
Journalism in the Public Interest


Message Machine: Reverse Engineering an Obama Email Campaign

Campaigns are increasingly tailoring their messages using massive databases of personal information. Here are six variations of a Thursday night message from the Obama campaign.
Free, But Not Cleared: Ernie Lopez Comes Home

Free, But Not Cleared: Ernie Lopez Comes Home

Ponying Up: How Much Have Big Banks Been Docked for the Financial Crisis?

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Reverse-Engineering Obama’s Message Machine

How different are a campaign's emails to different voters? President Obama's re-election campaign tried at least six different messages sent on behalf of campaign deputy manager Julianna Smoot in an email blast last week.

Law School Clinic for Pardons Planned

Spurred by findings in a ProPublica investigation, former Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich pushes for a program to address inequities in the pardons process.

BP Settlement Leaves Most Complex Claims Unresolved

BP has agreed to pay $7.8 billion to compensate Gulf Coast residents damaged in a massive 2010 oil spill, but the company still faces a criminal investigation and a battery of state lawsuits and federal claims

NYC’s Anti-Profiling Law: ‘Not Worth Paper It’s Written On’

A law signed by Mayor Bloomberg bars profiling by police based on religion. So, why hasn’t there been an investigation of the NYPD’s surveillance of Muslims?

Top MuckReads: Internet Clones, AIG’s Tax-Fueled Profit and The Deadliest Place in Mexico

The most damning journalism of the past week.

Fed Shrugged Off Warnings, Let Banks Pay Shareholders Billions

In late 2010, a major regulator warned the Federal Reserve: Banks are not healthy enough to increase dividends, and the economy could implode again.

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New York Court Affirms Towns’ Powers to Ban Fracking

New York Court Affirms Towns’ Powers to Ban Fracking

New York communities gain new authority to determine who can frack in their town.

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Opaque redistricting groups are being quietly bankrolled by corporations, unions and others to influence redistricting. They aim to help political allies—and in the process they’re hurting voters.

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California Congresswoman’s Redistricting Shenanigans Catch Eye of Ethics Committee

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Free, But Not Cleared: Ernie Lopez Comes Home

Free, But Not Cleared: Ernie Lopez Comes Home

The case of an Amarillo man, released from prison last week, reflects a larger controversy over the reliability of scientific evidence in child death cases.

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What Do Republican Presidential Candidates Say on Foreclosure Crisis? Not Much.

What Do Republican Presidential Candidates Say on Foreclosure Crisis? Not Much.

Our guide to how the candidates say they would approach the housing crisis — when they speak about it at all.

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Dollars for Doctors

ProPublica is tracking the financial ties between doctors and medical companies.

40 Stories in the Series. Latest:

Allergan Erases Doctor Payment Records

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Law School Clinic for Pardons Planned

Law School Clinic for Pardons Planned

Spurred by findings in a ProPublica investigation, former Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich pushes for a program to address inequities in the pardons process.

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Financial Firm Fined for Misleading Investors on Magnetar Bets

Financial Firm Fined for Misleading Investors on Magnetar Bets

Yet another player, Boston’s State Street, is scrutinized over Magnetar deals and fined $5 million.

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