Should liberals root for Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich?

Cenk asks his Power Panel — Karl Frisch, Thomas Schaller and Michael Shure — whether liberals looking for the best GOP candidate for President Obama to go up against should choose Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich.

Shure says, “Democrats have thought all along that Mitt Romney would be the tougher opponent, but I’m not sure I agree,” and Cenk agrees.

“People have forgotten how much they hate Newt Gingrich,” Frisch points out, when his unfavorables were somehow even higher than they are today.

“Newt will get the base fired up,” Schaller says, “but a vote cast with intensity counts the same as a vote cast reluctantly. It doesn’t matter how juiced up the conservative id is. The votes in the middle are going to matter.”