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Late Night FDL: Cheap Shots and Christ on Sale

By: Allison Hantschel Monday February 27, 2012 8:00 pm

The NYT’s Charles Blow tried to make a funny about Romney’s magic underwear, failed, and got smacked around for it, but what I want to talk about is this statement:

‏ @thepubliceditor: I applaud @CharlesMBlow for apologizing for his tweet on Romney. Criticism based on religion is inappropriate, on Twitter or anywhere else.

Blow really should have been reprimanded for not being able to come up with anything better than the magic underwear thing. You work at the Times, man, put your shoulder into it! Have one of your interns look up something about Mormonism that all of Twitter hasn’t adequately addressed before now.

Unfunny schoolyard cracks that Conan O’Brien’s writers would have passed on are indeed inappropriate. However, criticism based on religion is most assuredly appropriate, at least, as appropriate as criticism based on anything else.

We can’t sit here and rule things out of bounds to talk about on the basis of somebody said the word “god” and now that means we all have to stop questioning. Faith is used too often as some kind of prophylactic against criticism in public life, an instant protection against having to explain one’s positions and justify one’s actions. “I believe” has come to mean “now you can’t object, because I invoked the Jesus Pokémon, regardless of what insane shit comes out of my mouth next.”

Which is a pity, because in the best traditions of faith doctrine can be the result of long periods of learned argument and study, and talking about one’s faith doesn’t have to be a threat to that faith. Sensible criticism about a politician’s faith would, one can hope, prompt a deeper explanation of how that faith informs a candidate’s actions.

In Romney’s case, that would mean exploring a candidate’s explicit view of his campaign as some kind of affirmation that AMERICA IS TEH AWESOMEST SEZ GOD and go fuck a French mime if you think differently. So I can see why his campaign wouldn’t exactly welcome that discussion.


Bob Kerrey to Seek Nebraska Senate Seat After All

By: Teddy Partridge Monday February 27, 2012 7:15 pm

Via a headline at Eschaton (“God Hates Atrios“) I learned the discouraging news that one of the slipperiest centrists in the Democratic Party has reconsidered his decision regarding the US Senate seat now held by the retiring Ben Nelson of Nebraska. Here’s the news:

Former senator Bob Kerrey (D-Neb.) has changed his mind and plans to run for the open Senate seat in Nebraska, according to a senior Democratic aide.

The aide said Kerrey has called Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to inform him of his plans.

Navy SEAL Team Leader at Thanh Phong!

Been a Governor and a Senator!

Dated Linda Ronstadt! And Debra Winger!

Justifying his 1999 vote for Gramm-Leach-Bliley which fundamentally recast America’s financial landscape and safeguards: “The concerns that we will have a meltdown like 1929 are dramatically overblown,”.

Headed the New School in Manhattan, and fought the NLRB and UAW on unionization! Presided over a full-scale occupation and, later, riot.

Little known tidbit: Kerrey was selected to head the MPAA but they couldn’t come to terms, leaving an opening for Chris “I’ll never lobby!” Dodd to become the biggest lobbyist in town.

But how in-character for Kerrey’s return to the arena to be marred by a betrayal: [cont'd.]

Organizing a 2 Week Trip for Lt. Dan Choi to Visit Occupations

By: Ryan Cook Monday February 27, 2012 6:15 pm

I have had the pleasure this week to work with Jane Hamsher and Lt. Dan Choi, DADT activist and superstar occupier! I have been booking travel and organizing events for Dan at 5 different occupations across the country, from Delaware to Fairbanks, AK. We started the trip off in Wilmington, Delaware (Occupy Delaware) last weekend and are picking it back up today.

Last night I spoke with Will Marshall who told me that he successfully picked up Mr. Choi from the airport. Choi starts this full week of travel in Atlanta, GA where they are occupying outside of the AT&T center. From the photos that have been submitted, it looks like Dan is meeting a ton of great people and will be hosting a celebration at the newly acquired military tent from Firedoglake Occupy Supply. Everyone in the communities I have spoken with have been very helpful in working with me to make sure that when Dan arrives he has a ride, food, shelter, and other forms of hospitality.

Without our membership program and the amazing work of our member Liaisons, we could have never dreamed of sending Lt. Dan Choi to Salt Lake City, Flint Michigan, and all of his other stops. Help ensure the sustainability of Firedoglake by joining as a member today!

What will Dan be doing? He wants to focus on meeting all of the occupiers involved, getting to know their story, then stay the night with them at their encampment. He plans to spend at least one night out in the military command tent at each location, staying warm due to some of the amazing advances in solar energy and other tactics to “get off the grid.” The work that some of these occupations are doing such, as Little Rock, Raleigh, and many others is impressive and inspiring.

In hindsight, we can hardly believe we’ve been able to accomplish all we have with Occupy Supply, but when you consider the strength and support we get from the membership program, it makes more sense and opens the door to incredible possibilities for organizing in the future.

Help to keep Firedoglake moving forward by joining our membership program during the 2012 Membership Drive.

Occupy Supply is a program of the Firedoglake Membership program where we have over 105 member liaisons nationwide. I will continue to update everyone daily on his travels. Dan is tremendously excited about visiting these occupations, and his visits are bringing hope to all the campers as they reach the 6 month mark of occupying.

FDL Movie Night: Phunny Business: A Black Comedy

By: Lisa Derrick Monday February 27, 2012 5:00 pm

A smart and poignant documentary, Phunny Business: A Black Comedy tells the story of All Jokes Aside, one of the most influential comedy clubs in the United States, which during its nine year run in Chicago became proving ground for some of the biggest names in comedy. In 1990, on a trip to Los Angeles Raymond Lambert, an MBA working in Chicago for entrepreneur Chris Gardner (The Pursuit of Happyness), visited The Improv on Mo’Bettah Mondays, the club’s black comedy showcase night.

Eviction of Occupy London Begins: Livestream

By: Elliott Monday February 27, 2012 4:55 pm

The eviction of Occupy London has begun. Check their website for more details. If that site is down, try here.

Follow on twitter.

Pity the Poor Judges

By: Cynthia Kouril Monday February 27, 2012 4:15 pm

I just thought of something, if it is now acceptable to use forged and perjurious documents in foreclosure cases, DOCX, LPS and the other document mills have a huge new market available to them with homeowners. If forged and backdated allonges and assignments are OK, so too should be forged Satisfactions of Mortgage. Once the homeowner obtains a forged SAT from a document mill and files it with the county clerk, in theory, shouldn’t their foreclosure case be dismissed?

Steny Hoyer’s Push to Ruin Everything

By: David Dayen Monday February 27, 2012 3:33 pm

In the aftermath of a horribly bruising debt limit deal and the Occupy movement, the focus in Washington shifted away from deficits and back to the economy, jobs and income inequality. But as a reminder that social movements must be constant and vigilant, one powerful Democrat, in association with a DC lobbying group, wants to bring us right back to that moment last year when everybody hated politicians.

TransCanada Splits Off US-Only Portion of Keystone XL Project

By: David Dayen Monday February 27, 2012 2:50 pm

TransCanada, the company trying to build the Keystone XL pipeline, has split off a domestic pipeline from the one that crosses a national border, moving to begin work on a pipeline from Cushing, Oklahoma to Port Arthur, Texas. The segment from Canada down to Cushing, however, will need a separate permit application and could take years to get approval. But the White House seems on board for the Cushing-to-Port Arthur segment, which does not require State Department approval.

Marijuana Legalization Will Be on the Ballot in Colorado

By: Jon Walker Monday February 27, 2012 2:25 pm

This year the voters of Colorado will get to decide whether or not to legalize, tax and regulate marijuana in their state. This afternoon Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler certified that the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol had turned in a sufficient number of valid signatures to qualify their initiative. Barring successful legal challenge, this means the marijuana legalization initiative will go on the November general election ballot as “Amendment 64.”

Michigan Primary Remains Extremely Close

By: Jon Walker Monday February 27, 2012 2:00 pm

With the Michigan Republican Presidential Primary tomorrow, polls see the race to be a nearly tied between Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. Three new polls show the top two contestants within two points of each other. Both PPP and Rasmussen have Romney leading by two points, but the Mitchell/Rosetta Stone Poll has Santorum with a two point lead.


Help the Occupy Supply Fund continue to support more than 60 occupations across the country!

$205,937.00 RAISED
$192,393.71 SPENT

Last updated 2/20

100% of donations committed to the occupations served by Occupy Supply

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Upcoming FDL Book Salons

Saturday, March 3, 2012
2:00 pm Pacific
The Short American Century: A Postmortem Chat with Andrew Bacevich about his new book. Hosted by Robert Farley.

Sunday, March 4, 2012
2:00 pm Pacific
The New Hate: A History of Fear and Loathing on the Populist Right Chat with Arthur Goldwag about his new book.
Hosted by Alexander Zaitchik.
