Friday Fashion: The Past is the Present

The great Hollywood costume designer Orry-Kelly with Anne Sheridan.

Seraphic Secret likes to check out the latest fashions, scouting for beautiful but modest clothing. We don’t believe that women have to reveal acres of flesh in order to appear and feel attractive. In fact, the opposite. The more chaste the surface, the more mystery and depth.

This season, it’s kind of obvious that designers have been marinating in Hollywood movies. Everywhere we see ladylike silhouettes that bring to mind the irreverant slink of Jean Harlow, the confident stride of Carole Lombard, and the animal heat of Marlene Dietrich. Also making spectral appearances are Hitchcock’s tailored blondes: Tippi Hedrin, Kim Novak and Eva Marie Saint.

We’re delighted to report that scores of design houses are featuring elbow length leather gloves, a sure sign that those who make fashion are determined to revive the classic look of the proper and elegant lady who sweeps into a room—think Loretta Young—then tugs off her gloves a finger at a time before sitting down to tea.

As always we refuse to feature pants suits. They are never feminine, rarely flattering, and fall into that black hole of fashion inhabited by sad sights such as Hillary Clinton.

Here are a few looks that made us sit up say “Mazal Tov.”

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The Joy of Purim, 2012

Lielle Meital says: “Happy Purim to all our friends and relatives!”

Now, let’s step into a time machine and witness the joy of Purim in Tel Aviv, 1932:

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Purim for Catholics

Megillat Esther

Today is the Fast Of Purim. And tonight we read the Book of Esther.

Once upon a time, in the ancient Persian kingdom, there arose a government bureaucrat named Haman, a power-hungry Jew-hater who used the machinery of big government to contrive a genocide of the Jewish people. He told King Achashverosh that the Jews of his kingdom were different.

Here’s how Megillat Esther describes it:

After these events, King Achashverosh promoted Haman the son of Hamedasa, the Agagi, and raised his status, and made his position higher than all the other ministers who were with him. And all the king’s servants who were at the king’s palace gate were bowing down and prostrating themselves to Haman, for so the king had commanded regarding him, but Mordechai [the Jew] would not bow down or prostrate himself.

In every generation there arises a Haman who seeks to destroy the Jews. The ancient Jew-haters of Persia have again risen and this oldest of enmities is playing itself out on the international stage where nuclear weapons have replaced swords and spears.

One of the most interesting features of Megillat Esther is the absence of G-d’s name. This is to teach us that we must not count on miracles or heavenly deliverance.

The name Esther means hidden, which references Esther as a secret Jew in the King’s household, and the hidden hand of G-d.

It is proper that the Jewish people pray and fast, but ultimately we are the authors of our own fate. Thus, we must seize history by the throat and act vigorously in our own defence.

Governments will always seek to consolidate ever greater chunks of power. That is the nature of government as it is the nature of man. Jews and non-Jews must always be on guard against those who seek to curtail freedom in the name of allegedly free stuff—higher and ever higher taxes is the price for government entitelements.

Seraphic Secret strongly urges our friends in the Catholic community—actually, all our non-Jewish friends—to read The Book of Esther. Because at this very moment President Obama is asserting that Catholics are different.

And you are. You believe in a power higher than Obama.

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Obama on Israel: “I, I, I, and Furthermore I…”

In this morning’s Wall Street Journal, Bret Stephens analyzes President Obama’s deeply cynical speech to AIPAC.

In addition, Stephens points out that before becoming president, Obama’s mentors on Israel were radical Jewish leftists whose views of Israel are closely aligned with Islamic Jihad.

Like George Orwell, Seraphic Secret believes that language matters. Obama’s speech to AIPAC was filled with his trademark “I,” as in “I have your back.”

It should be: “America has your back.”

Setting aside the absolute zero which is at the heart of Obama’s promise, let us note that the first person narrative is a rhetorical device used by those in power to project a personal involvement. In this way, through a standard literary device, Obama casts himself as the protagonist in a heroic drama.

This is how dictators and totalitarians move the masses. It is how the cult of personality is established and maintained. The state—in this case America—becomes indistinguishable from the head of state. Remember, the German army took an oath of loyalty to Adolph Hitler, not to Germany. To the Chinese Mao was China and China was Mao. There is no Cuba without Castro.

America as a Republic, has resisted the monarchic worship of personality—until now.

The Obama cult of personality has been used as a deliberate strategy ever since he burst on the national scene. From the Socialist style “hope and change” poster to grade school children singing Obama’s praises, the Obama cult has become an invisible poison in the American body politic.

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“I’m Not Bluffing…” Seriously

“I think that the Israeli government recognizes that, as president of the United States, I don’t bluff….”

—Barack Obama

When I read this quote from Jeffrey Goldberg’s interview with president Obama I laughed out loud. For about five minutes.

First of all, let’s recognize that Goldberg was hand picked by the White House because Goldberg is a reliable democrat drone who will not challenge Obama on anything, much less Israel.

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The Audacity of Obama’s Hostility to the Jewish State

A fine exploration of Obama’s radical leftist view of Israel. Obama is a true and faithful disciple of Jeremiah Wright’s Jew-hating theology.

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Close Encounter Of A Breitbart Kind

Karen and I attended this 2011 Republican Jewish Coalition dinner in Beverly Hills where Andrew delivered a barn-burner of a speech.

There was no teleprompter. Andrew had no notes. He just got up on the stage and shmoozed with the audience. This talk is notable because Andrew identifies his Conservative awakening with a Reform rabbi so dopey, so liberal, that he delivered a pulpit speech in support of race-hustler Jesse Jackson in the immediate aftermath of Jackson’s ghastly Hymietown comment.

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After the speech, Andrew and I chatted for a few minutes. Graciously, Andrew thanked me for my contributions to Big Hollywood. And once again he talked about his plans to start Big Jerusalem, a website devoted to supporting Israel and unmasking the bias and Jew-hatred that infects the mainstream media. I told Andrew that I looked forward to writing for such an important endeavour.

I was amazed that Andrew took so much time to talk with me when there were important politicians and high-rollers waiting to have a word with him. Andrew smiled and laughed and seemed to have all the time in the world as he joked with me about the oh-so-tolerant Hollywood liberals who routinely make common cause with butchers like Castro, Chavez, and Ahmadinejad.

As Karen and I drove home I remember thinking to myself what a shame it was that our late son Ariel, a huge admirer of Dennis Prager, Larry Elder and Hugh Hewitt, never had the chance to meet Andrew.

But now, too soon, that encounter will take place.

Baruch Dayan Emet. Blessed be the true judge.

Karen and I wish all our friends and relatives a meaningful Shabbat.

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In Memoriam: Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)

Andrew Breitbart, z'l.

With great sadness Karen and I learned just a few minutes ago that Andrew Breitbart, 43, has passed away.

Andrew was going to be the featured speaker at this year’s Ariel Avrech Memorial Lecture this coming June. His topic: The Mainstram Media’s Betrayal of Israel.

It was a measure of this man’s goodness and generosity that when offered a speaker’s fee Andrew told us to donate the money to the charity of our choice.

Andrew was a friend, an American patriot, a proud Jew. Our shock and grief are deep.

To Andrew’s family:

Ha’makom yenahem etkhem betokh she’ar avelei Tziyon vi’Yerushalayim

May God console you among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

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65 Lies By President Obama

Tnere are two basic rules governing international politics:

1. Never invade Russia.

2. If Barack Obama’s lips are moving he’s lying.

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Israel Won’t Warn US of a Strike on Iran

The other day I spoke with one of the most important and politically influential Rabbis on the international scene. I asked him if he was going to the AIPAC conference in Washington D.C., March 4-6.

“Sure, I have to,” he said.

“And when President Obama appears are you going to give him a standing ovation?”

“Look, if I don’t the media will get hold of it and use it against us.”

“But how will you feel?”

The Rabbi shook his head and muttered: “Oy, vey.”

Jews and non-Jews who care about Israel view President Obama as a faithful disciple of radical leftism, an ideology that is uniquely hostile to the Jewish State.

And the Jewish State, facing an existential threat from Iran, also views President Obama through this lens and votes no-confidence.

Israeli officials say they won’t warn the U.S. if they decide to launch a pre-emptive strike against Iranian nuclear facilities, one U.S. intelligence official familiar with the discussions told the Associated Press. The pronouncement, delivered in a series of private, top-level conversations, sets a tense tone ahead of meetings in the coming days at the White House and Capitol Hill.

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