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Meet the models breaking the mould. [info]ohnotheydidnt 1
Bring on the wrinkles... and the spare tyre and the brains, too. Because you don't have to be a silly, skinny teenager to make it in modelling …
[ SECRET POST #1887 ] [info]fandomsecrets 1
⌈ Secret Post #1887 ⌋ Warning: Some secrets are NOT worksafe and may contain SPOILERS. 01. ________________________________________ …
Update on Nakajima Tomoko's Situation [info]aramatheydidnt New
Much like the last article, this one will not have a source because it’s a compilation of the past week’s articles about her. Nakajima Tomoko, …
Mansion servant enslaved by uber-rich New York family for nearly six years [info]ontd_political 1
A wealthy New York woman is facing criminal charges after being accused of keeping an illegal immigrant as an indentured servant and forcing her to …
ontd_glee Fic Rec Saturday [info]ontd_glee 1
Here's how it's works: Provide links and short descriptions of the fics you share; ratings and warnings are helpful Comment if …
DS: lots of AP goods! [info]egl_comm_sales New
Click for Rules/Shipping policies/etc Feedback Link 220+ positive 1 neutral Basics (still pleas read my full terms above, though): ~ NO …
[info]thequestionclub New
I am so anxious right now and I can't take any of my anti-anxiety medication because I live with a drug addict who took it all. I've been like this …
Costuming vs. Cosplay [info]inclusive_geeks
What's the difference for you between costuming and cosplay? Lately I've seen "cosplay" used almost exclusively to refer to any kind of costuming …
Wants, grail and cards, OH MY! [info]pkmncollectors New
Hello community! I have a pretty mulipost for you~ Quick Want:// So the lovely puyro has invited me to go to Conneticon with her this yea and …
So..... homosexuality is sexist? [info]mock_the_stupid New
As posted on leasthelpful.com.... http://leasthelpful.com/post/18494440942/i ts-basically-racist-to-be-gay Please, my friends, rip this …
Tizz Being Tizz [info]anythingdiz New
Lol idk (and to that song??), someone else explain it to me. SORRY IT'S DEAD Source: that youtube. …
Why Loneliness Can Be Deadly [info]ontd_science 9
Loneliness can send a person down a path toward bad health, and even more intense loneliness, studies have shown. But while some have assumed the …
61 misc. icons ~ Kaoru - also the start of my hiatus... [info]xxpyrography 6
Hello everyone! I meant to post all these sooner but since I also wanted to post them along with some icontest entries I was waiting for those …
2012 FANDOM STEEL CAGE MATCH MARCH MADNESS [info]f_march_madness 8
Four more days. Pimp and freak out: <center><a href="http://f-march-madness.livejournal.com/7581.html"><img …
[info]iconpraise 6
*i'm not whining or anything, i've just run out of stuff to do today Just a few icons I've saved from icon shopping the past few …
Redbox recycle [info]poupee_girl 1
I have a quick question: If I recycle a redboxed, non-present floor item, will I be able to buy it again? Because I really dislike not having things …
Post de secretos 186 [info]secretos_fandom 4
Post de secretos 186 Aviso: Algunos secretos pueden contener SPOILERS. 01. ________________________________________ __________ 02. …
FO! First blocked piece and first shawl! [info]knitting 2
I was skeptical to wash or "soak" any knitted garment so I threw in a couple hats to block along with the shawl. The idea of a "rinse free" detergent …
Greatest discovery of my life you guys [info]ontd_startrek 11
Live action of all the photos we've already gawked at this week erhgioehr;gerhgsrit …
Preview: 4.05, Hold the Front Door [info]beinghuman_fans 7
Much looking forward to this. …
50 icons [info]wicked_signs 21
20 | Breaking Bad S1 for 20inspirations 06 | Breaking Bad 09 | Game of Thrones 05 | Legend of the Seeker 06 | Nikita 04 | Misc (Merlin, TVD) …
New BTS Photos [info]castlelounge 1
Culver City TV posted a few photos of Stana, Nathan and Tamala filming. I'll warn you that these photos are spoilery and may cause rage.
saturday things [info]inspireplease 13
goesitso.tumblr.com …
Cazziatone of Doom, parte ennesima. [info]maridichallenge 38
E speriamo che sia l'ultima, però, perché srsly, gente, ci si sta un po' legittimamente rompendo le palle di ritrovarsi al sabato con tutti i casini …
Schwa [info]linguaphiles 14
Are there any languages where the vowel schwa can be the nucleus of a stressed syllable?
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