Animal Life
Cellular organisms that ingest food and move around; their habitat, care and relation to humans; from amoebas to woolly mammoths. Some will fetch your slippers when asked; most won't.
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What are the most popular pets? The most popular or common pets are dogs or cats. This is mainly because they can show love,...
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1, its really hard because they usually need constant care.2, it costs a lot to keep them healthy and happy. And 3, you have to...
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I have several years experience with pets and their shedding. I myself have a corgi, who when she sheds her hair fill up 3...
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The Strongest Animal The Hercules beetle is considered the strongest lifter. It is also known as rhinoceros beetle (latin name:...
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penguins , seals , sea lions, whales
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Answerin america. it is the best place to go and if you have lots of money you can buy stuff. the animal shelter is an animal...
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This animal is called Skunk. It is a mammal with very foul odor to prevent predators.There is also the Badger, a burrowing animal...
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Adult mayflies do not have mouths and therefore cannot eat. Although plants are not scientifically known as ''animals'',they...
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The proper burial for a pet is to burry it in your backyard or pet cemetery. you can also carve your pets name in a piece of...
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this was kind of interesting.. Not sure if it is totally valid, but it is the only thing I found with a link to the founder of...
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Aquatic animals. most of the time they say aquatic wildlife, very few will say aquatic animals
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The Italian state animal is the Italian Wolf, related to the Gray Wolf.
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Sea weed are algae which are the only producers in sea , all sea animals depend upon sea weed directly or indirectly . Nearly 90%...
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Because they don't live as long ***It has to do with investment made in time and effort, (nutritional need, size of foetus/egg)...
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Animals like plankton or zoo plankton are called microscope.
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Most things. But mainly all you need to to do is look how vulnerable it is then look at logic. Easy peasy lemon squeezy! ;)...
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probably to make movement easier or/and quicker.Earthworms today use it to move easier through soil.
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the answer to that one is highly multifaceted but I believe I know what you mean. Simply put it is because it is too difficult to...
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Agricultural science is a broad multidisciplinary field that encompasses that parts of exact, natural, economic and social...
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Yes, snakes don't have ears but they can hear things.
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the digestibility of a feed depends on how much undigestible material there is present in it (fibre/cellulose) for example, straw...
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That will depend how you wish to quantify the numbers: by the total of homes or by the total number of animals. According to the...
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The sharp claws or talons are used by predators to help grip their prey or they can be used to help get to something high up in a...
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Malinda means gentle one Mayu means gentle
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A snail or a slug
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the cayataphata (cai-at-a-fat-a) found in north america.
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Echinoderms are born as zooplankton. There is no parental care.
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Seek medical attention immediately. But please dont worry the reason why it might not be eating is mabey becos it does not like...
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The only animal to have feathers are birds, and all birds are two-legged. So basically, the answer is only mythical creatures,...
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I forget what it's called, but it's something that comes off the fungi of a horse poo. Yes, a horse poo. They're like little...
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pigs eat more though they have small stomach their digestion takes fast hence they keep eating.
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Animals have spots the blend into thier enviornment, just as hunters use camoflouge jackets, the spots on the animals have the...
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The only wood shavings that are safe for small pets, especially guinea pigs, are aspen shavings. DO NOT USE CEDAR. Carefresh...
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I reckon dogs and cats and I am from "Ozzie" Aquarium fish and budgies. In fact probably similar to other western...
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The BINOMIAL in biology is the classification system, in Latin, of every living thing. The first part is the GENUS and the second...
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Strictly speaking, the smallest animal in the world would be an amoeba. Amoebas are unicellular organisms, which means they are...
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Bacteria and cyanobacteria are two types of Monera.
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Monocots seeds are the major calorie nutrients in all the tropical and subtropical countries around the world. Monocots are more...
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commonly a mammal will change it's fur when the climate temperature changes reptiles will either sit under the sun or hide under...
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organisms that use photosynthesisplants, fungi, some bacteria, any organism that has the pigment chlorophyll
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That would be the sperm whale.
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Make Electricity from fruitsElectromagnet projectsEffect of Salt on Boiling Temperature of WaterDo Detergents Affect Plant...
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They are, in fact, very similar to Frog Spawn and are generally laid upon plants. They look like Brown/Black 'dots' coated with a...
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There are many difficulties that are to be faced while using biomass.I have collected them and are printing them here......
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A Jellyfish undulates its bell in order to move through the water.
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The colostrum of cattle is the first milk from a cow to her calf used to not only feed the calf but provide the calf with a start...
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The kinds of animals that creep are foxes, since they are sneaky and usually hunt at night, racoon's, and other nocturnal animals.
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I was taught in college that some animals, such as birds, geese, are guided by magnetic forces, not forcing them to go this way,...
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It tells you that the organism inside has completed metamorphosis. Or that another animal has ripped it open and eaten the...
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Aerial animals are animals that can fly, for example birds.
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Without wildlife corridors, biodiversity would increase greatly as these corridors provide shelter and a method of moving from...
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they are fur,wool,feather,hair and scale.
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It means to humanely put them to sleep, when they reach the point where their quality of life has declined to "zero" or very near...
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Livistonia rotundifolia
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This question is really wierd but........... a common loon's foot would be about the size of a human palm!
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A rock affected by erosion.The Earth and all the planets move around the sun and they are not alive.The clouds move around Earth...
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Mayb, a crocodile
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No, they drink their mothers milk and eat grass and other plants when they are about 6 months old.
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Some reptile animals, iguanas and lizards, or if you have and inside pet like a cat that you give at least every other week.
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Then the extinct animals wouldn't be extinct.
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Puma, jaguar, ocelot, caiman, peccary, parrots, tarantula, agouti, coati.
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the blue whale has been heralded as the owner of the biggest penis(makes sense as they are the biggest animals on earth) also the...
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Food, and water, basicly. I mean, how did YOU grow? It will grow as time goes on, just make sure you feed it right and make sure...
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A dead animal.
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In North America, potential predators include coyotes, foxes, and birds of prey.
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I can speak only from personal experience, I own several parrots. The positive is that exotic pets are a real conversation...
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Eletricity,Maybe Eagle,s,Hawks,Falcon,s,Lots Of Large Prey Bird,s Who Build There Nest,s On Power Line,s.It,s Not There Fault...
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The Mother fly deposit a heteropolysaccharide called cutin which on exposur to air get harden and protect the eggs against...
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yes, in fact her father was still active in coaching her in the last few years
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The earliest animal fossils where rather modern-looking cnidarians, possibly from around 580 million years ago. They've been...
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There are about 3,500 animal shelter in the United States. ANSWER 2: Between 4,000 and 6,000 (HSUS estimate) Answer 33500...
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Some animals are color blind... Just some can see some certain colors, like a horse can see blue's and greens, deer can see...
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Yes, it's a good experience. A lot of studies show that it is very benificial to children to grow up with pets. Not only can it...
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The world's most VENOMOUS animal: Box Jellyfish a.k.a. Sea Wasp. Their venom is considered to be among the most deadly in the...
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The management of resources. Rearing of commercially important animals species for meat, milk, eggs, fish, wool, there skin to...
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Vertical transmission in animals does happen but slowly coming to a stop or so i hear.
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Obviously, everyone's opinion is different. Please do not delete answers below. Just add your opinion to the list. The most...
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