
Archive for January, 2007

Tall and pale = more money on the job

5:20 pm By Jennifer Woodard Maderazo · Immigration|Labor|race · 1 Comment

31 Jan 2007

skintonecharts_1.jpgIf you are an immigrant who’s tall or light-skinned, you’re likely to make more money than your shorter, darker-skinned counterpart, according to research by a professor at Vanderbilt University:

Joni Hersch, a law and economics professor at Vanderbilt University, looked at a government survey of 2,084 legal immigrants to the United States from around the world and found that those with the lightest skin earned an average of 8 percent to 15 percent more than similar immigrants with much darker skin.

“On average, being one shade lighter has about the same effect as having an additional year of education,” Hersch said.

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An Apple a Day is Bad for the Environment?

2:05 pm By Jennifer Woodard Maderazo · Environment|Health|Tech · 2 Comments

31 Jan 2007

apple_computer.jpgI’m not a huge trend follower. When it comes to how I spend my money, for clothes or tech gear, I look for function over form. But even I have my weaknesses and a few years ago I wanted to be one of those hip, beautiful people I saw plastered on city streets and on television ads and in order to do that I needed to have an ipod, so I got one. Now comes the iphone, and my oh so stylish and computer savvy friends swear by their Apple computers. A recent article posted on AlterNet questions the environmental policies of the mega tech company.

In December of 2006, Greenpeace released a report ranking the overall environmental policy of major technology companies. Dell was at the top but Apple found itself at the bottom. While top companies like Dell and Nokia have made great strides to eliminate the most toxic chemicals from their products and offer strong recycling programs, Apple has not.

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Fox: Vargas Llosa is Colombian

11:55 am By Jennifer Woodard Maderazo · Celebrities|Chismes|mexico|Politics · 3 Comments

31 Jan 2007

15-fox-bush.jpgIt’s nice to know that we’re not the only nation with a president that says dumb things. Mexico‘s ex-president, Vicente Fox, is making media all over Latin America chuckle with his latest foot in the mouth:

“Latin America must flee from the ‘perfect dictatorship’, as Colombian Nobel prize winner for Literature Mario Vargas Llosa said…”

Ex-president of Mexico Vicente Fox was quite sure of himself when he mentioned the Peruvian writer (a Spanish national) Vargas Llosa who, as far as we know, never won the Nobel.

Maybe someone should open a culture school for Presidents or their speech writers.

Fox was evidentally trying to make a point about what he sees as a rise in dictatorships in Latin America, but not only did he goof up the celebrated author’s nationality and decorations, according to 20 Minutos Vargas Llosa was actually referring to Mexico and the PRI regimen in that particular statement.

More at (Spanish)

Via / 20 Minutos

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Venezuela Seeking Missiles

11:34 am By Jennifer Woodard Maderazo · Politics|Venezuela · Comments Off

31 Jan 2007

20040301-venezuela.jpgAccording to a general within the Hugo Chavez administration, the president is looking to get surface-to-air missile systems from Russia or another country. Why? I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before Bush and company pull out the WMD charge but Gen. Alberto Muller says they are to defend refineries, hydroelectric dams and “other strategic points in the country.”

“They are for air defense,” Muller told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. “They are not for attacking anybody… We are not the United States of America. We don’t have imperialist ambitions.”

Via / Fox

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sq-red_bkgrnd_btm_int-vh1.jpgRemember Ted Nugent? If you don’t watch FOX News Channel a lot, you probably don’t see much of him, but you’ll occasionally catch the aging rocker pontificating on topics such as the right to bear arms for the NRA or railing against animal rights activists. Now Nugent’s in the spotlight again for allegedly making remarks against immigrants who don’t speak English at the Texas gubernatorial inauguration on January 16th. Nugent denies the claims:

“In total defiance to the vicious lies and hateful allegations of `racism’ leveled at me by irresponsible, unprofessional and downright goofy media punks, I never said a word about immigration or language, specifically not the alleged slam against `illegal immigrants’ or `non-English-speaking’ anyone,” the outspoken 58-year-old rocker wrote.

However, AP quotes him as saying: “”I will intensify my fight for a united America by demanding all Americans speak English.” Apparently he also claims he isn’t a racist because he’s dedicated records to black musicians such as James Brown. Yeah…

Ted’s world views are certainly interesting.

Via / Yahoo! Entertainment

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Oh baby, VL’s got a bebe

5:42 pm By Jennifer Woodard Maderazo · children|VivirLatino · 4 Comments

30 Jan 2007

Gabriela%20037.jpgSome of you might have noticed (of course you have) that our beloved Mala has been absent lately. Well, she was on a temporary hiatus from blogging to bring you VL’s very first bebé. Wasn’t that nice of her?

La ChileRican #2, Gabriela Paula Paredes Ortiz was born on January 16th at 1:07 pm in NYC, weighing in at an adorable 6 lbs. 12 oz. and measuring a charming 20 inches.

We are happy to have our Mala back and to welcome our first VL baby into the world.

Felicidades to mami, papi, and big sis! And special thanks to El Gossiper for filling in for Mala.

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Huracán Hugo?

3:30 pm By Jennifer Woodard Maderazo · Politics|Venezuela · Comments Off

30 Jan 2007

chavezun.jpgHave no fear, Hugo is here doesn’t exactly sound like a ticket most pundits and U.S. media outlets are buying but that’s the message that Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez is trying to send out. Not only is el Presidente trying to calm the media abroad but he’s trying to soothe the nerves of the wealthy within his nation who worry that his Bolivarian Socialist revolution may mean losing private property and and fancy rides.”

Nobody should allow themselves to be imbued with fear. If anybody should be scared, we should be scared of capitalism, which destroys society, people and the planet,” Chavez said Sunday during his weekly television and radio program “Hello President.”

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Together Again : Gael y Diego

1:30 pm By Jennifer Woodard Maderazo · Celebrities|Chismes|Movies · Comments Off

30 Jan 2007

diego_gael.jpgThere’s gonna be a swoon fest throughout some Mexican states as talented hotties Gael Garcia Bernal and Diego Luna showcase documentary films. The tour, titled Ambulante 2007, was started by the dynamic duo last year and received critical acclaim for bringing documentaries into commercial theaters.

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JLo says Scientology isn’t weird

11:30 am By Jennifer Woodard Maderazo · Celebrities|Chismes|Religion · 7 Comments

30 Jan 2007

jlo.JPGWhile the rest of us get freaked out by Scientology, Hollywood stars seem to find it as mundane as a loaf of Wonder Bread. JLo is no exception, as evidenced by her rushing to defend the religion. It turns out her dad is a Scientologist (!):

Though not a practitioner herself, Jennifer Lopez spoke up on behalf of Scientology – and revealed that her father, David Lopez, is a follower – during a weekend interview with a Miami TV station.

“My dad has been a Scientologist for 20 years,” Lopez, 37, told South Florida’s NBC6. “It’s weird people want to paint it in a negative way.”

People reports that after the interview JLo’s rep was all “Jennifer is not a Scientologist, nor is she becoming a Scientologist.”

If it’s not “weird” than why the extra effort to point out that you are not “one of them” nor will you ever be?

Via / People

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Housekeepers in Peru want tanning rights

9:55 am By Maegan La Mala · Peru · 1 Comment

30 Jan 2007

marcha.jpgOver 700 housekeepers showed up to protest on the beaches of Balneario de Asia in Peru. They argue that they are not allowed to bathe in the ocean in that area and, in fact, are only allowed to step foot on the sand after 7 PM unless accompanied by their employer.

Actress Gisela Valcarcel showed up dressed in a traditional housekeeper’s uniform, to support her housekeeper, Teresa. They all defiantly walked toward the beach and, like a Roman army, marched shoulder to shoulder until they reached the water and triumphantly played around for a while. Gisela said:

“She is my confidante, my partner. I don’t understand how it is possible to make someone who knows so much, feel like they are from another class. I come from humble beginnings and from a time when the beach was for everybody. I am against the notion that housekeepers shouldn’t be allowed on the beach.”

To that, I say march on hermanas! March on!

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