LOGO: Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines. A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
2010 Webby Award Winner for Best Political Blog
February 25, 2012
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AP / Carolyn Kaster

Infiltration to Disrupt, Divide and Misdirect Is Widespread in Occupy

Across the country, Occupies are struggling with disruption and division, attacks on key people, escalation of tactics to include property damage and police conflict as well as misuse of websites and social media.
Featured Reports

Truthdiggers of the Week: Marie Colvin and Rémi Ochlik

This week, we salute war correspondent Marie Colvin and photojournalist Rémi Ochlik, both killed in Syria on Feb. 22, for representing and practicing the highest ideals of their profession.
Featured Reports
AP / Gerald Herbert

Income Inequality Goes to School

The harm done by an economic system increasingly tilted toward the rich is much more than a pocketbook issue.

Occupy Wall Street

Find all of our Occupy movement coverage from Truthdig editors, contributors and commenters, as well as the latest from Twitter and around the Web.
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A ‘Lack of Completely Selfish Societies’

One of the fundamental questions in modern economics is whether humans act out of self-interest or they’re motivated by something else. Two professionals in the field suggest that a cooperative drive has more to do with human behavior than Milton Friedman would have us believe.

Posted on Feb 25, 2012 READ MORE  |  1 COMMENT
The Arrival of the Warrior Corporation

If Apple made weapons, they would undoubtedly be drones, those remotely piloted planes getting such great press in the U.S.

Posted on Feb 25, 2012 READ MORE  |  3 COMMENTS
The Key Words the Government Monitors Online

A government manual obtained by a privacy watchdog group reveals that the Department of Homeland Security has compiled a list of hundreds of key words used to detect possible terrorist and other threats on social media sites.

Posted on Feb 25, 2012 READ MORE  |  1 COMMENT
Former Sen. Feingold on the Loss of Liberties

After the release of former Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold’s new book, “While America Sleeps: A Wake-up Call for the Post-9/11 Era,” Salon columnist Glenn Greenwald spoke with him about the deliberate curtailment of American civil liberties over the last 10 years.

Posted on Feb 25, 2012 READ MORE  |  1 COMMENT
‘Left, Right & Center’: Higher Gas Prices: Problem or Solution?

Mitt Romney swipes Rick Santorum with his Senate record. President Obama proposes subsidizing energy innovators as gas shoots up 12 cents a gallon in one week. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton offers a show of support for Assad’s opponents, and Greece signs loan papers.

Posted on Feb 25, 2012 READ MORE  |  1 COMMENT
Infiltration to Disrupt, Divide and Misdirect Is Widespread in Occupy

In the first five months, the Occupy movement has had major victories and has altered the debate about the economy. People in the power structure and who hold different political views are pushing back with a traditional tool—infiltration.

Posted on Feb 24, 2012 READ MORE  |  23 COMMENTS
Income Inequality Goes to School

Countering the efforts of educational reformers—including President Obama and his Race to the Top crew—to blame teachers for student failures, researchers are finding that the growing gap between the affluent and the poor is the real villain.

Posted on Feb 24, 2012 READ MORE  |  18 COMMENTS
Shining India

The raw pathos of the characters in “Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity” is of the kind usually found in great fiction, except in Katherine Boo’s book, they’re real people.

Posted on Feb 24, 2012 READ MORE
Truthdiggers of the Week: Marie Colvin and Rémi Ochlik

By virtue of their presence, and then by putting words and pictures to what they hear and see, journalists working in conflict zones practice the highest ideals of the profession and are able to not only recount events that have already happened but can also potentially affect future outcomes. That’s also what makes them targets.

Posted on Feb 24, 2012 READ MORE  |  8 COMMENTS
Lawrence Lessig on ‘Fixing the Republic’

This week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: Lawrence Lessig discusses his new e-book, “One Way Forward: The Outsider’s Guide to Fixing the Republic,” and his optimism that movements like Occupy Wall Street can help set our democracy back on course.

Posted on Feb 24, 2012 READ MORE  |  1 COMMENT

Financed by the Pentagon, “Act of Valor” is a new film that seeks to make us forget our past military blunders.

Posted on Feb 24, 2012 READ MORE  |  18 COMMENTS

We’ve heard this quickening drumbeat before. Last time, it led to the tragic invasion and occupation of Iraq. This time, if we let the drummers provoke us into war with Iran, the consequences will likely be far worse.

Posted on Feb 24, 2012 READ MORE  |  44 COMMENTS

If this was the last Republican debate, or the last important one, it was as entertaining and revealing as most of the previous 19. And scary.

Posted on Feb 24, 2012 READ MORE  |  13 COMMENTS
Inside a Foxconn Factory

A look inside Foxconn gives us a new perspective on workers’ conditions; one solution to the “right to be forgotten” dilemma may be to implement mandatory online insurance; meanwhile, a Columbia grad in New York has been converting pay phone booths into libraries. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Posted on Feb 23, 2012 READ MORE
Virginia Legislators Put ‘Personhood’ Bill on Hold

It’s been a big week for all things prenatal in the Virginia Legislature. Earlier we saw the resolution of the controversy over a bill that would have required women in the Old Dominion to undergo invasive ultrasound procedures before having abortions, and Thursday, the state Senate made another big decision about reproductive law, at least for the time being.

Posted on Feb 23, 2012 READ MORE  |  7 COMMENTS
Pennsylvania: The ‘State of Independence’ Becomes the ‘Oil State’

Susquehanna County has already been thoroughly fracked by gas mining operations. Dallas Township, one hour’s drive south, appears to be next.

Posted on Feb 23, 2012 READ MORE  |  8 COMMENTS


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A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
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