin works perfectly on my blog
Gracias por los plugin. Están siendo de gran utilidad.
Nice Shortcut Macros, thank Alex King
I landed here searching another plugin, but I found another one that si good for me, Thanks.
What ever happened to the css switcher? Will that ever come back (or am I just not seeing it)?
Nice list of plugins! In fact, I’m using some of them already. Will check out a few of those, such as popularity, and similies…
Great plugins alex. your webLogs seems so cool!
I came to this page via[...]/topic/47132.
I second the question of Carl: will the css switcher come back or is it gone for ever?
(sadly the link in the plugin section to an other css switcher is a dead link)
Hi Alex,
Bundle of thank for these plugins.
I like the Popularity Contest a lot.
Suggestion: It will be nice that the Category Overload plugin will apply and for wp-admin/post.php category section.
Amazing, Great, wonderfull plugings, Thanks for sharing them with us..
Many Greats…
Awesome plugins Alex, thank you so much. They’ve helped my site a lot. I’m looking forward to your future releases!
The necessary plugin (:
Thank u so much!
The Share This plugin seems great! If it works out for me, I’ll be donating!
Nice collection of plug-in. Keep up the great work!
Good plugins. Thanks for work.
Your blog qualify for adding to my favourite.Yhanks for sharing.
Thanks for the plugin Alex
I sent you a small donation as thanks.
All the best
Hey Alex!
You do a good job, really! I like your plugins. I am using a couple of it…for example the 404 Notifier…thanks!
Keep Up the great work!
Greetings from Germany.
Ver Niiiice!
Hey man, great plugins – thank you very much!!!
Keep up the good work!
I just want to say thanks for posting these plugins. I’m looking into adding a blog on my site and i’m sure these will come in very handy.
Thanks again!
Thanks for the Popularity Contest, I’m using it on two sites!
Good plugins. Thanks
Your “SharThis” plugin is simply great. I am using it on my site. Thanks
Great plugins Alex. Been looking for popularity plugins and finally found it.. Otherwise, I will have to do it from scratch..
Keep up the good works..
Hi Alex,
Great plugins. I have implemented the “wordpress mobile” and “sharethis” plugin on my blog. works great !!!
I’m really enjoying these. Your organization and coding are commendable!
Thanks again
All the Plugins are so much nice. Thanks alex for sharing!!!
I personally really love the “SHARE THIS” plugin
Thanks again.
I really love the “SHARE THIS� plugin very wonderful.
i think u shd add “your message has been sent” after cliking ‘send it’.
let me know if u do.
Very nice work, I downloaded and installed Popularity Contest and Comment License and they work great. Thank you again for your hard work.
Thanks for the plugins. Really great site and some awsome plugins!
Thank you for the plugins! I love your work; always making blogging a better experience for writer & reader. /hats off to you
This is a great list if plugins….your efforts are highly appreciated…
agree, really nice plugins. /thanks
thx for the ‘share this’ plugin. it’s the first social feature i’ve been able to get to work with the theme i’ve been using. also, the twitter plugin is pretty cool too.
Thx for the plugins. You are my favourite WordPress Plugin creator. I was wondering where you got the “Comments” plugin that makes them “expand” on the home page… (or if you made it yourself)
Awesome stuff Alex…I already had the Share This on my site and just picked up link harvest and 404 notifier…thanks!
All the plugins I use are terrific works.. Thanks a lot .
Great work. One suggestion for future editions of the “Share This” plugin. Is it possible to include a “Print” option, along with the Email and Social Bookmarking?
Awesome plugins. Very well done Alex!
Great plugins.
One suggestion for shareit. Can you add a check for a content meta variable to enable or disable Share It for a specific page and/or post. Similar to what is done now with the hide_popularity variable.
Hi Alex!
Thanks for the great plug-ins
What plug-in do you use for the donation information appearing “onclick”?
“Techie” Teri
Buone le fave…anche da noi (in Sicilia) le apprezziamo sia cotte che crude…
Immagino quanto sia grande il tuo sacrificio…:0))
Buona giornata.
thank you for Share this plug-in
My German translation of “Share This”: http://tobias.quetsc[...]this-deutsch
Recently my client requested that I add popularity lists based on Comments, Trackbacks, Pingbacks, and Feedback in general, so I used the tables of the popularity contest plugin to achive these functions, everybody is free to download this addition at
Note: This still requires popularity contest.
well, thank you for those nice plugins!
Hi Alex, thanks for your wonderful contribution to mankind
Great stuff!! All working wonderfully.. not sure how many people will visit my blog from a phone… but it worked in minutes! The articles plugin is also excellent.
I have (horribly) hacked Share-This so that it uses a neater URL for displaying the Share-This page (/share) after the permalink. My code is based on Lester Chan’s WP-Print. Feel free to tidy it up if you’re that way inclined.
It can be downloaded at here.
I’ll donate some money as soon as I am not broke my friend. Twitter Tools is amazing! Thanks for the hard work.
Thanks for the plugins and all the work you’ve done for WordPress.
You and other WP guys have revolutionize the net!
Your 404 Plugin is so effective i had to uninstall it from my newly migrated static site. I had too many broken links when my site was migrated to WP I received tons of emails from the plugin practically for each hour.
I respect the accuracy and the usefulness of the plugin. Good job Alex
The smileys.. .
thanks a lot. I found the page welcoming indeed!
Thanks for the great plugin, a well needed one!
thanks for the great plugin. i wanna try all your plugin
Thanks for all the great plugins! I found the TwitterTools via and it does exactly what I want.
Thanks for Category Overload – just what I needed.
I’m using this to group link/blogroll categories, then to loop through the child categories for a specific parent using a custom query.
Sample code available at[...]n/2007/05/13
… and – while I’m here – thanks for your work on WetPixel – one of my favourite sites.
thanks for the info… very useful plugins…nice, very nice
Hi folks,
For those interested in running Share This without the 55K of prototype.js overhead…
I’ve posted instructions over at the WordPress forum ([...]#post-560040) on how to modify the excellent Share This plugin to remove the 55K of overhead from prototype. I suggested in the post that perhaps Alex could consider making this a user-configurable option, so users can choose whether to load the library without having to modify the code…just a thought!
All the best,
Wow I have to say that these plugins are some of the best I have ever come across. Thanks Alex!
Thanks for great plugins. I am using Share this, Popularity Contest and WP Grins on my blog.
Thank you for sharing. All of them wonderful..
Hi! THX very much for the MOBILE plugin-in! Now I can easily access my website from my mobile phone! Greetings, Markus
Thanks very much for your article plugin!
Great Plug-in, I´ve translated it into Spanish. Translation link: http://www.sicotek.c[...]/compartelo/
Thank´s for sharing
Hi. This plug-in is great and I’m very thankful for this share. It’s because of actions like this that life can become easier and much more prepared to take the full advantage of the new technologies. Best regards.
I am using “share this” plugin now and must it’s great one! I can just recommend it to everyone.
I find your plugins great mostly the one for mobile us it is the next big thing
I think you should charge for it.
Thanks any way
God Bless
testing… your blog viewing from a wm5 pocket pc. I like your blog and regulary come back here.
Just thought you might like to know, I’ve created a widget for Popularity Contest. It’s pretty basic at the moment, but it gets the job done!
It’s available on my blog at:
very much for your article plugin alex thanx for all them
Great plugins! Thanks a lot!
You really made a great job. I appreciate particulary Category Overload, which is very useful for me.
this plugin is what i was looking for months..Thank you dudes..
hi dude. your plugins are great..!! really liked them..
for now i have the mobile version, wp-grin (smilies) and that social bookmarking one..
I recently added your WP Since Last Visit plugin and I have gotten some great feedback from it. All your plugins are great!!
Thanks for these plugins
You are AWESOME. There are several plugins I haven’t seen despite some significant digging. Thanks a million!
Thanks, Alex. Fantastic collection of stuff.
On my website – WordPress CMS – runs Category Overload very successfully. A excellent plugin!
Thank for WP Unformatted. I can finally use some more advanced HTML mark up on my blog without worrying WP will keep stripping them out.
I love your word press plugins.
Great wp plugins! Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!
Alex 10x for all the very nice wordpress plugins
Link Harvest is helping me to check link popularity of my blog. Until this moment I even don’t know how many links does my blog has. Recommend it!
Wow! Great plugins. I downloaded 3 or 4 of them…I gotta say, that’s the most I’ve ever gotten from one site. I’m really excited to try the Link popularity plugin – that’s really cool. Thanks again!
Most usefull plugin’s. Thank’s
very nice plugin …thanks my friend!
I know this is slightly off topic but does anyone know of a version ( or similar tool ) to the share this plugin that works on non word press blogs. I have seen addthis but the share now plugin is so much nicer.
I would love to put it on my site ? Any ideas ?
Thanks in Advance Alex
Alex these plugins are great… i was looking for mobile plugins at that feild is really starting to take off these days. Thanks Alex you are the best.
Thanks for some great plugins, I just sent you a little financial reward for all the work you’ve done, via Paypal.
Hi Alex,
Excellent work indeed! Can you share, please, your approach to build download page? Or it’s just hardcoded?
I’d just like to say thank you for taking the time to create these wonderful plugins. I’ve been using your “Share This” plugin on my site for about a month now and am about to add “Link Harvest” and “Articles”.
Thanks Alex fot these fantastic plugins, I love twitter tools plugins and 404 notifier is great!
Keep the good work
Thank you very much.
Really awesome stuff Alex!
Thx a lot for this.
I already had the Share This on my site and just picked up link harvest and 404.
Thanks Alex fot these fantastic plugins, I love twitter tools plugins and 404 notifier is great!
Keep the good work
Eres el numero 1
todos tus plugins son muy utiles
Alex the share this plugin was reccomended by a friend – wonderfull and exactly what I needed – thank you!
Hi Alex, just wanted to say a quick thank you for the effort you put into these plugins. I use Share This on my blog and it’s miles better than the alternatives I tried!
Thanks a lot for wonderfull plugins for wordpress users.
Alex, Thanks fot these fantastic plugins. Keep the good work
Thankyou very much for your list of very useful plugins, very easy to use and handy too! I’ll definitely recommend them to my readers!
Thank you for your plugins
Thanx a lot. I’ve downloaded all most all the plugins.
Many thanks for Share This : great plugin
wow this plug ins are great thanks i will use alot of them!
great. thnks.
Good plugins. Thanks for work.
I’m using your “Share This” plugin at Carbuncle and it works great – many thanks.
Just popped by to check out other plugins you have wrote. I’ve spotted your “Articles” plugin which looks useful so going to give that a try now.
Thanks again.
Greate plugins, it works great!
Thanks a lot!
Really find here some useful plugins like Popularity Contest and Patch Plugins.
WP gettin popular every day
Thanks for the great plugins! Popularity contest helped the most!
Thanks….i like it….finally i find where to download popularity contest plugin
The mobile edition formats your blog nicely.
Nokia 6600, 3230 and HP iPaq
very helpful plugins
That’s what I am searching for. Thanks for the great plugin list.
Hey Alex,
thanks for this great Plugin. Keep the good work going.
Thank you for your work. I just created a blog and there is a lot of your tools I will use.
Popularity Contest and Share This are great plug-ins, I’m using them in my revamped design. Thanks!
already using some of your plugins on my blog …
thanks a lot …
appreciated …
Thank you so much for you great plugins
By the way, Share This works fine in WordPress 2.3RC1.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the great plug-ins. I will start downloading them tonight and install some.
thanks for great plugins.This is great work
Great jobs Guys.
Thank you very much for the helpfull plugin. I love it so much.
Again, thank you.
Really awesome all of these plugins are great. I really enjoy them. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks you very much for your Article plugin. It’s really good and easy to use.
Thanks for the plugins mate. They will come in handy for my blog. Thanks again.
Great plug-ins. Thanks!
Thanks a lot for the nice WordPress Mobile Edition plugin especially after the Mobile Adsense was released…
Im wondering if images on the page can be automatically resized by this plugin to fit the mobile’s screen!!
Awesome plug in! Thank you this will come in handy with my word press blog.
I already used two plug ins from here, great work. Looking forward to use more
Thanks Alex, especially for “wp grin” and “shortcut macros”
Thanks, i use also two plugins from here a long time, and i always come back for news and updates.
Thank u for plugin
“Isn’t this worth at least $1?”
It might be, but I have to try it first. You need to find a way to get people to pay you *after* they’ve been using your plugins for a while.
C’mon back and donate after you use it for a while. I’m not interested in turning my plugins into nagware.
thanks for all the plugins alex! and greg, you’re the man for posting the fix to drop the bloated prototype from the great share this plugin.
I like how your comments per posts have the option to expand or contract. Where can I find that plugin or script?
i ll donate when i earn money
my fave is share-this and Popularity Contest, but I like almost all of this plugins.
Thanks Alex
Thanks a lot for the great plugins.
Very great work!
I’m using WP Grin and Share This for several weeks now!
Thanks and best regards from India,
i hope the shortcut macros goin AJAX!
We are lucky as WP blog admin.If we have any clarifications about anything in WP simply visit to alexking and clarify the details.We done Friend…
Awesome list dude – you really excel at what you do
I know this sounds cheesy, after testing some of the plugins what I can say is Alex-is-the-King!
Hi Alex,
Thank you for the shae-this plugin, I want to implement it on my site real soon!
Also, I like what you did with your site: the functionality is excellent and you’ve made it that way that it is very difficult to go away from your site, there’s interesting stuff everywhere
Back already… The plugin functions perfectly, is very easy to configure thanks to the web config tool. Higly recommended!
Thank you for sharing Sharethis!
Thanks for the mobile plugin! Works like a charm
great site, this is what i am looking for
im trying a couple of these, thanks
Thanks a lot for this plugin. It gives me the ability to upgrade my blog.
Woohoo! Alex King rocks! cool plugins.
:: efrain
Awesome, thanks for the plugin. It’s tuff making things mobile friendly but this is sure handy.
i finally come to a very complete list that will help my blog alots
Thank u Alex for these wonderful plugins.. will be putting a few of them in action very soon..
thank u once again..
I have just inserted your popularity plugin and it is working ok. You have an impressive list of plugins. Great work.
Is the “One dollar” plugin available? I would donate more than 1$ for that plugin!
genial, muchas gracias!! saludos
Thanks for a great list.
I like your spam plugin..
Fantastic plug-ins Alex – thanks!
Great plugins! Thanks
WP is much better than Joomla and Drupal both.
Thanks for your job
i discover tognigh yours plugins and thez are very great plugins
i bookmark u and come back later
good night
im not spammer boz, nice post, im seriously.. this is usefull for me, thx anyway!
Wow! These plugins are great! Thnx so much! Mabuhay from the Philippines!
The great. I am use this in my blog. Thanks
Wow, what a collection. I’m pretty new to the blogging world, but am impressed with what you have. Found via a Twitter link. Thanks again!
THX!! Your plugins are outstanding good!
Love the popularity plugin.
thanks so much! these are great.
Great works! Thank you for u job! I’m use this stuff in my blog!
this is an excellent work, thanks..
Some great plugins, I am actually using the Popularity Contest and WordPress Mobile Edition plugins.
Excellent! I’m using some of your plugins in my blog. Thanks, Alex!
Hey Alex-
Fantastic work as usual. Would it be possible for the next version of the 404 notifier to have an ‘ignore list’ for urls that are intentionally 404-ing (i.e. .htaccess-based remote image linking blockers, etc)?
I would highly recommend fixing that at the Apache level – you don’t want WordPress spinning up for known 404 URLs.
i am going to try the ‘share this’ plugin, and i hope it will really help me to share my article…
I am using the popularity contest plugin and it’s working great for my blog
Thanks for the great work
Great plugins. Thanks for it. I use popular entries plugin on one of my sites.
Wow! Great page!
This is gold ! Thanks !
Thanks for the plugin resources.
It’s very useful.
hey alex
definitely you´re the man.
GREAT stuff in here.
take care and keep it up
Thanks for the plugins. )
Really great site and some awsome plugins!
Respekt! )
I hope the share this plug in works with my themes.
Great very cool work thanks. And respect
Hi there,
I just wanna request a wordpress plugin..
Can you have a plugin like you can expand or collapse the content?
Muito bom de verdade…
Hi Alex! I’ve just downloaded the Share This! Plug-in. Came over from StumbleUpon, rather than any WP site. Anyway, I love the look of it so far and if it works as well as it looks like it’s going to, I’ll be back to donate in a short while
Keep up the great work!!
Hi Alex,
I’ve just installed the Articles plugin and I must say it’s really cool.
Thank you for sharing these plugins.
thanks alex for a great blog lots of useful plugins and information.
cheers paul
Hey Alex,
Thanks a bunch for these great plugins. I just started my wordpress blog and don’t know which plugins to install yet. Great resource though.
Wow. I give full marks to WordPress Mobile Edition and Articles plugin. Thanks….
I just downloaded share-this plugin, i must say your plugins are really great!
Buen post, muy interesante
I have downloaded some of your plugins to install and try out. They look pretty cool and I am hoping that they work as good as they look.
I am pretty new to blogging and looking to improve my blog and web directory…
Totally cool! Thanks!
Great article! Thank you for all the plugins. Best wishes
These are all great pluggins. Thanks for sharing these.
I so appreciated to Alex, because I use his WordPress plugins on my blog too.
Hi there,
I have installed WordPress Mobile Plugin but it just mess with wordpress search engin in non-english blogs. The writer of plugin has disabled comments, I found here in google and wanted to share my finding with you to fine a solution.
Has any one experienced the same? I use Share This plugin by the King of WordPress.
hi, are you behind
looks like an exact copy of your idea…
ops, ingorne my comment:
I just found that you are the Chief Sharing Officer of
good work!
Social bookmarking sites are one of the most important promoting techniques these days. So by my opinion this plugin is a must.
thank you for your download
they are useful
Didn’t realize no support requests were allowed here. Sorry about that
Using popularity plug in and it is great.
I found articles plugin very very usefull.
This is an awesome post! Thank you very VERY much I’m loving the smileys in my blog now. Thanks!!!!!
Great plugins! Thanks
Thanks for the great plugin, Alex! I just installed it on my personal WordPress blog, and it’s working great!!
Wow. I had tried to setup a blog well over 18 months ago and you had some really cool plugins—now I am simply blown away.
Look like this is the reason why your name is so famous among the bloggers. I love your plugins.
Great plugins alex
Thank you Alex again for your plugins – I am using it.
Thank you, Popularity Contest is a great plugin, especially coupled with the JAW widget plugin!
this wordpress plugin is excellent,i have used it long time,thank you very much
You are the plugin king! Great plugins, thanks!
Good plugins. Thanks for work.
alex king your plugins are like bling and are the in thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Hi Alex,
good job for you Twitter tools.I just install it and that work good
thanks a lot.
I love your popularity contest plugin, but when i installed it, it appears in locations I did not want it to appear in:
It appears in the post itself and on the sidebar under the “Subscribe” button. How do I get rid if it and put it in other places?
nevermind — i’ll check the FAQ first next time
Thanks for the mobile plugin. I’ve had it installed for a while, but never did it properly. Now that I have, life is good!
Hi.. Thanks for the plugins…
I’m using WP-Grins in my blog (sorry in bahasa Indonesia only)
I’ve made changes in the smilies icon located in wp-includes, no problem at all
Thanks bro…
Ok, if anyone is having a problem with popularity contest, it does work in wordpress 2.5. Here is a fix:[...]95?replies=5
Thanks for Twitter tools, got the job done nicely
I’ll be using a bunch of these on my blogs. Thanks!
nice plugins good to see somebody making WP a better place.
Keep up the good work
thanks for sharing.
greetings form germany
Thank you very much for sharing!
Your plugins absolutely rule!
Thanks for sharing, these plugins are great..
Your plugging “Popularity Contest” just rocks man… Just what I had been looking, for quite some time. Thanks Alex.
Alex, Thanks for the Share it Plugin
Just added ShareThis and WP Mobile Edition to my site — thanks for your work!
Great plugins! thx! My favorite is Share This.
the twitter plugin is extremely cool – thanks Alex!
It keeps me vigilant about twittering valuable stuff for my blog readers.
love Articles plugin, very helpfull
Just added the twitter tools plugin, a real time saver, thanks a lot.
Twitter is pretty good
I’ll find the 404 plugin. I’m going to test it.
This collection of plugins is really outstanding. Thank you for sharing!
Wow! A great little trove of plug-ins here. This is my first time here, but I’ll definately be checking back!
This is a wonderful collection of plugins. I will be sure to use them and link back to you after our big move to wordpress!
Warm geeky regards,
Karl “TheAdmiN” Gechlik
Excellent plugins! I will use several of them as they seem to meet some of my needs.
Just can’t believe how prolific you are writing so many of them. Thanks!
I like it…thank’s for that plugins
Ty. for that plugins. just cant believe how?
Great plug-ins! I downloaded Articles, Twitter Tools (found you thru another Twitter member), and Mobile Edition. I was glad to find a link at the bottom to switch to regular view, but I couldn’t find a way to get back to Mobile view.
Don’t need Articles just yet, but it will definitely come in handy when I have more regular blog posts.
Many thanks for this great plug-in….
Thank you for developing these awesome plug-ins. Popularity contest is one of my favorites! Keep up the incredible work!
Thanks Alex for the excellent mods! Will check back in the near future.
Nevermind, I got it working by using the SVN Repository “”
Maybe this will help others if the popularity-contest.php doesn’t work straight out of the zip.
When will the Popularity Contest fix be released? The plugin won’t activate in my WordPress 2.5.1
Will it be available via the WordPress automatic updates (accessible via the plugin list)?
What a great list of plugins. I’ve already been using some of them but I will have to start using the other listed to.
Thanks for the MT-to-WP archive redirecter. Very helpful!
Really awesome plugins Alex. Thank you!
Thanks Alex for the excellent mods! Will check back in the near future.
Terima kasih atas Plugin-nya,
Have a nice job, Dude
Wooow. Its been a while since i checked on your most updated list of plugins and i just want to thank you so much for each and everyone of them. My favorite is twittertools and popularity contest. You have made great contributions to the community and my site is fueled by you!. ~ Cj
I think this plugin is very useful. Adding posts directly to SB sites is great help. Thanks
Keep up the good work! 10q
I can’t get the plugin working with v2.5.1
Is there going to be an update to make the plugin work?
The plugin in question is the popularity plugin.
Thought that might help!
thanks for your hard work~~
Thanks for the plugins. We apreciate it
I use Popularity Contest in all my blogs.. very nice.. thanks! XD
I’ve been planning to try twitter for some time. Now with your plug in time has come.
Thank you for the work you’ve done on these plugins, especially the twitter one. I
I’m sorry mr…
my probelm solved with mr robert comment[...]omment-63071
I’m using the source from SVN and it worked well
before, I’m using link from wp plugin directory and got that probelm. thx for the plugin
Hey Alex, great work!
I’m interested in the Articles plugin but am curious if I might be able to have 2 articles pages?
Without sharing blogs content on social bookmark chances for blog to be successful are too few. This plugin is great help to that direction.
I love your word press plugins.I will try twitter for some time.
Just wanted to say thanks for WP Since Last Visit, While we have been developing Your Members (A WordPress Membership Plugin) I have been compiling additional plugins people might like to use or rather additional plugins I might want to use on my own member site and this is a great little add.
NIce list of Amazing plugins. Thanks
We apreciate it .Thanks for the plugins.
Thanks for the mobile plugin. I’ve had it installed for a while, but never did it properly. Now that I have, life is good!
thanks for your hard work!
thx for the plugins. i set up 1 of them. “share this”
I’m psyched about Twitter Tools. A truly great idea. Nice work!
People should be sharing more free things like this. Its what keeps the Internet buzzin’.
Twitter Tools is the buzzz , Can you get more pages tho or is this going to be another upgrade when you get time would love to see more PDA plug in tools thanks alex for your help.
Tony @ NLP
Ps: I will BM you to my favs for more WP goods.
Great plugin and I can’t wait to try it out. Thanks!
thank you, i’d like to try this
Hi Alex,
thanks a lot for your work. I just donated the suggested 1.35$
Certainly worth more than that.
Thanks for the plugins projects!
Very Nice plugins. i use Popularity Contest for my site. Great Work.
Love Twitter Tools, but when my Blog posts are sent out as Tweets, they include Full URLs instead of Tiny URLs. Anyway to change this?
Great tools! I’m going to use it on my blog!
thanks for the Plug in – pop contest and thanks for the reply on DP forums.
you have some killer plugins here. Ill be bookmarking and recommending.
thanks alex for plugin
thanks for the list. just creating a few blogs and these plugins help tremendously. In particular I like the 404 plugin idea. Keep the site tidy!
thank you for your grat plugins!!!
Neat list of cool plugins! Going to try some of them.
Made an edit to the twitter tools plugin: line 835:
‘/\@([a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,15})([\) ])/’
, create_function(
, ‘return aktt_profile_link($matches[1], \’@\’, $matches[2]);’
I often reference retweets using parens, which wasn’t being caught by the linkifying regex i.e. (@alexismadrigal)
Wonderful… I am impressed with the capability of your plugins… going to use many of them
For Twitter Tools, when WP authenticates with Twitter, it’s unencrypted… isn’t this a security risk?
Thanks for the plugins projects!
great plugins!!!
Thanx for the nice plugins, they are fine working over years (dofollow 2.0 at wp 2.6.2
very useful list! thx! wait for the latest version of Most Popular
re: WordPress Mobile Edition (v. 2.1a)
I would like the mobile version to open in a phone browser displaying the current Post, as the standard desktop version does. Not, as WordPress Mobile Edition currently does, with a link to that current post.
Maybe this could be implemented as an option and be able to be set within Plugin Management.
David Berghouse
Author: Today’s Creators
You have very nice plug ins. I think i am going to use 1 or 2. Thanks for being who u are…:-)
Huge fan, thanks Alex! BTW – just left you a big fat $1.35 – don’t spend all in one place!
Great! Thanks for all of the useful plugins!
I can’t get enough wordpress plugins….I can’t keep up with all the latest releases and updates. It’s almost overwhelming.
Hi Alex,
I am using (and loving!) Twitter Tools.
Is it possible to add a “follow me” link or button to the sidebar widget?
Unfortunately no, their API doesn’t support this.
Love the Twitter plugin. Rushing off to the blog to add it to my tools list!
this plugin is what i was looking for months..Thank you dudes..
Great list of plugins! In particular I like the 404 plugin.
I like twitter Tools and share this, they are beyond my mind. Thanks for your hard working.
Great post. I’m always on the lookout for good, functional WP plugins, and you have a few listed here that I’ve never heard of. I especially like the Articles one as it gives me the chance to feature some good posts that have moved into the archives now.
Twitter Tools works great… Any chance you could add expansion for tweets that contain URLs?
Hi Alex,
I know it’s an oldie, but it’s a golden oldie in my opinion. Since it hasn’t been updated for a very long time, I was wondering whether you would look into refreshing ‘Since Last Visit’ to make it compatible with WP2.6+. We publish an absurd amount of news per day (15+) and this plugin would be very helpful for visitors to keep track of what they’ve read (or didn’t read). Thanks so much for all your excellent plugins.
Thank you
Alex, Thanks for the Share it Plugin. I might be a little late in thanking you but better late than never!
Great plugins!!
I really love ShareThis plugin. Its the best Social Bookmarking tool
Alex, your WP Unformatted plugin is a real lifesaver. No more frustration with WP stripping HTML tags from my posts
Thank you very much! Keep up the good work!
Alex you are a brilliant person and a lifesaver for creating this blog. I just added the share this plugin and got the exact results I wanted. Thank You!!
Wow nice plugins lam using some of the in my blog
Very nice list! Thanks a lot!
Nice work Also loved “WP Since Last Visit” plugin
Thanks a lot.
Oh man, you have so many plug ins!
But I think Share This is your best.
Hey Alex,
Love the Twitter Tools and the WP Mobile Edition plugins! They rock!
Nice work.
Btw Does the mobile Edition work for WPMU?
Thanks a lot! Very useful things!
This is a very nice list of some useful plugins. I have been using share this for a while and it really helps give my site a boost.
Alex! I absolutely love and appreciate your plugins, especially wp-cumulus and now I am going to try the WordPress Mobile Addition.
Keep up the great work!
Thank you for the super plugins. I am going to use them on my new blog.
hi alex,
thanks for the wp-grins plugin. – i use it in my page’s front- and backend.
as with wordpress 2.7 the comments section in the backend changed a bit: now the th element also got the id ‘comment’ and thus, the clickable smiley list is displayed above the comments table. i resolved that mini-issue by adding the following additional check in
afterelse if (document.getElementById('comment'))
if (document.getElementById('comment').type=='textarea'
maybe you could integrate this in future versions.
Hi Alex, I wonder if I did something wrong but cannot use Share This on WP27 with Revolution News 2.0. When activated I cannot see posts in edit page of dashboard. When I deactivate everything returns to normal. I am checking other plugins to see if they also contribute. bgr
Thanks for the great list of wp plugins. Looking forward to integrating some into my health and nutrition blog.
Thanks for these plugins, Alex!
Alex, I want to thank you for stumbling onto this link from the PinStack BlackBerry forums, as I have had some people who want to keep up with my personal blog, but have said that some of my themes didn’t work, until I ran into a link for your WordPress Mobile Edition layout. It truly is an awesome link!
Cool plugins, thank you Alex
Many thanks for this
Thanks for the great plugin, I just signed up tonight with twitter
I love the twitter plugin, thank you~
Alex – Thank you for twitter tools. Can it be modified to pull your FRIENDS tweets and post those as entries as well? This would be killer.
This twitter tool of yours looks excellent. Can’t wait to try it our on my own WordPress blog. Thanks!
Thanks…alex….i like wp-grin
great plugin.. woa….
Thanks, Alex. Great stuff.
Thanks for the twitter tools plugin. very useful..
Believe me, it’s pretty useful list of wordpress plugins – I was hunting for some of them like creating articles page, or de-linking the spammish comments but keeping the comment.
all the good things in one place
Thank You! i donated some.. every little bit helps – much appreciated!
“Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do” (rumi)
Webgrrl | Intuitive Digital Artist
I’ll take your linkbuilder plugin for a spin! What I really came for is some tips regarding environment for WP plugin writing. Since I’m originally a DotNet developer I really have no experience outside Visual Studio… Suggestions?
great plugins .. and very useful. .. thanks to alexking
thanks Alex for twitter and zannel tools. Are you planning facebook tools?
Great plugin Alex, can’t thank you enough!
Really awesome n good collections of wordpress plugin that one must have on thier blog. Thank for this.
Thanks You Alex.Im download your plugin.
thanks for sharing so many plugins for WP, i don’t know which one shud i try first. Wow. I m stunned… I think i will try WP Grins on my new wordpress blog. Thanks for the plugins..
many many thanks for so many useful plugins, Alex. Thank you.
Great plugins collection. Thanks a lot!
I am using Twitter Tools on my blog and I find it very usefull, howerever i found a bug (or maybe it’s a feature?). If I have Twitter Tools enabled and want to schedule a post for publishig in the future, I can not acces the timestamp edit function in the “Publish” area of the “Add new post” page.
Why is it so? Can I change this behavior?
Greetings, Rasti
I came across this site and it was extremely helpful! Thanks for the information
Thank you for the plugins.It’s great.
greatings from germany
I’m using share this on all of my blogs. One of the best plugins ever. It really saves time while social sites submiting. Over and over.
Thank you very much for all of your great plugins Alex. They are much appreciated and work well for us. Keep up the great work!
Thanks – Great List, and i found the answer to my question. Bye…
Hi Alex,
Thank you for sharing with this great plugins..
this is useful for wordpress blogges like me thanks…
Keep up the good work!
404 Notifier has got to be one of the simplest, most useful plugins I’ve ever seen.
And Mobile Edition just plain rocks.
Great job, thank’s for share this plugin, i like it
Totally cool, great job with a super product. Stoked to try it.
Brad West ~ onomoney
Thank you so much !!!
Popularity contest is great. Im using in my wordpress theme. Thanks
Thank you for the plugin!
Thank you for the plugin!
So usefull
I didn’t see a place to send trackbacks back to this post but I wanted to let you know that I’ve linked to you and used this directory in a blog post of mine about WP plugins. Thanks so much for the resource!!
Hi Alex
Thanks so much for putting these Plugins together, very useful. I have recommended your link to my interested subscribers too.
Also put a link on my blog. Keep it going!
Martin Bigler
thanks for sharing so many plugins for WP
Great plugins..bravo..
Thanks friend. These plugins are a life saver! : )
Some excellent stuff Alex!
Thanks a lot and excellent work.
Thanks for the plugins
puff.. I’m using your “Share This†plugin at Carbuncle and it works great – many thanks
If there was a Nobel Prize in Blogging you should get it. These plug-ins are very useful and creative. As a bankruptcy attorney I spend a lot of time interacting with people online and it is essential to have the most efficient means of exchanging information between blogs and Twitter feeds.
The Twitter Tools works fabulously on my site, thanks again Alex for another wonderful product. Our organization has used your TasksPro for years!
WOW,So Cool and helpful. thanks!
Twitter tools plugin is fantastic. Quick question. Why does it implement the rel=”nofollow” tag?
Hi Alex,
Terrific set of plugins — thanks very much for sharing them.
Really cool plugins, thanks Alex for giving all free. I am now trying the mobile version for my blog.
love the category plug in, thx so much
Hi, Alex!
Thank you for the list. As a matter of fact we are using some of these on, although there is some heavy customization involved as well.
Hi Alex,
you´ve created some realy nice plugins! I use your twitter and mobile plugin on my blog. It works great!
Thank you very much for your work!
Best wishes from germany!
mi piace molto questo programma e il voto
che gli darei è
Anche se in questi giorni non lo guardo mai!!!!!
Awesome list! Thanks for sharing!
hey, thx for share, but sorry i can donate any money,hehe..
maybe later when i got my first adsense,
thank you from kod online
Very nice resources that I will use as well as direct my wordpress clients to. Thanks.
brilliant plugin, thanks a million!
Are your addons fully compatible with Ubuntu-904..?
I ask because I had difficulties signing-up to Twitter with Ubuntu… I couldn’t see nor hear the security words…
I had to drop in a Windows 2000 hd to sign-up…
Best you make your site Ubuntu-compatible, because Microthing goes bankrupt in 14.2 years, when Ubuntu puts flowers on Windo’s grave…
Thanks for these ive downloaded the twitter and bookmark plugin but im sure ill be back for more….
Thank you thank you thank you. I have a movable type blog I want to move to wordpress. Using the redirect here I now have an opportunity to do it. Awesome!
I love your tools and I love Twitter, thank you for the nice Twitter Tools
thank u
Thanks alot for the twitter tools and Bookmarking plugin. Great site BTW!
Link Harvest plugin is a must-have. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing these great plug ins – much appreciated!
There are some good plugins here especially Share This plugin. My favorite though is Drafts Dropdown which I think does save a lot of time if you have a lot of drafts which I do.
One of the most interesting plugins here that I never seen before was WP Since Last Visit, I would be interesting to find any plugins similar to this that tell you statistics and information for the whole website aswell as individual pages and blog posts that the visitor may have read before and may be interested to know of any updates on the page or blog post since the last time they read it.
It would be interesting to have plugins like that because I never heard or seen anything like that on any blog.
Thanks for the plugins Alex. I’m one of those cheap moochers too poor to contribute but felt compelled to leave you a comment thanking you for your contributions. Much Appreciated.
Thank you for your work on plugins I really do appreciate some of the work you do and as a website developer, I understand the work that it takes. WordPress has proven to be a good source for my development of turnkey websites, and contributions like your come in very handy. Enough small talk just really want to say a big Thank You!
WordPress Mobile edition is great. Well worth $5.50. Hope you get your new server the 90s side of 2010.
Thank you.
Hi, just been trying out your “Twitter Tools†I have to say I am impressed, it is much better than a lot of the other tools and services that integrate WordPress and Twitter.
Cheers mate.
Hey great plugin! I thought it would be cool to show Twitpic’s as embedded images instead of URL’s, so I threw together a little plugin that does this.[...]topic/304051
Great ! I’m a big Zannel fan and been looking for sth like your plugin for days. Thanks a lot ! I’ll come back and post how it went down.
I love your tools and I love Twitter, thank you for the nice Twitter Tools
Thanks for the time writing this wordpress plugins! I love the Twitter Tools!!!
I’ve been looking everywhere for a good twitter plug in and I think I finally found it with the Twitter Tools plug in. Thanks, for letting us know.
Thanks for the Twitter Tools plugin. I will make a donation when I have funds in my Palpal account.
Thank you for providing such great wordpress tools.
This is what i call nice advertising for your company. Great tools and plugins!!!!
wonderfull plugins… great job… thanks
i like Popularity Contest, WordPress Mobile Edition
Thank you for these awesome WordPress plug-in’s. I would like to try several of them but for now I am very happy to have tried the 404 notifier. I have also bookmarked http://crowdfavorite[...]development/ in case I need help with professional WordPress development.
thank you very much for twitter tools!
is there any chance that you open it for / [and all others] by adding the option to define the microblogging platform? has a twitter-compatible API.
this would be great and very much appreciated!
Thank you so much. I am new to WordPress, and I am slowly adding features to my blog as I learn new things. Putting the Share This button on my posts turned out to be easier than I expected.
Thanks a lot.
I am also new to WP. I am feeding my blog with useful things that may connect it with Twitter
Came here when trying to use your “AnswerLinks” add-on on my WP. Know nothing to say but thank you very much for your all hard working, Alex!
Thanks for WP Grins!
Great stuff for WP ! Thanks. I tested Article and find it wonderfully. ll bookmark your site now!
Thanks again.
You really are the man! Thanks for the GREAT work!
I appreciate your Twitter Tools. Just wanted to let you know off some things that would be neat to see in future editions: the ability to remove the hash links at the end of each tweet in the digests and the ability to auto add text or images to the digests.
Awesome plugin! Thanks a ton Alex. Saving me time from posting out my own posts.
Great Job!
Wow! Just stumbled on this site, what a fabulous collection of plugins. I love the Popularity Contest. Will be dropping back to check out some more as there are too many that I might actually use!! Many thanks, Alex
Thanks alex! Just added it to my blog! Tried other twitt application- yours best now! Works and simple! I used your plugins more than 3 years and very pleased what you do! God bless you!
Thank you so much. I am new to WordPress, and I am slowly adding features to my blog as I learn new things. Putting the Share This button on my posts turned out to be easier than I expected.
Thanks for the 404 notifier. It’s been useful for the RSS feed as I moved from Blogger to WordPress to track who is following broken links (and from where).
I can’t use the email notification (it works fine) because the number of spiders following broken links from my original blog means that emails are coming through at the rate of one per minute.
A good idea well implemented! I rated your plugin on the wordpress site too!
Hey Alex. I just wanted to say thanks for the Popularity Contest Plugin. I check it every time I log in to my site
Great plug in list, I really like that new twitter one. Helps to keep the blog and my twitter account active. Now if they would only invent one that types my posts for me, then I would be set.
Have a Blessed and Joyful Day,
Hi Alex,
I am in the middle of adding a new wordpress blog to my website and have downloaded a couple of plugins to try out. Hope they work as well as they look,i am a newbie to the blogging circle but will be sure to leave a donation shortly. Keep em coming!!
Love your all plugins. help me to works and get more customer..
Great plugin. I was looking for something like this all day. It is very useful.
Thank you
~ Tom
Hey Alex. I just wanted to say thanks for the Twitter Tools Plugin! I use it every time on my blog.
Perfect plugins with great support!! Thx!
been using your plugin for a while now …
thank you …