From 1947-79, when inequality was relatively unchanged, incomes just about doubled for low, medium and high earners. But between 1979 and 2010, income growth at the middle and bottom was pretty much flat. There is of course a lot more than unequal growth delineating the two periods, but there's no question that inequality was a major factor in play. Another big distinction between these two roughly 30 year periods was the tightness of the labor market. And there's an important, substantive linkage between growth and inequality: at full employment, middle and low-income workers have much more of the bargaining power they require to claim their fair share of the growth they're helping to generate.
While expressing his sympathy and friendship with Israel, Obama did not yield his red line at AIPAC. With the backing of the U.S. military, he has stood firm behind weaponization rather than weapons capability as the red line.
I would like to suggest to our Republican friends that they drop the pretense that the subject is religious freedom. It is not. Birth control is directly and undeniably related to women's health.
Does insomnia cause depression? Does depression cause insomnia? Chronic insomnia is strongly associated with mood disorders, but which way does the causality run?
If all we get out of the latest Limbaugh firestorm is that it is not appropriate to call women sluts, prostitutes, or any of the other pejoratives commonly heaped on women, then we are missing the larger point: women suffer when their reproductive health and rights are abridged.
Ever wonder what happens to a worker who becomes disabled for weeks from injuries in a car accident? Or the worker who has a baby but no maternity leave? Every day across America, workers are left to fend for themselves with no protections against lost income.
A closer examination of Mr. Netanyahu's record and his philosophical approach to the problems of Middle East leads us to conclude that the talk of war is more than rhetoric and, indeed, indicative of his intent.
That is what Rick Santorum claimed in a This Week interview with George Stephanopoulos that aired on February 26. Intrigued by the Santorum claim, I did a little fact checking.
If the Democratic party really wants the support of a country full of suburban moms, I'd suggest spending a little time with the women online who are serious influencers.
Rush Limbaugh wrote a half-hearted apology to Sandra Fluke. Here's what a real apology would look like.
Huffington-Matalin debate U.S. military policy in Iran, Syria and Afghanistan after a decade of costly failures. Do war whoops resemble pre-Vietnam, pre-Iraq? And did St. Rick jump the shark by being so stridently anti-contraception and college?
While there are compelling arguments that playoff expansion will benefit the sport for years to come, a rushed decision to make last minute changes has hurt the product for 2012.
Children on the autistic spectrum need to carefully learn and practice behaviors that come relatively naturally to the rest of us. Despite the extra effort it may take my son to integrate these behaviors, he ultimately masters them with great aplomb.
Since the debt ceiling debacle of July 2011, Obama has gotten clearer that he cannot have a successful presidency if he does not push harder for equality and the common good.
"A Day Without A Mexican": California -- the ninth largest economy in the world -- grinds to a halt because Latinos have vanished.
Frequent and intense tornado outbreaks resulted in 552 tornado-related deaths in 2011, the second deadliest year on record, from 1,709 tornadoes, raising fears that this will be another devastating year for tornadoes.
In the past year, a different breed of chick lit has appeared with smarter writing and characters. It's notable not just for the content, but also for what it says about women, and what they are willing to read in their leisure time.
Do you know what happens to your metabolism when you eat too many of these "empty calories?"
Rush will recover, but his stumble has shown the Democrats not just his Achilles heel, but the vulnerability of radical conservatism itself.
When we permit theology to define our science, we end up with gibberish, but not even consistent gibberish.
Jon Hamm showed up as the emergency host, which only made me really wish that Jon Hamm was actually hosting. Also, explain to me again why Jon Hamm didn't host this week?
Last week tens of thousands of New York City public school students received high school offer letters. For almost half of them, dreams came true. But too many others were disappointed, not to mention devastated by the results.
Poetry will have a place at this summer's Olympic Games in London thanks to the Winning Words program, conceived of by National Poetry Day founder William Sieghart.
You can measure freedom in a society by the attitude its government has towards freedom of expression. And Syria's prominent artists, especially those who have publicly criticized the regime through comedy and satire, have paid a heavy price.
The reality is that the former Speaker of the House, who led the stealth Republican takeover of the House and Senate in the 1994 election, has been a strong partisan of the religious right for decades.
"She's sweating! And she has a gash on her leg." I pointed my Wheat Thin cracker at her. "She's doing all the work." So how did this happen? How did we women, great sailors, and able-bodied seaman, allow this great disparity of leadership on board to fester?