Oscar Sunday is traditionally the one day of the year when Hollywood turns its back on sequels. This week's headlines, on the other hand, were rife with stories we'd seen before. In Afghanistan, 13 people, including two American soldiers, were killed in the aftermath of the burning of Korans at a U.S. military base (is unhinged Florida pastor Terry Jones preparing to demand royalties?). At the White House, President Obama again broke out in song, this time riffing on "Sweet Home Chicago" (as usual, the sequel didn't live up to the original: His "Let's Stay Together" was much cooler). Meanwhile, in Arizona, the GOP gave us the latest installment in the longest running horror series since Friday the 13th (this time out, Romney returned from the dead yet again after goading Rick Santorum into making a spirited defense of Senate process and earmarks). My actual Oscar picks: The Artist, Clooney and Viola Davis. The envelopes please...
The Republicans sure have the right symbol with the elephant. Republican debates are nothing but elephants in the room.
Mr. Mandela, we wish you a quick and full recovery. You have materially improved the well-being of millions and you continue to be a beacon for the many who struggle daily for a better and more just world.
My former bullies pay extra to come backstage and meet me after shows, and I pretend not to know them in front of their friends. It is the most divine pleasure to exact the revenge of the brutalized child that resides within.
With unemployment still over 8 percent, we currently have more ingenuity, energy, and expertise than we have jobs -- and definitely more time on our hands. That's one reason I was so drawn to Abundance, a new book by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler.
I have seen many lives ruined by drug abuse. That is why my approach is to provide help to those who suffer from drug addiction, instead of prison.
On Iraq, the mainstream media did not ask the right questions until disaster was a reality. On Iran, those questions need to be asked now so that disaster can be avoided.
On a bitterly cold day, here are memories that bring back the warmth of friendship, familial love and the wonders of the American West. Since much of the year after these were spent in and out of the hospital, these memories have special poignancy.
When our food is at risk we are all at risk. Over the last thirty years, we have witnessed a massive consolidation of our food system, leading to the loss of millions of family farmers, the destruction of soil fertility, the pollution of our water, and health epidemics.
I can't wait to see Billy Crystal host the Oscars. I think he's gonna do a fantastic job. If I could tell him anything, it would be to enjoy every second, and if he finds a maroon blazer with elbow patches, I think I left it backstage. I'll be watching on Sunday!
Governor Christie's veto only delayed the day and time when we finally establish marriage equality in the Garden State -- because it is going to happen in New Jersey, and we are going to override his veto.
We don't have enough fingers to plug every hole in the dike; we need to change the basic underlying economics, by charging the fossil fuel industry for the damage carbon does in the atmosphere instead of just letting them continue to use the atmosphere as an open sewer for free.
Throughout our country, Latinos live in and contribute to an increasingly diverse America. And for women especially, balancing the demands of intertwined cultures can be challenging. In recognition of this, I am creating the Eva Longoria Foundation.
I've found myself more enthusiastic than I've been in years as I've shifted my attention from D.C./NYC to cities both burgeoning with ideas and struggling with the excruciating pain that Washington and New York have inflicted on them.
There's a magic that comes with being aware you're "onto something" while you're onto it. It fills you with a strange sense of purpose that seems to invigorate the project and deepen the vision, even when you feel like all you've got is fireflies to follow.
For many of us, Presidents Day means an extra day off work and the chance to hit up the holiday sales. But, as we recall from our school days, it's actually more than that.
Angelina Jolie goes behind the camera -- and what happens? She shoots a film d'auteur, with unknown Bosnian actors and the film is set in this blind spot of 20th century history, in this moment of utter sorrow, indignity and shame for the nations that let it happen: the Bosnian war.
Mr. Santorum should be careful in his efforts to score political points using biblical mandates on the same week that he shows such callousness towards the lives of the poor.
As a new parent, I desperately needed a place where I could get all my daily essentials -- from diapers to cleaning products -- and I could trust that they would be safe, eco-friendly, affordable, and effective. So I decided to create it.
Unquestionably, there are a few memorable films in the running, but also a lot of filler -- some nominees that simply make you scratch your head in wonderment.
The odds against Christie jumping into the race are as long as the line to get on the Jeremy Lin bandwagon, but the fact that anyone is seriously talking about it now is all about one emotion: desperation.
With mounting signs that the economy is getting some traction, boiling populist rage is dialing down to a grumbling simmer. This raises the possibility of the GOP nightmare scenario: voters going into the election in a reasonably upbeat mood.
At the national level, Catholic politicians have emerged as leading figures in the GOP... and evangelical Protestants are flocking to follow their lead. Why?
Medicaid is vital -- it provides hundreds of millions of children who are poor or have disabilities with comprehensive health coverage enabling them to become productive, taxpaying members of society.
The Brits have all got a bit too slick now though, it's treated with a bit too much respect, if you ask me... It is but a TV show with a few awards carved up and spread around... And if I'm not very much mistaken did I detect the faint whiff of a few wrong 'uns miming? I think I did... You know who you are and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Harlem is alive and thriving, more so now than ever before, and in many cases food is at the center of Harlem's new economic growth. Within the midst of great history and cultural diversity lies a food side of Harlem just waiting to be discovered by those foodies who seek it.