Home : LJ Talk

LJ Talk

Talk to your LiveJournal friends in real time with LJ Talk, LiveJournal's new instant messaging feature.

LJ Talk uses Jabber, a type of instant messaging that is more open than other IM services. This means that you'll be able to chat with users of Gmail (GTalk), jabber.org, Gizmo Project, Earthlink, and anyone else on a jabber network, just by adding their username to your contact list.

Logging on to LJ Talk

There is no need to create an account. All you need is an IM client that supports Jabber.

  1. If your client asks for a service or protocol
    • Select Jabber
  2. If your client only asks for a screen name/username
    • Enter your LJ username@livejournal.com into the screen name/username field
  3. If your client asks for a screen name/username and server
    • Enter your LJ username in the screen name/username field
    • Enter livejournal.com in the server field
  4. Your password is your LJ password
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