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Archiblog News and commentary from John Archibald of The Birmingham News

Birmingham Water Board spends thousands on lunch


By John Archibald -- The Birmingham News

March 02, 2012, 6:05AM
If you get hungry at the Water Board, just form a committee. The food's on us.  Full story »
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Wire up Jeffco Commission president; we need answers


By John Archibald -- The Birmingham News

February 29, 2012, 6:35AM
"Even on the most exalted throne in the world, we are only sitting on our own rear end." - Michel de Montaigne Full story »
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General gives city its marching orders

BSC Charles Krulak 110321

By John Archibald -- The Birmingham News

February 26, 2012, 6:13AM
It's not like it's Fallujah out there. It's not as if stepping on the feelings of the corporate or governing elite is like stepping on a land mine. Full story »
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Journey to Jeffco Hell goes ... north


By John Archibald -- The Birmingham News

February 24, 2012, 6:15AM
All those vocal people, packed into a confined space, held captive by common purpose and driven by a shared antagonism toward the corruption, stupidity and ineptitude that brought this county to its knees? I felt like I was ... home. Full story »
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At the Jefferson County Courthouse: United we stand -- in line

Jefferson County Courthouse 2.2012.jpg

By John Archibald -- The Birmingham News

February 23, 2012, 12:35PM
I haven't seen a diverse group in Birmingham so united since Ruben Studdard won American Idol. Full story »
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The naked truth about Hoover's humanity


By John Archibald -- The Birmingham News

February 22, 2012, 6:05AM
It was as if Hoover wanted to make a statement, but didn't really. So that's the kind of statement it made: muted, miscast and mushy. Full story »
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Time for less maneuvering and more justice


By John Archibald -- The Birmingham News

February 19, 2012, 3:07PM
Lift up those long black robes and pull on those judicial big boy pants -- or big girl panties if that is more ... fitting. Full story »
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Birmingham needs to embrace its inner insanity


By John Archibald -- The Birmingham News

February 17, 2012, 6:03AM
It's like the mayor of Chernobyl begging you to clean up your act, like the mayor of Mogadishu asking, "Why can't you all just get along?" Full story »
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Hoover don't know Squanto: Police marking people of Asian Indian descent as 'Native American'


By John Archibald -- The Birmingham News

February 15, 2012, 6:31AM
But the fact remains that somebody, somewhere in Hoover still doesn't know the difference between Mahatma Gandhi and Crazy Horse. And if somebody in Hoover doesn't get it, you can bet this blunder takes place across Alabama.  Full story »
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Segregated now, segregated tomorrow, segregated forever?


By John Archibald -- The Birmingham News

February 12, 2012, 5:58AM
We have gerrymandered ourselves into a corner. Even the way we elect our congressional representatives divides us and derides us. It separates us by race and party, class and caste. It assures our politicians preach only to the choirs who elected them.  Full story »
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'Hold on to your children'

Rashad Stoves.JPG

By John Archibald -- The Birmingham News

February 10, 2012, 6:35AM
It's a lifetime ago, another world. But there is symmetry in this sick and cyclical world of teen violence. Hood died blocks from the Ensley Highland's home where, police say, Stoves and two other teens in January executed five men. Full story »
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Wayman Shiver's words


By John Archibald -- The Birmingham News

February 08, 2012, 8:03AM
Here is the text of what former Birmingham Schools Superintendent Wayman Shiver said about school boards: LOCAL SCHOOL BOARDS - THE CODE OF ALABAMA 1975 NEEDS AN OVERHAUL Without a doubt, local school boards have made significant contributions to public education and have, in many instances, provided critical oversight necessary to insure access to educational opportunity for our children. ... Full story »
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Lawmakers need to reel in idiots and school boards


By John Archibald -- The Birmingham News

February 08, 2012, 6:01AM
"It shouldn't be the country we live in that the minority forces their rights and beliefs on everybody else," Jackson County Schools Superintendent Ken Harding said as he explained the "Bible Man" decision. Full story »
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Selling eternity with a Bear view


By John Archibald -- The Birmingham News

February 05, 2012, 6:17AM
Spending eternity near Bryant is not, on the open market, worth what we thought. Full story »
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God's lawyer to Shadrack: Cease and Desist!


By John Archibald -- The Birmingham News

February 03, 2012, 6:16AM
This firm represents GOD. If you, a mere mortal, are represented by legal counsel, either from the Gates of Heaven or the bowels of Hell, please direct this correspondence to the appropriate party. Full story »
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