Entertainment & Arts
Amusement, diversion or pleasure; the channeling of skill and imagination through visual or auditory means, or a combination thereof, to affect an audience. Accessorize with popcorn in some cases; with lorgnettes, in others. Questions have to do with all types of entertainment; including the arts, media, modern and historical entertainment, as well as the effects of entertainment and arts on our society.
Total questions 105800
added Why were the impressionists call themselfs the impressionists to Entertainment & Arts 55 minutes ago
ChRiz x [0]
wrote the first answer to What is the use of video player 4 Mar 2012 15:44
added What time does roswell skating ring open to Entertainment & Arts 4 Mar 2012 15:38
wrote the first answer to How do you delete your talk talk x factor video 4 Mar 2012 15:38
Some opinions on the meaning of life: * Dictionary.com states the meaning of life is: "The property or quality that distinguishes...
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Things like photography have made art easier than in the past. We now have a different variety in colors that can make our photos...
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The Owl Hag is the Guardian of the Owl Forest. Defeating her will unlock Gourmet Town. The Owl Hag will magically disappear and...
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Kayla Kelly Krisy The three sisters were born in 1963 on december 4th. their mother had died from the ripping of the vagina and...
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Spanish- Que tengas un vien dia."Have a wonderful day.""Have a great day.""Have a good day.""Have a good one""Take care""Hope you...
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Modern art does not have a single purpose. Some modern art is conceptual, some is experimental, some is political or social, some...
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There names are Nubia, Olei , and Gina
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The archway you are referring to is called an arbor. Traditionally it is formed with wooden lattice work, and there are climbing...
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Edward Scissor Hands, A St. Trinian, Batman, Superman, Wonder Women, an incredible, Kick-ass, Shrek, Fiona, Donkey, Puss In...
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Aubrey Addams maybe?
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Trollfics trend to be made for fun, to intentionally break every rule the author knows about good writing in an attempt to create...
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sorry but no, its only a showtimehope it helped from, a.g.k
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Riley Nottingham's house
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Amnesty is a legislative or executive act by which a state restores those who may have been guilty of an offense against it to...
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This is a common question on the GMAT, a test to gain admittance into business school.Like is used to describe something that...
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wajid, sukhvinder singh
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Plastic leadless Chip Carrier
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A cake decorating place, they use them for wedding cakes, they would be plastic. If you are referring to full size for,say, a...
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its where you start the beginning of the story
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Nautical stars historically have symbolized travel, safe journeys, finding your way, and most obviously, the sea and naval...
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not exactly. He and his partners decided to bring someone else in to help. he is till involved. judging by the show last night he...
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lay down and die, my friend. life shall have no meaning now.
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Reverse (see Chambers)
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Bacchus, the seven drunk men and a wine
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The Eight was an avant-garde art movement of hungarion peinters active mostly in Budapest from 1909 to 1918.
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all i know is that her name is Lori
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I bought the collection at 6 cents per song. [Update] Now it's available at 1 cent per song :( at the site mentioned in the...
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beatles, take that, mcfly, black eyed peas, abba,
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The word "Letters" is a synonym therefore it has two meanings. Which definition of the word "Letters" did you mean so it will...
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Italian glass blowing techniques such as latticinio and zanfirico are adapted here to make beads. Furnace glass uses large...
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Everlast sang only love can break your heart. :)
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"Graphic art" is to the art of printmaking and drawing. In contemporary usage it refers to the applied trade-skills of a...
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1360 AM 1:00 to 4:00 www.rationalradio.org
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If the monologue is part of a play, many are available in book form at bookstores and through online book retailers.If the...
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Mustard yellow....Spicy brown mustard yellow...Golden yellow....Ochre is the name for a brownish yellow.....pretty much if you...
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when your mother's voice broke No.He/she (not sure which j-star wants to be referred to as) has not gotten a sex change aka...
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Yes, though in Europe they are not called Fraternities and Sororities, instead they are called Nations and Verbindungen.
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It means the people dining are seated at a table where the choices are placed on the table in bowls or platters for each person...
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The aborigines used several types of paint they made, including bark and stones. The pictures are a birds eye view of something...
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When people think of pop art they usually think of Andy Warhol. However, he was not the only on doing "pop art" during his time....
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Cara Buono, according to the AMC site.
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Jazz, particularly swing, was wildly popular during that time period, but operas, ballets, and orchestras were still widely...
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1 he was really fuzzy. 2 He was a Bob wiggy senior 3 He was likes Bananas 4 He was a Flea muncher 5 He was a little guy 6 He was...
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The first example of the Merry-Go-Round, or Carousel was in Paris in 1605. They were developed in Italy though. These usually...
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She is listed as being 5'2" (around 157cm) tops. Proof positive that dynamite comes in little packages.
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at the beginning of the episode carry on wayward son by kansas , and at the end don't look back by Boston
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"Just one more thing..." Columbo would often put his quarry on their back foot by coming across as harmlessly bumbling. Getting...
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Books Ruler Pencil/Pen Stapler
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I know that a medium in art is what you use to make the piece; so maybe it means what instruments you used.
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society and art are mirrors of each other popular art will usually reflect popular beliefsfor exampleThe United States government...
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The Conn 1050B is a brass trumpet for the upper level student. List price is $845. A used 1050B in good condition would sell for...
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Auguste Brouet was a French artist born in 1872.
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If you cannot read Chinese you will have to use translating software to translate the main page first. Internet browsers such as...
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According to his imdb bio, he's an expert in kick-boxing - also, as nowadays movie stars can easily afford one-on-one training...
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some people think so others think hes lying about not or lying about being married some people like me think not but some people...
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The Four Fisty Chics or Four Fantasies or Four Floral Flowers
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It was used over 5000 years ago by the Proto Indo Eurepeans as the word "leubh" which means the same as love. It was then adapted...
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You can check out there myspace page. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=80665516 ...
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Well no one knows so anything could happen. Only god Knows and thats a fact to me.
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Sarah has been quoted by many sources as saying, it was "pretty gross" in regard to the situation.Many believe a long-term affair...
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She has a son George, 11, and stepson Luke, 13.
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Jolo Durian can be found in facebook. He lives in Asia
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I can only tell you this. I own the night.
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Well if you mean the hearts and stuff like that ten you need to use ALT + the nummbers on the nummber block, ill show you the...
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"Starters" or "Tapas" or antipastos.
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boiler men , women work in there houses , coal mines and most people didn't work
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you do not need to know this question. Become an enginner and LEARN IT.... HAHA LOL FIGURE IT OUT
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When it's just the thumb and pinky sticking out it can me multiple things:- As a sign of endearment (In Hawaiin culture)- It's...
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a million jillion dawlurz.
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computer science is hard because you don't want to learn it yo have no interest so it's hard that's the same for me and arts are...
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strictly controlled wife
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the movie made approximately $73.56 million US in gross revenue.
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negative, neglectful, naughty, neverending,non-(+any adjective), northern, nutty, nurturing, naive nappy narrow nasty ...
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to be frank, there is no proper link to watch it for free. A free site is on WWITV. It is one link to search for.
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Horology is the study of timekeeping devices and an horologist is someone who performs such study. Horophilia it the interest in,...
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Visual rhythm means that your eye does not go to one place and stay there. There may be one focal point, but it is softened with...
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It refers to the cliche, that a housewife has sex with the milkman and gets pregnant afterwards. Therefore, the glint in the m....
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collazzi paintings are very rare making them extremly valuable, unfortunatly it is also very common conterfeit peices, a...
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M16A2 Rifle,Berreta M9,Assalt Rifle,Pistol,Garnad,M1903,and M1 Carbine.
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Kozhikode, Kerala, India
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Elmore & District Machinery Field Days run an Ag Art Wear Competition - this requires the designer to make a garment from...
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The best place for the answer to this question is the college offering the degree. The division office or academic department...
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Traditionally, many aspiring art teachers complete a bachelor's degree program in art education. However, students can also...
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