Real Clear Politics Friday
What if Romney Wins Michigan? - Dan Balz, Washington PostSour Race Turns Off Republican Voters - Byron York, Washington Examiner
Democrats Are Apathetic Too - Jonah Goldberg, National Review
Shut Out by GOP, Roemer Tries New Path - Scott Conroy, RealClearPolitics
Republicans Look Headed for Convention Chaos - John Dickerson, Slate
Three Ways Someone New Could Get the GOP Nod - Conn Carroll, Examiner
Mitt Romney: Closet Keynesian? - Paul Krugman, New York Times
Majority Say Obama Is "Too Liberal" - Jeffrey Jones, Gallup
What Democrats Can Learn From Santorum - Clive Crook, BusinessWeek
Romney Campaign Propped Up by Super PAC - Joshua Green, Boston Globe
Politicians Strangle Opportunity - John Stossel, FOX Business
Santorum, Romney Duel in GOP Debate - Zeleny & Rutenberg, NY Times
Romney Hits Santorum as Washington Insider - Toby Harnden, Daily Mail
Nine Takeaways From Arizona Debate - Carl Cannon, RealClearPolitics
And the Winner Is: Barack Obama - Jamelle Bouie, American Prospect
Going Off the Fiscal Cliff: Are We Already Europe? - Michael Tanner, NRO
Greek Deal Leaves Europe on Road to Disaster - Clive Crook, Bloomberg
A Pivotal Moment for U.S. Wrangling w/Iran, N. Korea - Chicago TribuneReal Solutions for Rising Fuel Prices Take Time - San Francisco Chronicle
Why Did Obama Ditch Keystone? - New York Post
On Tax Reform, the Devil's in the Details - The Economist
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Real Clear Politics Thursday
Morning UpdateSantorum, Romney Duel in GOP Debate - Zeleny & Rutenberg, NY Times
Romney Hits Santorum as Washington Insider - Toby Harnden, Daily Mail
Nine Takeaways From Arizona Debate - Carl Cannon, RealClearPolitics
And the Winner Is: Barack Obama - Jamelle Bouie, American Prospect
Going Off the Fiscal Cliff: Are We Already Europe? - Michael Tanner, NRO
Greek Deal Leaves Europe on Road to Disaster - Clive Crook, Bloomberg
Exporting Democracy--Importing Trouble - George Jonas, National Post
Getting Iran to Back Down - David Ignatius, Washington Post
Fakegate: Warmists Try to Hide Their Decline - Robert Tracinski, TIA Daily
Mormon Voters Raise Romney's Advantage in AZ - Nate Silver, NY Times
GOP Nominee Will Be From Existing Field - Karl Rove, Wall Street Journal
Romney, Santorum Are Weak Choices for GOP - George Will, Pittsburgh PG
Corporate Tax Plan Presages Election Debate - Alexis Simendinger, RCP
Only Growth Will Save Greece - Timothy Garton Ash, The Guardian
Gasoline Prices Aren't Rising, the Dollar Is Falling - Louis Woodhill, Forbes
The Biggest Political Story in China? - Rosemary Righter, Newsweek
The Story of Flag Raising at Iwo Jima - U.S. Marine Corps
Afternoon Update
Out of Air in Arizona Republican Debate - John Dickerson, Slate
Santorum Flops in the Spotlight - Jonathan Tobin, Commentary
Romney's Plastic & Dishonest Campaign - George Neumayr, Am. Spectator
Four Dudes and a Table - Gail Collins, New York Times
A Tax Reform to Restore America's Prosperity - Mitt Romney, WSJ
Republicans Heading to Deadlock in Tampa? - Roger Stone, StoneZone
The Ugly Truth Behind MI Budget Surplus - Patricia Williams, The Nation
Rising Gas Prices: Part of Obama's Plan? - Walter Russell Mead, Am. Interest
Marco Rubio's Mormon Roots - McKay Coppins, BuzzFeed
Transcripts & Speeches
The GOP Presidential Debate in Mesa, Arizona - CNNInterview with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi - Rachel Maddow Show
Interviews with Govs. Jan Brewer and Rick Perry - John King, USA
Analysts on the GOP Campaigns in Michigan, Arizona - The NewsHour
Panel on Corportate Tax Reform Plans - Special Report w/Bret Baier
Best of the Blogs
Mitt Romney's Tax Challenge - Roberton Williams, TaxVoxWhat Does Obama Mean By "Tax Reform"? - Jacob Sullum, Hit & Run
About the Rise in Oil Production - Bruce McQuain, Q&O;
Obama Budget Should Priortize People - David Woolner, New Deal 2.0
Milking the Super PACs - Paul Waldman, TAPPED
Real Clear Markets |
Romney's Tax Plan Beats Obama's - Edward Morrissey, The Fiscal Times
Why We Cannot Believe the Fed - Benn Steil, Council on Foreign Relations
Apple's Cash Is a Dangerous Temptation - Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch
Is There a Dividend Stock Bubble? - Matt Koppenheffer, The Motley Fool
Real Clear World |
Europe on the Road to Disaster - Clive Crook, Bloomberg
David Cameron Losing His Grip on Power - Sue Cameron, Daily Telegraph
Up to Obama to Stop an Israeli Strike on Iran - Ari Shavit, Haaretz
Dodging Bombers in Sudan - Nicholas Kristof, New York Times
Real Clear Religion |
Pope's 'Theology of Saints' Can Heal Sex Victims - Dawn Eden, CNA
New Baptists Fight the Same Old Boogeyman - Ed Stetzer, Baptist Press
Where Did This American Lent Come From? - Terry Mattingly, Get Relig
Franklin Graham's Troubling Theology - Peter Wehner, Commentary
Real Clear Science |
Climate Scientist's Career in Jeopardy - Suzanne Goldenberg, Guardian
Why Did Earth Spin Faster in 2009? - John Roach, National Geographic
FDA vs. Lead-in-Your-Lipstick Scaremongers - Trevor Butterworth, Daily
Fast DNA Sequencer Is Size of USB Stick - Veronique Greenwood, Discover
Real Clear Energy |
Gas Spike Is Costing Us Jobs - Peter Horrigan, Baltimore Sun
Gas Madness? Americans Can Adapt or Go Broke - Editorial, LA Times
The Methanol Alternative to Gas - Tom Ridge & Mary Peters, NY Times
Obama's Forrest Gump Oil Price Analysis - Editorial, Wall Street Journal
Real Clear Sports |
Secrecy of Drug Program Breeds Skepticism - Gwen Knapp, San Fran. Chronicle
Heat's Defense a Cure for Linsanity - Linda Robertson, Miami Herald
Tiger Putts Poorly, Talks Optimistically - Art Spander, RealClearSports
Capitals' Empire Crumbling Around Them - Bruce Arthur, National Post