Stanford Neurosurgery Magazine
Stanford Moyamoya Center Stanford Moyamoya Center
Pediatric Neurosurgery Pediatric Neurosurgery
Stanford Pituitary Center Stanford Pituitary Center
Stanford Pituitary Center Stanford Brain Tumor Center
Ratliff, John K. MD John K. Ratliff, MD
Acting Associate Professor, Neurosurgery
Co-Director Stanford Neurosurgery Spine Program
Li, Gordon, MD Gordon Li, MD
Acting Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery
Ciara Harraher, MD, MPH Ciara Harraher, MD, MPH
Clinical Associate Professor, Neurosurgery

"Comprehensive management of acoustic neuromas"

Steven Giannotta, MD

Professor and Chairman
Department of Neurosurgery

Hospital and professional staff only

February 17, 2012 | 7:00-8:00 AM
Li Ka Shing Center, Room 130


March 5, 2012
Rewiring the Brain
Day of interactive lectures on Neuromodulation

June 2, 2012
“Stanford Stroke Center Symposium 2012”

Celebrating 20 years of patient care, education and innovation

June 8, 2012
Stanford University School of Medicine Neuroscience Forum

November 9-10, 2012
“3rd Annual Breakthroughs in Neurologic Therapies: Restoring Function to the Nervous System”

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