Despite the progress we’ve made in America over the years, discrimination and bigotry still raise their ugly heads on a daily basis. Discrimination is defined as: treatment or consideration of, …
The next in my Challengers Series of video interviews with candidates for Congress takes us to Indiana’s Second Congressional District. Jackie Walorski is running represent the northwestern corner of the …
Well, I guess it’s better than having to answer to Satan. Limbaugh said that Santorum’s comments about Satan were meant to demonstrate that he is nothing more than the religious …
The headline written by ESPN editor Anthony Federico about Asian-American basketball star Jeremy Lin lasted only about a half hour before ESPN changed it but the fallout is lasting a …
All that is missing is Deep Throat. The Church of Global Warming has been given another black eye by one of its own leaders. From FOXNews: Theft, deceit and outright lies: How …
Today marks the 50th anniversary of John Glenn’s first orbital flight. Glenn was joined in a ceremony commemorating the event by Scott Carpenter. Glenn and fellow astronaut Scott Carpenter, 86, spent …
As a blogger who has folllowed Elizabeth Scalia for years now, I perk up when she declares some piece a must read. Consider myself perked up after reading this Forbes column …
Next in my Challenger Series of videos made of up and coming GOP candidates for Congress is a Mr. E. J. Otero who is running for Florida’s 11th Congressional District.
“… that a presidential administration has purposely tried to interfere in the internal working of the Catholic Church, playing one group off against another for political gain. What isn’t …
The conservative bloggers at CPAC were happy to receive a visit from Representative Allen West (Florida, 22nd District) this year. The second he walked into the room he was mobbed …
Well, yes. Therein lies our greatest problem. Former candidate Herman Cain speaking in Suwanee, Georgia (a suburb of Atlanta) said that when it comes to voting in this country, half …
If the members of the California State Legislature had to get real jobs, most of them would have been fired by now. Incapable of solving any of the problems that …
It’s not like this news is really news, but a record 19 “journalists” and media executives threw away their pads and pens for the glamorous life of an Obama lackey. …