
  • 518 legislators from all 50 states stand up for the Affordable Care Act in Amicus Brief to SCOTUS. (1/12/12) Read more.

PSN Blog

PSN Blog
Roundup: All 50 States Stand Up to Defend Affordable Care Act
Charles Monaco's picture
Charles Monaco
3 weeks ago - As conservative state Attorneys General prepare to take their efforts to overturn the Affordable Care Act all the way to Supreme Court arguments this spring, an outpouring of support for the health law from state legislators last week made it clear that those seeking to scuttle health reform are not the only ones speaking for the states. Over 500 state legislators representing all 50 states signed on to an Amicus Brief backing the... Read More
Are State Economic Development Programs Creating Jobs?
Ben Secord's picture
Ben Secord
4 weeks ago - Every year, states spend billions on tax credits, subsidies and cash grants to corporations and industries in the name of economic development. With the stagnant recovery and still high unemployment rates, there is mounting scrutiny on whether these programs are actually creating jobs. A new report shows that while many states have at least some performance requirements, almost half don’t have any job creation, retention or... Read More
