The Shame Kittel

By Jacqueline Nicholls

  1. Polyartist: An Interview with Richard Kostelanetz
  2. A Rationalist Approach to Suffering
  3. Why Climate Change is Bad for the Jews

$1.6 Billion Woman

$1.6 Billion Woman

By Elana Sztokman

With Facebook going public, Sheryl Sandberg is about to be a very, very wealthy woman. Here’s a suggestion for how she can do a little good while doing so well.

Gross Complications

Gross Complications

By Paul Berger

The Jewish community has been uneasy about Alan Gross. Revelations raise questions about his claim to have been an innocent contractor helping Jews in Cuba.

What About Israel's Bomb?

What About Israel's Bomb?

By Leonard Fein

Israel is beating the drums for an attack on Iran over its nuclear weapons program. Leonard Fein suggests it consider owning up to its own atomic arsenal first.