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The Unbearable Heaviness of Being Newt Gingrich Let's Face It: Rush Limbaugh is a Misogynist The Passing of Andrew Breitbart: Know Thine Enemies The Best Reason for the Very Rich to Pay a Lot More in Taxes Sen. Bernie Sanders Demands Regulators Stop Excessive Oil SpeculationHeadlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- Interesting Side Note to Super Tuesday: Obama Only Got 57% of the Democratic Primary Vote in Oklahoma. We Declare Oklahoma Officially Part of the South!
- Breitbart's Legacy: A "New" Video of Obama that is Not New. PBS Exposes the Truth Behind the Trumped up Right Wing Smear.
- Despite Risks, Undocumented Immigrants Stage "Coming Out of the Shadows" Week
- Newt Gingrich Falls Asleep on Tape Before AIPAC Speech, Then Thinks That He's on a Panel When There Isn't One
- Maureen Dowd: When Hubris Trumps Humility
- Ann Romney On Being Out Of Touch: ‘We Can Be Poor In Spirit’
- Reclaiming the Commons at Occupy Oakland
- Alabama Senator Backs Off Forced Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound Bill, But Alabama Women Aren't Backing Down
- Five Million Voters May Lose Rights in the 2012 Elections
- What America Lost When Dennis Kucinich Lost
- 200 Marchers Carry on Selma-Montgomery Journey
- War Without End: Hoyer Won't Stop Fighting Against Seniors … and the American People
- The Unbearable Heaviness of Being Newt Gingrich - Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Economic Recovery for Whom?
- Allen Stanford Conviction: Houston Financier Convicted Of $7 Billion Investor Fraud
- The Los Angeles Times: Holder's Troubling Death-By-Drone Rules
- Harvard And Yale Now Less Costly Than Public California Universities
- Biden to Officially Begin Campaign Role
- Arab Spring and Iran Tensions Leave Palestinians Sidelined
- Embattled scientists publish study linking diesel exhaust and cancer
- Wisconsin Judge Blocks Illegal Voter ID Law, Citing Disenfranchised Marine Vet
- Danger Zone: Aging nuclear reactors
- Former Congressman Denied Right To Vote In Tennesse
- Mark Morford: How to Be a Complete Jerk About It
- UN Top Torture Official Denounces Bradley Manning’s Detention
- PTSD Diagnoses Were Fixed at Walter Reed
- Proposed Bill Taxes Wall Street Oil Speculators
- Thirty-Six Groups Complain to New Jersey Attorney General Over NYPD Spying on Muslims
- GOP loses its appetite for contraception fight
- Politics Q&A;: Lawrence Lessig on the 2012 Primaries
- Eight Women File Lawsuit, Accuse Military Of Having "High Tolerance For Sexual Predators In Their Ranks"
- The Religious Right's Plot To Take Control Of Our Public Schools
- A Year After Japan Earthquake, US Nuclear Plans Stalled
- Hackers Busted After 1 Becomes FBI Informant
- Obama Releases Housing Plan To Help Military Veterans Who Were Victims Of Illegal Foreclosures
- Mitt Romney's Zombie Problem: The GOP front-runner's grabbing more of the delegates—but he's being pursued by living-dead competitors he can't vanquish.
- Five Alleged Members of Anonymous Hacking Group Charged
- Newt Gingrich Invents Obama Quote About Gas Prices
- Romney Wins Alaska, His 6th Super Tuesday Victory
- USA Today: Romney Wins the Big One, Ohio -- And Four Other States
- The New York Time Map of Super Tuesday Victories
- Breaking Murdoch Scandal Takes Human Toll: "Two senior journalists working for Rupert Murdoch's News International have attempted suicide as pressure mounts at the scandal-hit publisher of the now-defunct News of the World, according to media reports. The suicide attempts follow weeks of intense scrutiny of the role of The Sun, another Murdoch paper, in the phone-hacking scandal and police bribery case."
- Dennis Kucinich Loses Primary to Marcy Kaptur in Race Between Two Incumbent Democratic Representatives
- The Best Reason for the Very Rich to Pay a Lot More in Taxes -- Paul Buchheit for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- "Anonymous" Hackers Arrested in NYC With Help of Government Informant
- The Five Ring Circus: Palin Says She Open to Being a Consensus GOP Candidate
- Three Civilization-Threatening Issues Hidden Behind A Cloud of Omission; & Why You Should SHOUT, Whisper, Sing "Primavera, Primavera ..."
- The Passing of Andrew Breitbart: Know Thine Enemies -- Steven Jonas, MD, MPH for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Bernie Sanders Demands Regulators Stop Excessive Oil Speculation -- Senator Bernie Sanders for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Mitt Romney's Bain Capital Owns Half of Rush Limbaugh's Butt -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Let's Face It: Rush is a Misogynist.
- Gingrich Gets Georgia, Which Still Thinks That It Is Part of the Confederacy (Except for Atlanta); and Romney Gets Virginia, Where He Was Only on the Ballot Against Ron Paul
- Santorum: Single Moms Are "Breeding More Criminals." Not Even Coding His Racism. Why Bother, Eh?
- Obama Tells G.O.P. Critics War With Iran Is ‘Not a Game’
- Santorum Wins Oklahoma and Tennessee
- Extreme Poverty In The U.S. Has Doubled In The Last 15 Years
- Romney Wins Vermont
- 33 Advertisers Have Now Dropped Limbaugh
- 86-Year-Old Ohio Veteran Can’t Vote After Government-Issued ID Is Rejected At Poll
- Voters to GOP Candidates: We Don’t Like Any of You
- Rush Limbaugh and the Poisoning of the GOP Brand
- Safety Concerns Rise as ‘Fracking’ Grows in Kansas
- Five Million Voters May Lose Rights in the 2012 Elections
- LulzSec Leader Betrays All of Anonymous
- Mitt Romney’s Corporate Ties To Limbaugh
- By Conjuring the Holocaust, Netanyahu Brought Israel Closer to War with Iran
- The Scorched-Earth Politics of America's Four Fundamentalisms
- Obama's Message to Romney
- Truthout Writer William Rivers Pitt Interviewed by the Plainsman Press
- Ohio Robo-Call Implies Romney Would Let Teachers Cross-Dress
- Sluts Unite: By standing up to Rush Limbaugh’s slur, Sandra Fluke shows how sex positivity is recharging feminism.
- World Powers Agree to Resume Nuclear Talks with Iran
- Why The Economic Recovery Hasn’t Felt Like One For The 99 Percent
- Holder's Drone Speech "A Monumental Pile of Crap"
- "A Wauwatosa man received a letter in the mail last week threatening to break the windows on his home if he didn't put up a yard sign showing support for Gov. Scott Walker."
- Female Veterans Call for American Forces Network to Drop Rush Limbaugh
- Conservative Media Watchdog Launches ‘I Stand With Rush’
- Six More Advertisers Ditch Rush, Total Now 26
- Republican Rule: Be Careful What You Wish For
- This Is What Prompted Laurens County’s “Purity Pledge”
- Ex-Houston Financier Allen Stanford Convicted In $7 Billion Ponzi Scheme
- Romney’s Made-Up History on Iran
- "Enbridge Inc., (TSX:ENB) has shut down a pipeline that carries oil from Canada to the U.S. after two vehicles crashed through a fence outside Chicago and struck the pipeline, causing a fiery explosion..." But no, this is totally safe and stuff.
- Fox News Flashback: "No President has the power to increase or to lower gas prices."
- Republican Leaders Let Rush Limbaugh Dominate Their Party
- Five More Advertisers Drop Rush Limbaugh, Bringing Total To 20
- Gay Marine Kiss Portrays a New Normal in US
- He Fought the Law -- And the Law Lost
- Limbaugh Blames the Left for Calling Sandra Fluke a 'Slut'
- Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies
- "An open letter to the people who hate Obama more than they love America"
- Battling Big Money: Vermont Town Meetings Will Move to Amend Constitution to Overturn Citizens United
- "Representative Donald M. Payne, the first black to be elected to Congress from New Jersey, died on Tuesday. He was 77."
- Dozens Arrested Protesting Education Cuts at California
- Husband Worth Up to $250M, Mitt Romney’s Wife Says ‘I Don’t Even Consider Myself Wealthy’
- We Can Live with a Nuclear Iran
- Lakotas Arrested Halting Keystone XL Pipeline Trucks
- As an Adviser, Goldman Guaranteed Its Payday
- Lessons From Limbaugh
- Court-Martial Recommended Four More of Eight GIs Accused in Pvt. Danny Chen’s Death
- An Open Letter to Republicans
- ACLU Adds to Charges in Suit Challenging Wisconsin Voter ID Law
- Murkowski Regrets Voting For Blunt’s ‘Religious Conscience’ Measure: ‘I Have Let These Women Down’
- "Many mainstream Republicans have long viewed his supporters as a fringe element. But they face a gnawing question: What if Paul’s followers do not fall in line behind the eventual GOP nominee, who will need every vote possible to defeat President Obama in the fall?"
- Netanyahu Tells Obama Israel May Attack Iran Alone if Necessary
- "Now that the US is substantially reducing its military spending and withdrawing from present wars, its future intentions, and those places it will seek to control, are becoming clear. The most important will be the Pacific and the South China Sea."
- Super Tuesday Brings Out Candidates’ True Selves
- Newt Gingrich Running On Bitterness And $2.50 Gas
- Richest 1 Percent Account For Nearly All Of U.S. Recovery's Gains: Report
- "A former AUC paramilitary member will testify before a U.S. court that Alabama-based coal giant Drummond Ltd. ordered his group to kill union organizers at its mine in Colombia, the victims' defense said Monday."
- Pat Robertson: Prayer Could Have Stopped the Tornadoes
- Obama Moves G-8 Summit from Chicago to Secluded Camp David
- Axelrod Tattoos Romney with Rush `Slut’ Comment
- Ohio Senate Bill Offers Male Lawmakers A Taste Of Their Own Medicine
- Russian Punks 'Pussy Riot' Arrested over Putin Protest
- Glenn Greenwald Tears Apart the Propaganda Driving the Insane Push for War With Iran
- Birther Madness in Tennessee's Republican Party
- Limbaugh Loses First Station Over Sandra Fluke Smears
- Santorum Sticks Foot in Mouth Again: "Rich Do Not Have to Pay Taxes"
- Why Can't Gov. Scott Walker Stop the Job Losses in Wisconsin?
- The George W. Bush Job Creation Failure
- Senior Wall St. Banker To Be Tried For Ethnic Intimidation, Stabbing Cabbie After Trying To Stiff Him
- Mary Magdalene to Rush Limbaugh: Your apology is too little, too late
- Marijuana Legalization Debate Arrives: From Latin American Presidents to Costco Magazine!
- Sexually Challenged Limbaugh Continues to Attack Sandra Fluke for Fourth Straight Day
- Limbaugh Launched 46 Personal Attacks On Fluke; He Apologized For Two Words
- Does Mitt Romney Take Us Back to the Age of Enron?
- Sandra Fluke Dismisses Limbaugh's Non-apology Apology
- Is There a Bi-partisan Deal Brewing to Cut Entitlements?
- Remembering When Rush Was Kicked Off of Monday Night Football for Racist Remark
- Holder Defends Assassinating US Citizens "Thought" to Be Associated With Terrorists Without a Trial
- "Georgetown law school’s student government unanimously approved a resolution commending fellow student and birth control activist Sandra Fluke and calling upon the university to reconsider it’s discriminatory health plans. Georgetown’s health plans provide contraceptive coverage to faculty and staff but not to students."
- UN torture chief again criticizes Manning's treatment at Quantico, the DOD reveals administration leaks, and transparency advocates criticize the Obama administration on secrecy and accountability.
- Obama Seeks to End Subsidies for Oil and Gas Companies
- Put your hack into it: Anonymous targets Monsanto
- David Swanson: US Government Murder Is Legal, Says Eric Holder
- No Doubt Due to the Potential for the News Story Becoming Chicago Police Cracking Open the Heads of Protesters, G-8 Conclave Moved from the Windy City to Camp David
- Shouldn't US Corporations be Held Liable for Crimes Committed Overseas, You Know, like Torture and Murder?
- Glenn Greenwald on Obama, Iran and Preventive War
- McCain to Call for Airstrikes on Syria
- Ah, There Is Justice...In Iceland. "The trial of former Icelandic Prime Minister Geir Haarde, on charges of negligence over the 2008 financial crisis, has begun in Reykjavik."
- AOL Stops Advertising on Limbaugh. What Were They Doing Advertising on Limbaugh in the First Place?
- "Deepwater Oil Drilling Picks Up Again as BP Disaster Fades"
- Texas Police Drone Crashes Into Its SWAT Team Armored Vehicle During Photo-op
- PhotOH! Scott Walker duzn’t spel tu gud. Oh, and he’s also a hypocrite.
- Guantanamo Prison's True Secret: Jason Leopold in Conversation With Andy Worthington
- SC County GOP: If You’ve Had Pre-Marital Sex, You Can’t Be A Republican
- Is Barack Obama Going to be the Winner of the Upcoming Ohio GOP Primary?
- Libya Seeking Qaddafi Assets Abroad:
- Krugman: Cuts at the State and Local Level Are Hobbling the Recovery
- Digby: How the GOP Could Steal the 2012 Election
- Workers: Walmart Contractor Paid $3 to $4 an Hour
- Romney’s Bain Capital Owns Part of Media Giant Broadcasting Limbaugh, Hannity
- "Damaged goods? New NBC/WSJ poll shows the primary season has taken a toll on GOP and its candidates… Romney’s image -- right now -- is worse than McCain’s, Kerry’s, and Dole’s at this point in the race."
- Anti-Choicer Sexual Ignorance On Full Display
- Maureen Dowd: Have You No Shame, Rush?
- Fed Shrugged Off Warnings, Let Banks Pay Shareholders Billions
- NYT: Advertisers Flee Limbaugh
- New York Times Editorial Debunks GOP Chant of "Drill, Baby Drill"
- Did Indiana House Really Approve Bill That Allows Homeowners to Kill Police Who Come On Their Property Without a Warrant?
- A Gay Marine Kisses And Tells -- With Pride
- Senator Schumer "said on Sunday that he was concerned about a New York Times report that iPhone and Android applications can access a user's private photo collection."
- Kucinich Forced to Battle Pro-union Congresswoman for Redistricted Congressional District in Ohio
- Santorum in '93: More Government Needed in Health Care
- "A young mother and a student have become the latest people to set themselves on fire in protest against Chinese rule in Tibetan areas, a U.S. broadcaster said Monday."
- The Archbishop of London Challenges the Vatican on the Covering up of Child Sexual Abuse by Priests
- Robert Reich on the Forgotten American Worker
- Hypocrites Who Pretend to Stand on Principle in Fact Stand on Nothing More Than Political Sophistry -- Ann Davidow for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- A Message To Rush Limbaugh From An Intestinal Parasite
- Profiting Off Nixon’s Vietnam ‘Treason’
- Ostroy Report: The Republican War on Religion
- The Times they are a Changin'
- Rush Limbaugh’s Non-Apology Apology
- "Ohio GOP voters grow weary of social issues in campaign"
- Ken Mehlman apologizing for role in Bush campaign
- Blasts have rocked the capital of the Republic of Congo after a weapons depot caught fire, killing at least 206 people and forcing thousands to flee.
- Pat Buchanan Moves to Fox, Immediately Makes Birther Joke
- Rush Limbaugh Loses Another one: ProFlowers Backs off Advertising on the misogynist’s show
- Why is the environmental movement not winning? Because of top-down management by funders
- Pat Buchanan Moves to Fox, Immediately Makes Birther Joke
- DOJ Opposes Florida Laws On Voter Registration Groups, Early Voting
- Police are linked to blacklist of construction workers
- On 'Wrecking Ball,' Bruce Springsteen takes aim at robber barons and bankers
- 9/11 REVISITED Was Saudi Arabia involved? t
- Russian Voters Allege Fraud
- Sixth Advertiser Drops Limbaugh Despite "Apology"
- Obama to AIPAC: 'Already There Is Too Much Loose Talk Of War' With Iran
- Is this SOPA, the sequel? The Texas congressman who sponsored SOPA now wants to give law enforcement power to seize personal Internet data without a warrant
- And the Winner of the Presidential Election Is...Putin! He's Even Crying a River Over It.
- Greg Palast: BP Settlement Sells Out Victims
- Watch Out: The Jeb Scenario
- Creative organizing at Walmart
- Rush Limbaugh Loses Another Sponsor
- Rahminated: "Protesters interrupted a celebration of Chicago’s 175th birthday Sunday at which Mayor Rahm Emanuel spoke by blasting his budget plan to close six mental health clinics, contending the plan will make it harder for people to get help and cost lives."
- Are the War Hawks Watching? In Lauded Iranian Film, Self-Interest Yields Tragedy
- Texas Farmer Takes On TransCanada
- A Propaganda Windfall for the Imperial State: Steven Pinker on the Decline of Violence
- Egypt: Drop the charges against Kamal Abbas
- Black Politics and the Establishment: An Interview With Charles E. Cobb, Jr.
- Send in the Clowns: Sarah "You Mean There Are Newspapers Every Day"Palin Endorses Republican Tea Party Goofball from Florida, Allan West
- PayPal Institutes Censorship of Some Reading Material Sold Through Their Sales System
- Romney Wins Washington State Caucuses
- Mitt Romney Has More Positions Than the Kama Sutra - Will Durst for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Libyan rebels cage black Africans in zoo, force feed them flags (SHOCK VIDEO)
- Un-Cheating Justice: Two Years Left to Prosecute Bush
- Stolen NASA Laptop Contained Commands For International Space Station
- Conflicting accounts over Afghan Koran burnings
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - Ode To Super Tuesday
- Santorum Acknowledges the Ultimate Irony of His Narrow Loss in Ohio
- Count Mittcula
- Who Said It? Mitt Romney or Mr. Burns?