Archive for June, 2010
BP’s Next Disaster
Russ Feingold
Hit List
Try, Try Again
Memory Lane
War Without End
Well, Hush My Mouth
The Bird
A Progressive Budget Calculator
Other News
#OccupyWallStreet Class War Featured Fuck the Poor Politics As Usual The New Depression
Gov. Tom Corbett, the invisible man
Marcus Hook was one of the towns I covered as a reporter, and now it’s on the edge of losing the one main industry. The Republican governor is largely indifferent to their plight: “Marcus Hook is a town teetering on the edge of destruction. Last year, Sunoco Oil announced that it would shut down its refinery in Marcus Hook. This refinery has employed residents for generations; it provides a tax base for the community, and directly funds part of the [...]
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Class War Corporate Statism Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Politics As Usual
Allow me to translate
Miners are disposable. Bookmark It
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Asshole Dirty Rotten Scoundrels It's OK If You're A Republican Just Plain Crazy Scary Crazy Wingnuts Theocracy Wing Nuts
Piggie of the Week: PA State Rep. Kathy Rapp Moves into your Uterus
PA state representative Kathy Rape -er, RAPP- is your garden variety Republican. She claim to love children while supporting anti-child policies. She stands for family values, like poverty and hunger. And like all republicans, she wants the government small enough to fit in your uterus. Enjoy our latest Piggie of the Week: Bookmark It
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Freedom of Religion……
I’ve been kinda grumpy today. I must have a Newt hangover. He came to visit the West Jawja area and I had tired of hearing about it, so I am not going to talk about it. Moving on to other crazy people, there is Congressman Phil Gingrey, Republican from the 11th district of Jawja. Oh, that’s DOCTOR Gingrey, pro life OB-GYN. A friend dropped this letter from Dr. Gingrey into my email box this morning……. Dear Friend: Thank you for [...]
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Arts & Music
Davy Jones, 66. Bookmark It
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Politics As Usual The Regime
A train rolling downhill without brakes
The seeming inevitability of the military-industrial complex’s push for war with Iran. Bookmark It
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Climate Change
Hey, it’s just weather
We’re just getting a lot more of it, more often! Tornadoes in February are no big deal. Bookmark It
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Full Frontal Feminism Media
So intellectual journals in general are rather lax in publishing pieces by women writers! I am so very, very shocked. Seriously, don’t kid yourself. It happens in the blogosphere, too. I still remember a young Ezra Klein (yes, even younger) lecturing me about expecting to be supported by male bloggers when I hadn’t paid my dues, like him. “Uh, Ezra, I’ve been blogging a year longer than you,” I said. Oh. Here’s why it’s important: Because women in general are [...]
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