Yesterday, marriage equality in Oregon was officially outlawed because voters in Oregon chose to exclude some Oregonians from equal treatment by passing Measure 36 on November 2, 2004. But this setback is not one which those who believe that freedom for all means all, will stand for because marriage is far too important for both individuals and our society.
And civil unions are not the answer to what has been laid at the feet of Oregon's LGBT community. They are both separate and unequal, contracts which do not afford all the rights, privileges and responsibilities of marriage, and which can be invalidated merely by traveling across the state's border (from Portland to Vancouver, for example).
And anyone who considers them a good next step towards marriage, should look to Vermont which has had civil unions for five years now, with marriage equality nowhere in sight.
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On December 15, 2004 the Oregon Supreme Court will be meeting to hear arguments in Li V. State of Oregon, and people who stand for equality are meeting in front of the Oregon State Supreme Court building from Noon - 3PM in a show of support for full equality in marriage.
Equality for All
Date: December 15, 2004
Place: Oregon State Supreme Court
Address: 1163 State Street, Salem OR
Time: Noon - 3PM
Get a map here.
Please bring signs that express your opinions on the importance of equality, such as:
"Civil Unions are separate and unequal."
"We are second class citizens."
"Freedom for all, means all."
But these are just a few suggestions, please use your own imagination about what equality in marriage means to you, and the importance of the equal treatment of all Oregonians.