Blogged by Brad Friedman on 3/29/2005 5:15PM  
Covers the BRAD BLOG coverage...

The Lone Star Iconoclast, the newspaper in George W. Bush's "hometown" of Crawford, TX, has jumped into the "American Center for Voting Rights" (ACVR) fray by reporting on the nascient self-proclaimed "Voting Rights" group (actually a GOP front group staffed by Bush/Cheney/RNC employees) and their testimony before a U.S. House Committee just three days after appearing out of nowhere (Talon News-like) on the Internets.

Their article, headlined "Crashing The Party? - Mystery Surrounds ?American Center For Voting Rights' Group" is right here.

The Iconoclast covers many of the bases that we've covered so far here at BRAD BLOG, the key articles for which can now be easily tracked for reference at this BRAD BLOG Special Coverage page.

For more information on the "non-partisan" tax-exempt ACVR scam and the snakeoil salesmen who invented it, Bush/Cheney '04 National General Counsel Mark F. "Thor" Hearne and RNC Communications Director Jim Dyke, please see BRAD BLOG's full Special Coverage of the "American Center for Voting Rights" at
Buzz this story! C2NN: Submit it!

"Crashing the Party! Bush's 'Hometown' Crawford Paper reports on ACVR!"
(16 Responses so far...)

COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
... KestrelBrighteyes said on 3/29/2005 @ 6:29 pm PT...

*just grins*

COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
... Nana said on 3/29/2005 @ 6:42 pm PT...

Concise. I like the title too.

COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
... Kalee said on 3/29/2005 @ 7:02 pm PT...

This is just one of the great articles that should be printed and left in public locations in order to spread the word. THANKS.

COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
... Peg C said on 3/29/2005 @ 7:43 pm PT...

Way to go, Brad! And yes, Kalee, everyone should see this piece.

COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
... Ron Brynaert said on 3/29/2005 @ 9:10 pm PT...

wow....what a great paper...we should all subscribe to them

COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
... Toni said on 3/29/2005 @ 10:08 pm PT...

Yee haw!

COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
... Dredd said on 3/30/2005 @ 6:43 am PT...

They endorsed Kerry for president too.

COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
... Jesse Smith said on 3/30/2005 @ 11:36 am PT...

I love it.

COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
... Teresa said on 3/30/2005 @ 3:52 pm PT...

This looks like a great rag. Love the name and logo. I agree with Ron... subscribe and let them know what we think.
Texas can be fun.

COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
... Kira said on 3/30/2005 @ 6:12 pm PT...

Hey, these guys are tuff! I happened on them when they endorsed Kerry and kept up with the way the town tried to run 'em outta business.

They got all sorts of threats and people cancelled their subscriptions. It was kinda rough sailing for awhile, but it looks like they managed to hang onto the saddle (so to speak!)

I love 'em too.

COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
... Toni said on 3/30/2005 @ 10:32 pm PT...

Hooray for the real Texans!

COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
... Daniel J. Smiechowski said on 10/23/2005 @ 12:39 pm PT...

A few weeks ago at the University of California San Diego during a public debate for Mayor, a telling sign emerged with regard to the political philosophy of Candidate Jerry Sanders. When posed a question regarding The City of San Diego supporting a Federal Department of Peace, Mr.Sanders appeared uncomfortable and avoided a clear cut yes answer. This non violent proposal would strengthen ties with both our allies and adversaries throughout the world. That is, if we believe that peace and not violence is our strength. There is currently both a House Resolution and Companion Bill in The Upper Chamber promoting such Department within our Federal Government. Why is it that the very mention of a Department of Peace evokes images of unpatriotic and left leaning radicals? Do we not pride ourselves in our so-called peaceful society? Why do Democratic Politicians espouse nonviolence through federal mandates while their colleagues on the right leave it to the individual? We do not allow carcinogens in our water supply by appealing to singular individuals but rather consider the welfare of our Nation as a whole. Speaking of America, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg would be run out of town on a rail for refusing to support a Federal Department of Peace. Are the millions of Conservative Catholics and other religious devotees asleep in their pews or do they truly believe in the teachings of Christ? Not long ago, it was the late Pope John Paul II who had admonished President Bush not to invade Iraq but rather strive for peace. Is this why we Americans have so quickly forgotten the work of Mother Theresa and The Holy Pontiff himself. I believe that Mr. Sanders was fearful of supporting such a measure on grounds based in political-philosophy The GOP, at least for several generations has viewed the work of peacemakers as being strangely subversive to America's vital interests. There exist many San Diegans who share this twisted view of peace not being patriotic. Maybe it stems from the fact that the United States has not won a major world conflict since WWII. They are for the most part, a belligerent group of flag wavers concealed as always calm and in control. Nothing could be further from the truth. Raining bombs on a sovereign non culpable third world country is no ones idea of control except maybe a bull in a china shop. These folks fail to recognize why a Badger fights ferociously when cornered. Maybe if Mr. Sanders examined his own human condition coupled with a grain of philosophical self examination, he would then see the rainbow of peace across our great nation. Our City Fathers would do us all a favor, as did many municipalities in our great land , by endorsing the concept of a Federal Department of Peace. But, I am afraid this is too much to ask of leaders paralyzed by fear of the badger. Ironically, San Diego's Military has the most to gain from such proposal. Is there a better deterrent to unnecessary war than peace? Daniel J. Smiechowski

COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
... Daniel J. Smiechowski said on 10/23/2005 @ 12:41 pm PT...

A few weeks ago at the University of California San Diego during a public debate for Mayor, a telling sign emerged with regard to the political philosophy of Candidate Jerry Sanders. When posed a question regarding The City of San Diego supporting a Federal Department of Peace, Mr.Sanders appeared uncomfortable and avoided a clear cut yes answer. This non violent proposal would strengthen ties with both our allies and adversaries throughout the world. That is, if we believe that peace and not violence is our strength. There is currently both a House Resolution and Companion Bill in The Upper Chamber promoting such Department within our Federal Government. Why is it that the very mention of a Department of Peace evokes images of unpatriotic and left leaning radicals? Do we not pride ourselves in our so-called peaceful society? Why do Democratic Politicians espouse nonviolence through federal mandates while their colleagues on the right leave it to the individual? We do not allow carcinogens in our water supply by appealing to singular individuals but rather consider the welfare of our Nation as a whole. Speaking of America, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg would be run out of town on a rail for refusing to support a Federal Department of Peace. Are the millions of Conservative Catholics and other religious devotees asleep in their pews or do they truly believe in the teachings of Christ? Not long ago, it was the late Pope John Paul II who had admonished President Bush not to invade Iraq but rather strive for peace. Is this why we Americans have so quickly forgotten the work of Mother Theresa and The Holy Pontiff himself. I believe that Mr. Sanders was fearful of supporting such a measure on grounds based in political-philosophy The GOP, at least for several generations has viewed the work of peacemakers as being strangely subversive to America's vital interests. There exist many San Diegans who share this twisted view of peace not being patriotic. Maybe it stems from the fact that the United States has not won a major world conflict since WWII. They are for the most part, a belligerent group of flag wavers concealed as always calm and in control. Nothing could be further from the truth. Raining bombs on a sovereign non culpable third world country is no ones idea of control except maybe a bull in a china shop. These folks fail to recognize why a Badger fights ferociously when cornered. Maybe if Mr. Sanders examined his own human condition coupled with a grain of philosophical self examination, he would then see the rainbow of peace across our great nation. Our City Fathers would do us all a favor, as did many municipalities in our great land , by endorsing the concept of a Federal Department of Peace. But, I am afraid this is too much to ask of leaders paralyzed by fear of the badger. Ironically, San Diego's Military has the most to gain from such proposal. Is there a better deterrent to unnecessary war than peace? Daniel J. Smiechowski

COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
... Daniel J. Smiechowski said on 1/28/2006 @ 12:43 pm PT...

Mexico's leftist candidate for President vows to help the poor and elderly, to clean up corruption and to not be a puppet of George W. Bush. Newly elected Presidents of Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Venezuela, Spain and Norway elect likewise. All these countries have participated in free and open democratic elections. The Palestinian Territories have within the last few days elected an avowed terrorist organization to lead their people, all through the democratic process.Meanwhile, the world's largest Communist State, China, finds it's standard of living rising faster than an Atlas Rocket due in large measure to cheap Chinese Exports touted by The Bush Administration as benefiting the American Consumer. Despite their loss, liberals still hold a fighting position in Canada's Parliament as well as in Germany. Why this tilt toward the state and away from the individual. It has to do with the pit bull on the block or what is perceived as America's King Tut Syndrome. Teddy Roosevelt may have been right by living up to the moniker of "the twentieth century belonging to America." President Roosevelt was consumed by an expansionist view of world affairs.But a century later, the rhetoric inside the beltway with respect to world opinion is akin to a " Tail bites dog." philosophy. The George W. Bush Doctrine of personal empowerment, preemptive strike and free market excess overlooks the moral and ethical implications upon both the state and world itself. Additionally, while America touts the evil doers of September 11 as enemies of freedom, the rest of the planet asks a very wise question. That is, why would anyone commit such an horrendous crime? Expressions of nationalism are to be expected when a nations security is under siege. The American Experience in Iraq is much similar to The Vichy Regime in France during 1940-44.That is,The United States much like the German Occupation of France during the Second World War is considered an unwelcome force. Wise men understand however, the need to cultivate one's own garden. Our Federal Government's response to the horrors and ravages of Hurricane Katrina was a call to arms by leftist candidates throughout the world. We are in essence, the poster child for everything the world seeks to abolish including corporate and government corruption, lack of affordable healthcare, raping of the environment, cultural insensitivity and decreasing civil liberties. The recent election of so-called socialist leaders throughout the world is ironically a backlash to a foreign policy meant to protect and preserve our Republic. Furthermore, countries such as Spain, Poland and Italy are now gradually withdrawing their troops from Iraq. These countries were prostituted by America's Foreign Policy blunders and now see our government for it's true colors and it is not pretty folks. If charity begins at home then let us protect America from within by reason, lessons from the past, a collaboration of ideas presented by the world body politic together with America's wise men. It was not long ago that our great beloved nation aspired and attained greatness throughout the world. The horrifying events of 9-11 have propelled these great United States into a moral, ethical and legal free fall that can only be reconciled at the ballot box. See you in November.

COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
... Daniel J. Smiechowski said on 1/28/2006 @ 12:47 pm PT...

Mexico's leftist candidate for President vows to help the poor and elderly, to clean up corruption and to not be a puppet of George W. Bush. Newly elected Presidents of Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Venezuela, Spain and Norway elect likewise. All these countries have participated in free and open democratic elections. The Palestinian Territories have within the last few days elected an avowed terrorist organization to lead their people, all through the democratic process.Meanwhile, the world's largest Communist State, China, finds it's standard of living rising faster than an Atlas Rocket due in large measure to cheap Chinese Exports touted by The Bush Administration as benefiting the American Consumer. Despite their loss, liberals still hold a fighting position in Canada's Parliament as well as in Germany. Why this tilt toward the state and away from the individual. It has to do with the pit bull on the block or what is perceived as America's King Tut Syndrome. Teddy Roosevelt may have been right by living up to the moniker of "the twentieth century belonging to America." President Roosevelt was consumed by an expansionist view of world affairs.But a century later, the rhetoric inside the beltway with respect to world opinion is akin to a " Tail bites dog." philosophy. The George W. Bush Doctrine of personal empowerment, preemptive strike and free market excess overlooks the moral and ethical implications upon both the state and world itself. Additionally, while America touts the evil doers of September 11 as enemies of freedom, the rest of the planet asks a very wise question. That is, why would anyone commit such an horrendous crime? Expressions of nationalism are to be expected when a nations security is under siege. The American Experience in Iraq is much similar to The Vichy Regime in France during 1940-44.That is,The United States much like the German Occupation of France during the Second World War is considered an unwelcome force. Wise men understand however, the need to cultivate one's own garden. Our Federal Government's response to the horrors and ravages of Hurricane Katrina was a call to arms by leftist candidates throughout the world. We are in essence, the poster child for everything the world seeks to abolish including corporate and government corruption, lack of affordable healthcare, raping of the environment, cultural insensitivity and decreasing civil liberties. The recent election of so-called socialist leaders throughout the world is ironically a backlash to a foreign policy meant to protect and preserve our Republic. Furthermore, countries such as Spain, Poland and Italy are now gradually withdrawing their troops from Iraq. These countries were prostituted by America's Foreign Policy blunders and now see our government for it's true colors and it is not pretty folks. If charity begins at home then let us protect America from within by reason, lessons from the past, a collaboration of ideas presented by the world body politic together with America's wise men. It was not long ago that our great beloved nation aspired and attained greatness throughout the world. The horrifying events of 9-11 have propelled these great United States into a moral, ethical and legal free fall that can only be reconciled at the ballot box. See you in November.

COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
... Daniel J. Smiechowski said on 1/28/2006 @ 12:49 pm PT...

Mexico's leftist candidate for President vows to help the poor and elderly, to clean up corruption and to not be a puppet of George W. Bush. Newly elected Presidents of Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Venezuela, Spain and Norway elect likewise. All these countries have participated in free and open democratic elections. The Palestinian Territories have within the last few days elected an avowed terrorist organization to lead their people, all through the democratic process.Meanwhile, the world's largest Communist State, China, finds it's standard of living rising faster than an Atlas Rocket due in large measure to cheap Chinese Exports touted by The Bush Administration as benefiting the American Consumer. Despite their loss, liberals still hold a fighting position in Canada's Parliament as well as in Germany. Why this tilt toward the state and away from the individual. It has to do with the pit bull on the block or what is perceived as America's King Tut Syndrome. Teddy Roosevelt may have been right by living up to the moniker of "the twentieth century belonging to America." President Roosevelt was consumed by an expansionist view of world affairs.But a century later, the rhetoric inside the beltway with respect to world opinion is akin to a " Tail bites dog." philosophy. The George W. Bush Doctrine of personal empowerment, preemptive strike and free market excess overlooks the moral and ethical implications upon both the state and world itself. Additionally, while America touts the evil doers of September 11 as enemies of freedom, the rest of the planet asks a very wise question. That is, why would anyone commit such an horrendous crime? Expressions of nationalism are to be expected when a nations security is under siege. The American Experience in Iraq is much similar to The Vichy Regime in France during 1940-44.That is,The United States much like the German Occupation of France during the Second World War is considered an unwelcome force. Wise men understand however, the need to cultivate one's own garden. Our Federal Government's response to the horrors and ravages of Hurricane Katrina was a call to arms by leftist candidates throughout the world. We are in essence, the poster child for everything the world seeks to abolish including corporate and government corruption, lack of affordable healthcare, raping of the environment, cultural insensitivity and decreasing civil liberties. The recent election of so-called socialist leaders throughout the world is ironically a backlash to a foreign policy meant to protect and preserve our Republic. Furthermore, countries such as Spain, Poland and Italy are now gradually withdrawing their troops from Iraq. These countries were prostituted by America's Foreign Policy blunders and now see our government for it's true colors and it is not pretty folks. If charity begins at home then let us protect America from within by reason, lessons from the past, a collaboration of ideas presented by the world body politic together with America's wise men. It was not long ago that our great beloved nation aspired and attained greatness throughout the world. The horrifying events of 9-11 have propelled these great United States into a moral, ethical and legal free fall that can only be reconciled at the ballot box. See you in November.

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